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Your query included: All accessions taxonomy genus name like Desmodium

View Observation Data

Selected item(s) below:

010992 IRFL 625Desmodium sandwicense E. Mey. 10.18730/FPZ33ILRI1984100105210992
12073 SME-13-12ADesmodium tortuosum (Sw.) DC. 10.18730/FZHKJ EthiopiaILRI1986COLLECTED01/11/198667 km from Chagne towards Pawe.11.06670000, 35.933300001100100106212073
2448 CF 157Desmodium cinereum (Kunth) DC. 10.18730/G4M97 BelizeILRI1982COLLECTED04/04/1975Central Farm, Baking Pot road just behind "rum shop", first houses N of sports field17.18330000, -89.0000000060100Esperanza soil series15893448
3649 CIAT 23138Desmodium tortuosum (Sw.) DC. 10.18730/G5TB4 TanzaniaILRI1985COLLECTED07/11/1985123 km from Same towards Lushoto 3 km from the junction to Lushoto on the escarpment.-4.84700000, 38.29300000600100*Somalia-Masai Acacia-Commiphora deciduous bushland and thicket17224649
4653 CIAT 23139Desmodium tortuosum (Sw.) DC. 10.18730/G5V1T TanzaniaILRI1985COLLECTED07/12/19853.7 km from Mlalo towards Tanga along a small stream with huge rocks-4.57060000, 38.370000001290100*Remnant of mountain forest17248653
5655 CIAT 23140Desmodium tortuosum (Sw.) DC. 10.18730/G5VBU TanzaniaILRI1985COLLECTED07/12/198510.8 km from Mlalo towards Tanga 11.4 km before Afugani Prison on the lower escarpment of N Eastern Usambara Mountains-4.57400000, 38.38760000880100*Mountain forest Combretum woodland.17259655
66765 'Silverleaf'Desmodium uncinatum (Jacq.) DC. 10.18730/G5ZDJILRI1982500174416765
76851 FAO 29653Desmodium intortum (Mill.) Urb. 10.18730/G61JDILRI1982100175196851
86990 G 701Desmodium sandwicense E. Mey. 10.18730/G64Q3ILRI1982100176476990
96991 G 1054Desmodium incanum (Sw.) DC. 10.18730/G64R4 ZimbabweILRI1982COLLECTED100176486991
10725 CIAT 23145Desmodium intortum (Mill.) Urb. 10.18730/G6A8* TanzaniaILRI1985COLLECTED07/21/198524.8 km from Iringa towards Sao Hills on a depression on the left side of the road.-7.95010000, 35.560000001820100*Drier Zambezian miombo woodland (dominated by Brachystegia Julbernardia).17870725
11739 SMT-040EDesmodium intortum (Mill.) Urb. 10.18730/G6DKW TanzaniaILRI1985COLLECTED07/11/198571.9 km from James corner towards Njambe 22.9 km from Makambako-8.99570000, 34.837400001890100*Brachystega woodland17989739
12757 CIAT 23149Desmodium salicifolium (Poir.) DC. 10.18730/G6FZY TanzaniaILRI1985COLLECTED07/24/198561.4 km from Songea towards Lake Nyasa 3.5 km before Kigonsera village near a small river.-10.77000000, 35.13000000960100*Wetter Zambezian miombo woodland (dominated by Brachystegia Julbernardia and Isoberlinia).18172757
137811 SME-5-57DDesmodium uncinatum (Jacq.) DC. 10.18730/G6QD9 EthiopiaILRINot Available1983COLLECTED01/28/1983934.5 km from Addis Ababa towards Weldiya via Bahir Dar 3.5 km before the town of Weldiya11.81670000, 39.566700002900100184417811
147830 SME-5-59IDesmodium sp. 10.18730/G6R1X EthiopiaILRINot Available1983COLLECTED01/28/1983503.7 km from Addis Ababa towards Weldya via Desse campus of Syrinka project collected around office and research plots11.75000000, 39.616700002880100*In good growth condition seeds were collected from several plants.184627830
15859 CIAT 23141Desmodium tortuosum (Sw.) DC. 10.18730/G7D0' TanzaniaILRI1985COLLECTED08/01/198510.5 km from Kyela towards Itungi port 2.3 km before Itungi port-9.60000000, 33.93000000560100*Wetter Zambezian miombo woodland (dominated by Brachystegia Julbernardia and Isoberlinia).19199859
169920 CIAT 33908Desmodium incanum (Sw.) DC. 10.18730/G86H0 ArgentinaILRI1983COLLECTED03/21/197714 km SW of S.S.de Jujuy-24.22000000, -65.820000001660100201469920
179922 CIAT 33599Desmodium affine Schltdl. 10.18730/G86K2 ArgentinaILRINot Available1983COLLECTED03/25/19772 km from Volcan on road to S.S.de Jujuy-23.95000000, -65.680000002100100201489922
189923 APG 49716Desmodium incanum (Sw.) DC. 10.18730/G86M3 ArgentinaILRI1983COLLECTED03/25/19772 km from Volcan on road to S.S.de Jujuy-23.95000000, -65.680000002100100201499923
191030 SMB-020Desmodium velutinum (Willd.) DC. 10.18730/FPC7W BurundiILRINot Available1986COLLECTED05/26/19866.25 km NE of Nyanza Lac-4.30000000, 29.66670000840100*Woody large inflorescens mainly immature3251030
2013190 CIAT 13886Desmodium tortuosum (Sw.) DC. 10.18730/FRYT7 KenyaILRI1984COLLECTED08/18/198431.8 km from Kissi towards Migori-0.85000000, 34.566700001450100327513190
2113252 CIAT 13887Desmodium tortuosum (Sw.) DC. 10.18730/FS0BK KenyaILRI1984COLLECTED08/24/1984Nyando river edge near Muhoroni sugar cane estate on the side of Kericho-Kisumu road-0.16670000, 34.150000001300100333513252
2213838 SMN-01DDesmodium salicifolium (Poir.) DC. 10.18730/FSGHK NigerILRINot Available1984COLLECTED10/17/1984151 km S of Niamey at the Park National du W du Niger 1 km W of Tapoa Hotel towards Mekrou River.12.46670000, 2.41670000270100390613838
23104 'Greenleaf'Desmodium intortum (Mill.) Urb. 10.18730/FPF28 AustraliaILRI1983COLLECTED500430104
2414547 CIAT 43478Desmodium intortum (Mill.) Urb. 10.18730/FSZ56 MexicoILRI1985COLLECTED11/04/198017 km NW of Teloloapan on road to C. Altamirano18.45000000, -99.966700001450100444114547
2514548 APG 48828Desmodium intortum (Mill.) Urb. 10.18730/FSZ67 MexicoILRI1985COLLECTED11/18/198010 km NE of Tejupilco-Temascaltep18.95000000, -100.133300001500100444214548
261044 SMB-030Desmodium sp. 10.18730/FPG78 BurundiILRI1986COLLECTED05/28/198614 km N of Bujumbura at cross roads on RIG 9 at Ferme de Randa-3.15000000, 29.38330000850100*Grazed but not intensively4731044
2715167 Desmodium intortum (Mill.) Urb. 10.18730/FTEVVILRI1986100501515167
2810043 SME-7-33ADesmodium salicifolium (Poir.) DC. 10.18730/FP40R EthiopiaILRI1984COLLECTED11/20/198349 km from Bedele towards Metu on the slope about 30 m before crossing Gerba river bridge.8.35000000, 36.0500000015601005210043
2915356 CIAT 13218Desmodium velutinum (Willd.) DC. 10.18730/FTMAH ThailandILRINot Available1986COLLECTED02/13/198283 km W of Nakhon Phanom towards Sakhon Nakhon, 50 km W of Kusuman17.22000000, 104.11000000210100520515356
3015490 Desmodium cinereum (Kunth) DC. 10.18730/FTRB=ILRI1987100Received as ""Desmodium ransonii"", not a published name, common name ""Rensoni533715490
3110046 SME-7-34ADesmodium salicifolium (Poir.) DC. 10.18730/FP43V EthiopiaILRI1984COLLECTED11/20/1983550 km from Addis Ababa towards Metu "Sibiro Doge" area 11.4 km before Yayu8.35000000, 36.0000000015601005510046
3210047 SME-7-34BDesmodium salicifolium (Poir.) DC. 10.18730/FP44W EthiopiaILRINot Available1984COLLECTED11/20/1983550 km from Addis Ababa towards Metu "Sibiro Doge" area 11.4 km before Yayu8.35000000, 36.0000000015001005610047
3316247 CIAT 33673Desmodium sp. 10.18730/FVE5Y MexicoILRINot Available1988COLLECTED10/09/198023 km from Guanajuto to Dolores Hidalgo21.08330000, -101.016700002300100608116247
3416248 CIAT 33593Desmodium intortum (Mill.) Urb. 10.18730/FVE6Z MexicoILRI1988COLLECTED11/15/198060 km from Mexico City on road to Cuernavaca19.06670000, -98.966700002300100Collected vegetatively and pot grown in Progresso.608216248
3516249 CIAT 43269Desmodium intortum (Mill.) Urb. 10.18730/FVE7* MexicoILRI1988COLLECTED11/04/198043 km from Mexico City on road to Oaxtepec19.13330000, -99.000000002550100608316249
3616250 CIAT 43284Desmodium intortum (Mill.) Urb. 10.18730/FVE8~ ColombiaILRI1988COLLECTED02/25/198131 km E of Palmira on road to El Tenerife3.64200000, -76.102000002450100Growing with Kikuyu grass.608416250
3716349 Desmodium tortuosum (Sw.) DC. 10.18730/FVGQ1ILRI1989100618316349
3816560 CIAT 33138Desmodium velutinum (Willd.) DC. 10.18730/FVM94 GhanaILRI1991COLLECTED6.68350000, -1.67680000256100633616560
3910597 SME-10-7ADesmodium tortuosum (Sw.) DC. 10.18730/FPMT7 EthiopiaILRINot Available1984COLLECTED04/30/1984376 km from Addis Ababa towards Gimbi , 300 m approximately from a bridge. 44.7 km from Nekemte9.03330000, 36.15000000138010064610597
40174 Desmodium tortuosum (Sw.) DC. 10.18730/FWDXA NigeriaILRI1982COLLECTED1007183174
4117806 MOK275Desmodium scorpiurus (Sw.) Poir. 10.18730/FWRHH NigeriaILRI1994COLLECTED12/06/199332 km from ILCA, 2 km from Bwuhu, 1km after bridge.10.53330000, 8.23330000580100Very lightly grazed.759417806
4217818 MOK290Desmodium velutinum (Willd.) DC. 10.18730/FWRSS NigeriaILRINot Available1994COLLECTED12/06/1993109 km from Kaduna, 7 km from Birnin Gwari.10.58330000, 7.16670000440100Not obviously grazed.760617818
4317827 MOK301Desmodium velutinum (Willd.) DC. 10.18730/FWS0* NigeriaILRINot Available1994COLLECTED12/06/1993155 km from Kaduna, 2 km frm Pandogari, 1 km from main road.10.38330000, 6.40000000400100Not obviously grazed. Habitats with strong human influence.761517827
4417837 MOK314Desmodium velutinum (Willd.) DC. 10.18730/FWS83 NigeriaILRI1994COLLECTED12/07/199338 km from Kontagora, 2 km from Ibeto, about 700m from main road up a track.10.41670000, 5.08330000330100Lightly grazed.762517837
4517884 MOK389Desmodium velutinum (Willd.) DC. 10.18730/FWSWQ NigeriaILRI1994COLLECTED12/09/199325 km after Bismin Yawi.11.03330000, 5.16670000210100Not obviously grazed.767217884
4617911 MOK426Desmodium velutinum (Willd.) DC. 10.18730/FWTA0 NigeriaILRINot Available1994COLLECTED12/10/199327 km from Kontagora, 23 km from crossroads, 7 km from Jfoi.10.66670000, 5.73330000360100Lightly grazed.770017911
4717949 MOK481Desmodium velutinum (Willd.) DC. 10.18730/FWTTG NigeriaILRI1994COLLECTED12/11/199310 km from Kigera, 42 km from New Bussa, 31 km from Wawa.10.03330000, 4.16670000330100Lightly grazed.773817949
4817979 MOK523Desmodium velutinum (Willd.) DC. 10.18730/FWVB~ NigeriaILRI1994COLLECTED01/12/199496 km from Pankshin, 58 km from crossraods, 2 km from Bashar in the direction of Nahibulala.9.36670000, 10.25000000400100Very lightly grazed.776817979
4918450 2261Desmodium salicifolium (Poir.) DC. 10.18730/FX893 TanzaniaILRI1995COLLECTED08/23/1991Uluguru Mountains. Up mountain directly above Morogoro at Morningside.-6.88300000, 37.666000001300100An erect woody perennial to 3 m high. Most pods shattered but a few left. In a dense patch.824418450
5010858 CIAT 33656Desmodium incanum (Sw.) DC. 10.18730/FPW3J ArgentinaILRI1984COLLECTED05/25/197720 km N of S.S.de Jujuy on road to Tumbaya-23.95760000, -65.33650000162010092510858
5110932 Desmodium ramosissimum 10.18730/FPXQ~ EthiopiaILRI1984COLLECTED8.73330000, 38.966700001800100[Species determined by Nat. Herbarium as D. cf. ramosissimum (Aug. '19); GRIN has D.r. as synonym of Grona ramosissima (G. Don) H. Ohashi & K. Ohashi]98910932

ILRI Germplasm Policy (excerpts)

The International Livestock research Institute (ILRI) maintains a collection of forage germplasm as a global public good. The material was acquired prior to the entry into force of the Convention on Biological Diversity; or if it was acquired after the entering into force of the Convention on Biological Diversity, it was obtained with the understanding that it was held in trust and could be made available for any agricultural research, breeding and training purposes under the terms and conditions set out in the agreement between the ILRI and FAO dated 26 October 1994. On 16 October 2006, ILRI signed an agreement with the Governing Body of the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (the Treaty) placing these in trust collections of Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (PGRFA) within the purview of the Treaty.

In accordance with this Agreement, all shipments of PGRFA of crops listed in Annex 1 to the Treaty (shipments of PGRFA under the Multilateral System) will be subject to the terms and conditions of the Standard Material Transfer Agreement (SMTA). In the event that the SMTA (attached) is used for the transfer of Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture other than those listed in Annex 1 of the Treaty: i) The references in the SMTA to the "Multilateral System" shall not be interpreted as limiting the application of the SMTA to Annex 1 Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture, and in the case of Article 6.2 of the SMTA shall mean "under this Agreement". ii) The reference in Article 6.11 and Annex 3 of the SMTA to "Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture belonging to the same crop, as set out in Annex 1 to the Treaty" shall be taken to mean "Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture belonging to the same crop".

The material is held in trust and the recipient has no rights to obtain Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs) on the material or related information. The recipient may utilize and conserve the material for research, breeding and training and may distribute it to other parties provided such parties accept the terms and conditions of the SMTA .

ILRI will provide forage seeds in small experimental quantities of between 1 and 20 grams without charge from the germplasm collection under the SMTA as appropriate for the crop as part of its policy of maximizing the utilization of material for research, breeding and training. Larger quantities sufficient to sow up to one quarter of a hectare of a limited number of promising accessions will require that requesters cover the costs of production and shipping.

ILRI makes no warranties as to the safety or title of the material, nor as to the accuracy or correctness of any passport or other data provided with the material. Neither does it make any warranties as to the quality, viability, or purity (genetic or mechanical) of the material being furnished. The phytosanitary condition of the material is warranted only as described in the attached phytosanitary certificate. The recipient assumes full responsibility for complying with the recipient nation’s quarantine and biosafety regulations and rules as to import or release of genetic material.