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Your query included: All accessions taxonomy genus name like Echinochloa

View Observation Data

Selected item(s) below:

02139 JH-5-12Echinochloa haploclada (Stapf) Stapf 10.18730/G0861 EthiopiaILRI1987COLLECTED01/23/198712 km from the junction of Mega-Moyale road on the way to Megado.3.95000000, 38.283300001500100*A patch of Echinochloa colona looking like an artificially planted area.113542139
17242 N 77293Echinochloa pyramidalis (Lam.) Hitchc. & Chase 10.18730/G6A2TILRINot Available1984100178627242
27742 SME-5-38AEchinochloa haploclada (Stapf) Stapf 10.18730/G6N9F EthiopiaILRI1983COLLECTED01/23/1983628 km from Addis Ababa towards Gonder 1 km before the town of Wereta Nursery site of the MOA Forestry Department10.88330000, 37.950000001860100183647742
38702 SME-4-39CEchinochloa haploclada (Stapf) Stapf 10.18730/G7GJ0 EthiopiaILRI1983COLLECTED12/26/1982523 km from Addis Ababa towards Gidole in the cotton state farm5.86670000, 37.483300001200100*Seeds were collected from population of plants.193258702
49684 SME-6-01DEchinochloa stagnina (Retz.) P. Beauv. 10.18730/G804H EthiopiaILRINot Available1984COLLECTED11/02/1983315 km from Addis Ababa to Baher Dar 15 km after Debre Markos, stream in Sentera plain 3km E of road10.38330000, 37.600000002300100*There is marked density of T. tembense in the area with some T. decorum scattered sample was taken from several plants199209684
512752 CIAT 16593Echinochloa haploclada (Stapf) Stapf 10.18730/FRM71 KenyaILRINot Available1984COLLECTED08/30/19848.1 km from Mariakani towards Mombasa 1.2 km left off the main road-3.81670000, 39.45000000220100*The typical coastal vegetation was observed with dense herb and coastal trees farm land growing maize and rice.285912752
612773 CIAT 16576Echinochloa haploclada (Stapf) Stapf 10.18730/FRMVN KenyaILRINot Available1984COLLECTED08/31/198438.8 km from Mombasa towards Malindi 32.3 km from Shimolatewa bridge-3.68330000, 39.8167000010100288212773
712790 CIAT 16627Echinochloa haploclada (Stapf) Stapf 10.18730/FRNB0 KenyaILRINot Available1984COLLECTED08/31/198489 km before Malindi on the Mombasa-Malindi road on rough road on the left side of the tarmac road past a river.-3.82990000, 39.80190000100100290112790
812821 CIAT 16628Echinochloa haploclada (Stapf) Stapf 10.18730/FRP8X KenyaILRINot Available1984COLLECTED09/01/198447.2 km from Malindi towards Garson-2.80000000, 40.150000006100293612821
912828 CIAT 16629Echinochloa haploclada (Stapf) Stapf 10.18730/FRPE= KenyaILRINot Available1984COLLECTED09/01/198417.7 km from Garson towards Lamu2.28330000, 40.2667000030100*Bush fire affected resistant tuberous plants common.294312828
1012839 CIAT 16631Echinochloa haploclada (Stapf) Stapf 10.18730/FRPS9 KenyaILRI1984COLLECTED09/01/198411 km from Witu and 55.9 km before Makowe on the Garson-Lamu road-2.36670000, 40.5167000035100295512839
1112931 CIAT 16633Echinochloa haploclada (Stapf) Stapf 10.18730/FRSHQ KenyaILRI1984COLLECTED09/04/19849 km before Lungalunga on the Ramisi-Lungalunga road-4.01670000, 39.1833000060100305812931
1213443 CIAT 16234Echinochloa haploclada (Stapf) Stapf 10.18730/FS55S EthiopiaILRI1984COLLECTED10/26/198426 km SE of Negele towards Filtu5.21670000, 39.766700001650100*Leaves with dark stripes.351113443
1313567 CIAT 16287Echinochloa haploclada (Stapf) Stapf 10.18730/FS8PV EthiopiaILRI1984COLLECTED11/10/19845 km S of Fafem village along Fafem river9.20000000, 42.630000001400100*Dominating grass at the site.363513567
1413791 CIAT 16429Echinochloa pyramidalis (Lam.) Hitchc. & Chase 10.18730/FSF5C EthiopiaILRINot Available1985COLLECTED12/06/19843 km N of Gorgora towards Azezo12.30000000, 37.216700001850100385913791
1513846 SMN-03CEchinochloa stagnina (Retz.) P. Beauv. 10.18730/FSGPR NigerILRINot Available1984COLLECTED10/18/1984158.9 km S of Niamey at the Park National du W du Niger 8.9 km SW of Tapoa Hotel.12.41670000, 2.38330000260100391413846
1613886 SMN-18CEchinochloa sp. 10.18730/FSH85 NigerILRINot Available1984COLLECTED11/11/19845 km E of Tapoa Hotel near Mekrou River12.25600000, 2.39100000270100395413886
1713902 SMN-23GEchinochloa pyramidalis (Lam.) Hitchc. & Chase 10.18730/FSHHE NigerILRINot Available1984COLLECTED11/12/198418.6 km from Tapoa down the course of Niger River Gungu Makoni area.12.50000000, 2.55000000200100397113902
1813933 SMN-39BEchinochloa pyramidalis (Lam.) Hitchc. & Chase 10.18730/FSJ6= NigerILRI1984COLLECTED11/24/198477 km from Zinder going S-wards to Dogo and Magaria areas 6.3 km from the junction at a bridge S of the main road13.40000000, 9.05000000420100400213933
1913937 SMN-40CEchinochloa sp. 10.18730/FSJA2 NigerILRINot Available1984COLLECTED11/28/1984Diffa irrigated rice farm13.70000000, 13.31000000320100400613937
2015407 Echinochloa pyramidalis (Lam.) Hitchc. & Chase 10.18730/FTNXZ EthiopiaILRINot Available1987COLLECTED01/1986DA station Woreda Jari11.59000000, 40.000000001600100high palatable resistance to draught & water-logging. No disease is caused by this plant.Collected in December 1986525715407
2115696 MLI 031Echinochloa stagnina (Retz.) P. Beauv. 10.18730/FTY4= MaliILRI1988COLLECTED12/18/198712 km SW Youvarou15.21670000, -4.21670000260100Seed collected from Medicin Sans frontier.Collected from the Debo region in October at that stage the drainage impeded.552715696
2215727 TCD 017Echinochloa pyramidalis (Lam.) Hitchc. & Chase 10.18730/FTYZS ChadILRI1988COLLECTED10/21/198750 km Abourda NE to Ngolo at edge of Lac Fitri12.66670000, 17.50000000350100Brachiaria still flowering. Oryza still vegetative. No flowers on Pennisetum purpureum. On dry Island555915727
2315728 TCD 029Echinochloa pyramidalis (Lam.) Hitchc. & Chase 10.18730/FTZ0T ChadILRINot Available1988COLLECTED10/23/19874 km Djedda E at Al Mougran13.50000000, 18.66670000400100556015728
2415729 TCD 082Echinochloa pyramidalis (Lam.) Hitchc. & Chase 10.18730/FTZ1V ChadILRI1988COLLECTED11/12/198715 km Kalal NE12.83330000, 14.83330000330100556115729
2515730 TCD 021Echinochloa stagnina (Retz.) P. Beauv. 10.18730/FTZ2W ChadILRI1988COLLECTED10/22/198713 km AM Ndjamena Bilala SE to Yao13.00000000, 17.33330000350100Collected in 1987556215730
2615731 TCD 113Echinochloa stagnina (Retz.) P. Beauv. 10.18730/FTZ3X ChadILRINot Available1988COLLECTED11/19/198723 km Doubali S to Massenya11.66670000, 16.00000000350100556315731
2715732 TCD 120Echinochloa stagnina (Retz.) P. Beauv. 10.18730/FTZ4Y ChadILRINot Available1988COLLECTED11/27/1987112 km Kyabe NE to AM Timan10.00000000, 19.66670000430100556415732
2815973 'Siberian'Echinochloa frumentacea Link 10.18730/FV6NCILRI1987500580515973
2916030 22Echinochloa stagnina (Retz.) P. Beauv. 10.18730/FV8BX MaliILRINot Available1988COLLECTED12/28/1987ILCA site 15; Gossi lake (Wartafout)15.73330000, -1.31670000279100586316030
3016031 Echinochloa stagnina (Retz.) P. Beauv. 10.18730/FV8CY MaliILRI1988COLLECTEDMopti area14.50410000, -4.20000000265100586416031
3116040 Echinochloa stagnina (Retz.) P. Beauv. 10.18730/FV8N2 MaliILRI1988COLLECTED100587316040
3210807 Echinochloa turneriana (Domin) J. M. Black 10.18730/FPTRCILRINot Available1984100To germinate : Treat with 10% H2 S04 for 5 mins87310807
3320002 CPI 108990Echinochloa crus-galli (L.) P. Beauv. 10.18730/FYRP=ILRINot Available2002100981420002
3420003 CPI 33113Echinochloa haploclada (Stapf) Stapf 10.18730/FYRQU KenyaILRINot Available2002COLLECTEDMARSABIT2.33320000, 37.982500001424100981520003
3520005 CPI 115794Echinochloa pyramidalis (Lam.) Hitchc. & Chase 10.18730/FYRS1 ZimbabweILRINot Available2002COLLECTED02/24/198715KM.S MUTORASHANGA - CAESAR MINE-17.25000000, 30.683300001600100Serpentine soil981720005
3620009 CPI 54744Echinochloa pyramidalis (Lam.) Hitchc. & Chase 10.18730/FYRX5 ChadILRI2002COLLECTED100982120009
3720010 CPI 89243Echinochloa pyramidalis (Lam.) Hitchc. & Chase 10.18730/FYRZ7 MaliILRINot Available2002COLLECTEDNIONO14.30000000, -5.98330000421100982320010
3820011 CPI 121771Echinochloa sp. 10.18730/FYS08 LesothoILRI2002COLLECTED01/24/198914.5 KM NE BUTHA-BUTHE MOKHOUTLONG, T`OFF-MANONTSO-28.71300000, 28.372000001750100Roadside ditch,degraded hillsd982420011
3920012 CPI 122279Echinochloa sp. 10.18730/FYS19 MaliILRI2002COLLECTED10/09/198622KM W DIDIENI NEAR KOLOKANI TOWARDS DIARRAABOUEOU14.01670000, -8.28330000310100Edge of rice fields some grazg982520012
4020013 CPI 122570Echinochloa sp. 10.18730/FYS2A MaliILRI2002COLLECTED10/01/1987TIRNA WET BORDERS OF LAC TANDA SITE02615.71670000, -4.75000000267100982620013
4120014 CPI 122571Echinochloa sp. 10.18730/FYS3B MaliILRI2002COLLECTEDTIRNA WET BORDERS OF LAC TANDA SITE 02615.70000000, -4.75000000265100982720014
4220015 CPI 122572Echinochloa sp. 10.18730/FYS4C MaliILRI2002COLLECTED12/18/198712KM W YOUVAROU SITE023 MAP REF.SA(DEBO) ND-30-XX15.36670000, -4.40000000270100Bozo camp982820015
4320016 CPI 37675Echinochloa sp. 10.18730/FYS5D ArgentinaILRI2002COLLECTED02/18/1965SALTA - YACUIBA-22.05600000, -63.69100000583100982920016
4420017 CPI 38475Echinochloa sp. 10.18730/FYS6E PeruILRI2002COLLECTED03/12/196512KM.LA MERCED - OXAPAMPA-10.93470000, -75.29060000750100983020017
4520018 CPI 59844Echinochloa stagnina (Retz.) P. Beauv. 10.18730/FYS7F MalawiILRINot Available2002COLLECTED02/12/1972CHIKWAWA-16.02310000, 34.7852000060100Thorn scrub983120018
4620019 CQ 1703Echinochloa turneriana (Domin) J. M. Black 10.18730/FYS8G AustraliaILRI2002COLLECTED100983220019
4720020 CQ 3450Echinochloa turneriana (Domin) J. M. Black 10.18730/FYSAJILRI2002100983420020
4820021 Q 24727Echinochloa turneriana (Domin) J. M. Black 10.18730/FYSBKILRI2002100983520021

ILRI Germplasm Policy (excerpts)

The International Livestock research Institute (ILRI) maintains a collection of forage germplasm as a global public good. The material was acquired prior to the entry into force of the Convention on Biological Diversity; or if it was acquired after the entering into force of the Convention on Biological Diversity, it was obtained with the understanding that it was held in trust and could be made available for any agricultural research, breeding and training purposes under the terms and conditions set out in the agreement between the ILRI and FAO dated 26 October 1994. On 16 October 2006, ILRI signed an agreement with the Governing Body of the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (the Treaty) placing these in trust collections of Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (PGRFA) within the purview of the Treaty.

In accordance with this Agreement, all shipments of PGRFA of crops listed in Annex 1 to the Treaty (shipments of PGRFA under the Multilateral System) will be subject to the terms and conditions of the Standard Material Transfer Agreement (SMTA). In the event that the SMTA (attached) is used for the transfer of Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture other than those listed in Annex 1 of the Treaty: i) The references in the SMTA to the "Multilateral System" shall not be interpreted as limiting the application of the SMTA to Annex 1 Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture, and in the case of Article 6.2 of the SMTA shall mean "under this Agreement". ii) The reference in Article 6.11 and Annex 3 of the SMTA to "Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture belonging to the same crop, as set out in Annex 1 to the Treaty" shall be taken to mean "Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture belonging to the same crop".

The material is held in trust and the recipient has no rights to obtain Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs) on the material or related information. The recipient may utilize and conserve the material for research, breeding and training and may distribute it to other parties provided such parties accept the terms and conditions of the SMTA .

ILRI will provide forage seeds in small experimental quantities of between 1 and 20 grams without charge from the germplasm collection under the SMTA as appropriate for the crop as part of its policy of maximizing the utilization of material for research, breeding and training. Larger quantities sufficient to sow up to one quarter of a hectare of a limited number of promising accessions will require that requesters cover the costs of production and shipping.

ILRI makes no warranties as to the safety or title of the material, nor as to the accuracy or correctness of any passport or other data provided with the material. Neither does it make any warranties as to the quality, viability, or purity (genetic or mechanical) of the material being furnished. The phytosanitary condition of the material is warranted only as described in the attached phytosanitary certificate. The recipient assumes full responsibility for complying with the recipient nation’s quarantine and biosafety regulations and rules as to import or release of genetic material.