
Taxonomic Information on Cultivated Plants in GRIN-Global

Content of GRIN-Global Taxonomy

Several types of data records are contained in GRIN-Global Taxonomy. These include accepted or synonymic scientific names, common names, geographical distributions, literature references, and economic importance. Each of these is discussed below, and the number of records currently in GRIN-Global relating to each type is indicated.

Scientific Names

Accepted name records are searchable at the level of family and genus or species and infraspecies. The generic records include a listing of of names for 14,437 accepted vascular plant genera in the world and an additional 13,118 synonym generic names. For each genus, the author is cited in accordance with Articles 46–50 of the ICN (McNeill et al., 2012), and conserved or rejected names are indicated. The family to which each genus is assigned is provided, and any alternative family classifications in current use are indicated. For genera whose acceptance is doubtful or disputed, an alternatively accepted genus may be indicated. Many genera are provided with literature references in GRIN-Global documenting their acceptance or family placement, a recent taxonomic revision or monograph, or recent molecular-based phylogenetic study of the genus. Nomenclatural comments are provided for problematic genera. An increasing number of genera [116] (and families [96]) now have infrageneric (or infrafamilial) classification data present in GRIN, with the subordinate species (or genera) linked to the appropriate infrageneric (or infrafamilial) category. The generic and family data in GRIN were originally derived from USDA Technical Bulletin 1796 (Gunn et al., 1992), Families and genera of spermatophytes recognized by the Agricultural Research Service. Generic and family concepts in that publication were formulated with the aid of over 200 taxonomic specialists. Since that publication appeared, family and generic data continue to be regularly updated from current literature, and have been expanded to include pteridophytes. Currently, family names follow the Angiosperm Phylogeny Group IV system.

Species and subspecific records now total 66,699 accepted and 53,654 synonym names in GRIN-Global. Binomials (94,742), trinomials (25,574), and quadrinomials (310) are included among these. All such names are assigned a unique identifying number in GRIN-Global, the nomen number or "taxno." Names can be queried using these numbers in GRIN-Global Taxonomy's simple query option. The inclusion of infraspecific names for a given species is selective and not necessarily exhaustive. Each name at whatever rank is accompanied by author and place of original publication. Comments relating to nomenclatural matters, parentage for hybrid taxa, or alternative Group names under the cultivated code (Brickell et al., 2016) are provided for many names. Author abbreviations conform to the international standard reference Authors of Plant Names (Brummitt and Powell, 1992) and its updated on-line version. Nonserial botanical works (pre-1950) have been abbreviated according to the standard reference Taxonomic Literature (Stafleu and Cowan, 1976-1988) and its supplements (Stafleu and Mennega, 1992-2000; Dorr and Nicolson, 2008-2009), and publication dates have been verified using that work. Serial publications are abbreviated according to Botanico-Periodicum-Huntianum, its Supplementum (Lawrence et al., 1968; Bridson and Smith, 1991), and BPH-2 (Bridson et al., 2004).

Each nomenclature record, as well as most other record types, contains the date of the most recent modification. Since a change could be strictly editorial, a special field also indicates if the name itself has been verified recently. Usage of GRIN-Global taxonomic information should be confined to records which have been verified. Currently all generic names and about 96% of species and infraspecific names meet this criterion. Since revisions of GRIN-Global Taxonomy formerly proceeded on a family-by-family basis, certain families are more thoroughly treated than others, particularly those with important crop genera. An example is the Fabaceae, for which the GRIN-Global data were extensively reviewed and published as USDA Technical Bulletin 1757, Legume (Fabaceae) nomenclature in the USDA germplasm system (Wiersema et al., 1990).

ILRI Germplasm Policy (excerpts)

The International Livestock research Institute (ILRI) maintains a collection of forage germplasm as a global public good. The material was acquired prior to the entry into force of the Convention on Biological Diversity; or if it was acquired after the entering into force of the Convention on Biological Diversity, it was obtained with the understanding that it was held in trust and could be made available for any agricultural research, breeding and training purposes under the terms and conditions set out in the agreement between the ILRI and FAO dated 26 October 1994. On 16 October 2006, ILRI signed an agreement with the Governing Body of the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (the Treaty) placing these in trust collections of Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (PGRFA) within the purview of the Treaty.

In accordance with this Agreement, all shipments of PGRFA of crops listed in Annex 1 to the Treaty (shipments of PGRFA under the Multilateral System) will be subject to the terms and conditions of the Standard Material Transfer Agreement (SMTA). In the event that the SMTA (attached) is used for the transfer of Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture other than those listed in Annex 1 of the Treaty: i) The references in the SMTA to the "Multilateral System" shall not be interpreted as limiting the application of the SMTA to Annex 1 Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture, and in the case of Article 6.2 of the SMTA shall mean "under this Agreement". ii) The reference in Article 6.11 and Annex 3 of the SMTA to "Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture belonging to the same crop, as set out in Annex 1 to the Treaty" shall be taken to mean "Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture belonging to the same crop".

The material is held in trust and the recipient has no rights to obtain Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs) on the material or related information. The recipient may utilize and conserve the material for research, breeding and training and may distribute it to other parties provided such parties accept the terms and conditions of the SMTA .

ILRI will provide forage seeds in small experimental quantities of between 1 and 20 grams without charge from the germplasm collection under the SMTA as appropriate for the crop as part of its policy of maximizing the utilization of material for research, breeding and training. Larger quantities sufficient to sow up to one quarter of a hectare of a limited number of promising accessions will require that requesters cover the costs of production and shipping.

ILRI makes no warranties as to the safety or title of the material, nor as to the accuracy or correctness of any passport or other data provided with the material. Neither does it make any warranties as to the quality, viability, or purity (genetic or mechanical) of the material being furnished. The phytosanitary condition of the material is warranted only as described in the attached phytosanitary certificate. The recipient assumes full responsibility for complying with the recipient nation’s quarantine and biosafety regulations and rules as to import or release of genetic material.

Software Disclaimer

This software was created by USDA/ARS, with Bioversity International coordinating testing and feedback from the international genebank community. Development was supported financially by USDA/ARS and by a major grant from the Global Crop Diversity Trust. This statement by USDA does not imply approval of these enterprises to the exclusion of others which might also be suitable.

USDA dedicates this software to the public, anyone may use, copy, modify, publish, distribute, perform publicly and display publicly this software. Notice of this access as well as the other paragraphs in this notice shall be included in all copies or modifications of this software.

This software application has not been tested or otherwise examined for suitability for implementation on, or compatibility with, any other computer systems. USDA does not warrant, either explicitly or implicitly, that this software program will not cause damage to the user’s computer or computer operating system, nor does USDA warrant, either explicitly or implicitly, the effectiveness of the software application.

The English text above shall take precedence in the event of any inconsistencies between the English text and any translation of this notice.

Last updated: 10 June, 2021