
Genera and generic subdivisons of Poaceae Barnhart, nom. cons.: Cynodonteae
Accepted Names
Exclude infrageneric names

Acrachne Wight & Arn. ex Chiov. a Acrachne Wight & Arn. ex Chiov.
Acroxis Steud., nom. inval. Muhlenbergia Schreb. Acroxis Steud., nom. inval. Muhlenbergia Schreb.
Actinochloa Roem. & Schult. Bouteloua Lag. Actinochloa Roem. & Schult. Bouteloua Lag.
Actinochloris Steud., nom. inval. Chloris Sw. Actinochloris Steud., nom. inval. Chloris Sw.
Aegopogon Humb. & Bonpl. ex Willd. a Aegopogon Humb. & Bonpl. ex Willd.
Aelbroeckia De Moor Aeluropus Trin. Aelbroeckia De Moor Aeluropus Trin.
Aeluropus Trin. a Aeluropus Trin.
Afrotrichloris Chiov. a Afrotrichloris Chiov.
Agrostomia Cerv. Chloris Sw. Agrostomia Cerv. Chloris Sw.
Alloiatheros Raf. Gymnopogon P. Beauv. Alloiatheros Raf. Gymnopogon P. Beauv.
Allolepis Soderstr. & H. F. Decker a Allolepis Soderstr. & H. F. Decker
Anoplia Steud., nom. inval. Leptochloa P. Beauv. Anoplia Steud., nom. inval. Leptochloa P. Beauv.
Anthipsimus Raf. Muhlenbergia Schreb. Anthipsimus Raf. Muhlenbergia Schreb.
Anthopogon Nutt. Gymnopogon P. Beauv. Anthopogon Nutt. Gymnopogon P. Beauv.
Antichloa Steud., nom. inval. Bouteloua Lag. Antichloa Steud., nom. inval. Bouteloua Lag.
Antonella Caro Tridens Roem. & Schult. Antonella Caro Tridens Roem. & Schult.
Aplocera Raf., nom. inval. Ctenium Panz. Aplocera Raf., nom. inval. Ctenium Panz.
Apochiton C. E. Hubb. a Apochiton C. E. Hubb.
Apogon Steud., nom. inval. Chloris Sw. Apogon Steud., nom. inval. Chloris Sw.
Arcangelina Kuntze Tripogon Roem. & Schult. Arcangelina Kuntze Tripogon Roem. & Schult.
Aristidium (Endl.) Lindl. Bouteloua Lag. Aristidium (Endl.) Lindl. Bouteloua Lag.
Arthrochlaena Benth., nom. inval. Sclerodactylon Stapf Arthrochlaena Benth., nom. inval. Sclerodactylon Stapf
Arthrochloa J. W. Lorch Acrachne Wight & Arn. ex Chiov. Arthrochloa J. W. Lorch Acrachne Wight & Arn. ex Chiov.
Astrebla F. Muell. ex Benth. a Astrebla F. Muell. ex Benth.
Atherophora Steud., nom. inval. Aegopogon Humb. & Bonpl. ex Willd. Atherophora Steud., nom. inval. Aegopogon Humb. & Bonpl. ex Willd.
Atheropogon Muhl. ex Willd. Bouteloua Lag. Atheropogon Muhl. ex Willd. Bouteloua Lag.
Austrochloris Lazarides a Austrochloris Lazarides
Baldomiria Herter Leptochloa P. Beauv. Baldomiria Herter Leptochloa P. Beauv.
Bealia Scribn. a Bealia Scribn.
Bewsia Gooss. a Bewsia Gooss.
Biatherium Desv. Gymnopogon P. Beauv. Biatherium Desv. Gymnopogon P. Beauv.
Blepharidachne Hack. a Blepharidachne Hack.
Blepharoneuron Nash a Blepharoneuron Nash
Botelua Lag., orth. var. Bouteloua Lag. Botelua Lag., orth. var. Bouteloua Lag.
Bouteloua Lag. a Bouteloua Lag.
Bouteloua Lag. sect. Barbata a i Bouteloua Lag. sect. Barbata
Bouteloua Lag. sect. Bouteloua a i Bouteloua Lag. sect. Bouteloua
Bouteloua Lag. sect. Buchloe a i Bouteloua Lag. sect. Buchloe
Bouteloua Lag. sect. Chondrosum a i Bouteloua Lag. sect. Chondrosum
Bouteloua Lag. sect. Cyclostachya a i Bouteloua Lag. sect. Cyclostachya
Bouteloua Lag. sect. Hirsuta a i Bouteloua Lag. sect. Hirsuta
Bouteloua Lag. sect. Hirsuta subs. Eriopoda a i Bouteloua Lag. sect. Hirsuta subs. Eriopoda
Bouteloua Lag. sect. Hirsuta subs. Hirsuta a i Bouteloua Lag. sect. Hirsuta subs. Hirsuta
Bouteloua Lag. sect. Opizia a i Bouteloua Lag. sect. Opizia
Bouteloua Lag. sect. Triathera a i Bouteloua Lag. sect. Triathera
Bouteloua Lag. sect. Trifida a i Bouteloua Lag. sect. Trifida
Brachyachne (Benth.) Stapf a Brachyachne (Benth.) Stapf
Brachychloa S. M. Phillips a Brachychloa S. M. Phillips
Bracteola Swallen, nom. inval. Chrysochloa Swallen Bracteola Swallen, nom. inval. Chrysochloa Swallen
Buchloe Engelm. Bouteloua Lag. Buchloe Engelm. Bouteloua Lag.
Buchlomimus Reeder et al. Bouteloua Lag. Buchlomimus Reeder et al. Bouteloua Lag.
Bulbilis Raf. ex Kuntze Bouteloua Lag. Bulbilis Raf. ex Kuntze Bouteloua Lag.
Calamochloa E. Fourn. Sohnsia Airy Shaw Calamochloa E. Fourn. Sohnsia Airy Shaw
Calanthera Hook., nom. inval. Bouteloua Lag. Calanthera Hook., nom. inval. Bouteloua Lag.
Calycodon Nutt. Muhlenbergia Schreb. Calycodon Nutt. Muhlenbergia Schreb.
Campuloa Desv., orth. var. Ctenium Panz. Campuloa Desv., orth. var. Ctenium Panz.
Campulosus Desv. Ctenium Panz. Campulosus Desv. Ctenium Panz.
Camusia J. W. Lorch Acrachne Wight & Arn. ex Chiov. Camusia J. W. Lorch Acrachne Wight & Arn. ex Chiov.
Capriola Adans. Cynodon Rich. Capriola Adans. Cynodon Rich.
Casiostega Galeotti, nom. inval. Bouteloua Lag. Casiostega Galeotti, nom. inval. Bouteloua Lag.
Cathestecum J. Presl Bouteloua Lag. Cathestecum J. Presl Bouteloua Lag.
Chaboissaea E. Fourn. a Chaboissaea E. Fourn.
Chaetostichium C. E. Hubb. Oropetium Trin. Chaetostichium C. E. Hubb. Oropetium Trin.
Chamaedactylis T. Nees Aeluropus Trin. Chamaedactylis T. Nees Aeluropus Trin.
Chloridopsis Hack., nom. inval. Trichloris E. Fourn. ex Benth. Chloridopsis Hack., nom. inval. Trichloris E. Fourn. ex Benth.
Chloris Sw. a Chloris Sw.
Chloroides Regel, nom. inval. Eustachys Desv. Chloroides Regel, nom. inval. Eustachys Desv.
Chloropsis Hack. ex Kuntze Trichloris E. Fourn. ex Benth. Chloropsis Hack. ex Kuntze Trichloris E. Fourn. ex Benth.
Chlorostis Raf. Chloris Sw. Chlorostis Raf. Chloris Sw.
Chondrosum Desv. Bouteloua Lag. Chondrosum Desv. Bouteloua Lag.
Chrysochloa Swallen a Chrysochloa Swallen
Cleistogenes Keng a Cleistogenes Keng
Cleomena Roem. & Schult., orth. var. Muhlenbergia Schreb. Cleomena Roem. & Schult., orth. var. Muhlenbergia Schreb.
Clomena P. Beauv. Muhlenbergia Schreb. Clomena P. Beauv. Muhlenbergia Schreb.
Codonachne Steud., nom. inval. Tetrapogon Desf. Codonachne Steud., nom. inval. Tetrapogon Desf.
Coelachyropsis Bor Coelachyrum Hochst. & Nees Coelachyropsis Bor Coelachyrum Hochst. & Nees
Coelachyrum Hochst. & Nees a Coelachyrum Hochst. & Nees
Coelochloa Steud., nom. inval. Coelachyrum Hochst. & Nees Coelochloa Steud., nom. inval. Coelachyrum Hochst. & Nees
Craspedorhachis Benth. a Craspedorhachis Benth.
Crossotropis Stapf Trichoneura Andersson Crossotropis Stapf Trichoneura Andersson
Crypsinna E. Fourn. Muhlenbergia Schreb. Crypsinna E. Fourn. Muhlenbergia Schreb.
Cryptochloris Benth. Tetrapogon Desf. Cryptochloris Benth. Tetrapogon Desf.
Ctenium Panz. a Ctenium Panz.
Cyclostachya Reeder & C. Reeder Bouteloua Lag. Cyclostachya Reeder & C. Reeder Bouteloua Lag.
Cynodon Rich. a Cynodon Rich.
Cypholepis Chiov. a Cypholepis Chiov.
Dactilon Vill. Cynodon Rich. Dactilon Vill. Cynodon Rich.
Dactyloctenium Willd. a Dactyloctenium Willd.
Dactylogramma Link Muhlenbergia Schreb. Dactylogramma Link Muhlenbergia Schreb.
Dactylus Asch., orth. var. Cynodon Rich. Dactylus Asch., orth. var. Cynodon Rich.
Daknopholis Clayton a Daknopholis Clayton
Dasyochloa Willd. ex Rydb. a Dasyochloa Willd. ex Rydb.
Davyella Hack. Neostapfia Burtt Davy Davyella Hack. Neostapfia Burtt Davy
Desmostachya (Stapf) Stapf a Desmostachya (Stapf) Stapf
Diachroa Nutt. Leptochloa P. Beauv. Diachroa Nutt. Leptochloa P. Beauv.
Diacisperma Kuntze Leptochloa P. Beauv. Diacisperma Kuntze Leptochloa P. Beauv.
Dignathia Stapf a Dignathia Stapf
Dilepyrum Michx. Muhlenbergia Schreb. Dilepyrum Michx. Muhlenbergia Schreb.
Dinebra Jacq. a Dinebra Jacq.
Diplachne P. Beauv. a Diplachne P. Beauv.
Diplocea Raf. Triplasis P. Beauv. Diplocea Raf. Triplasis P. Beauv.
Disakisperma Steud. a Disakisperma Steud.
Distichlis Raf. a Distichlis Raf.
Doellochloa Kuntze Gymnopogon P. Beauv. Doellochloa Kuntze Gymnopogon P. Beauv.
Drake-brockmania Stapf Dinebra Jacq. Drake-brockmania Stapf Dinebra Jacq.
Echinanthus Cerv. Tragus Haller Echinanthus Cerv. Tragus Haller
Ectosperma Swallen Swallenia Soderstr. & H. F. Decker Ectosperma Swallen Swallenia Soderstr. & H. F. Decker
Eleusine Gaertn. a Eleusine Gaertn.
Enteropogon Nees a Enteropogon Nees
Epicampes J. Presl Muhlenbergia Schreb. Epicampes J. Presl Muhlenbergia Schreb.
Eragrostiella Bor a Eragrostiella Bor
Eremochloe S. Watson Blepharidachne Hack. Eremochloe S. Watson Blepharidachne Hack.
Erioneuron Nash a Erioneuron Nash
Erucaria Cerv. Bouteloua Lag. Erucaria Cerv. Bouteloua Lag.
Eufournia Reeder Sohnsia Airy Shaw Eufournia Reeder Sohnsia Airy Shaw
Eustachys Desv. a Eustachys Desv.
Eutriana Trin. Bouteloua Lag. Eutriana Trin. Bouteloua Lag.
Farrago Clayton a Farrago Clayton
Fibichia Koeler Cynodon Rich. Fibichia Koeler Cynodon Rich.
Fourniera Scribn. Bouteloua Lag. Fourniera Scribn. Bouteloua Lag.
Geopogon Steud., nom. inval. Chloris Sw. Geopogon Steud., nom. inval. Chloris Sw.
Gossweilerochloa Renvoize Tridens Roem. & Schult. Gossweilerochloa Renvoize Tridens Roem. & Schult.
Gouinia E. Fourn. a Gouinia E. Fourn.
Gracilea J. Koenig ex Hook. f. Melanocenchris Nees Gracilea J. Koenig ex Hook. f. Melanocenchris Nees
Griffithsochloa G. J. Pierce Bouteloua Lag. Griffithsochloa G. J. Pierce Bouteloua Lag.
Gymnopogon P. Beauv. a Gymnopogon P. Beauv.
Hackelia Vasey, nom. inval. Gouinia E. Fourn. Hackelia Vasey, nom. inval. Gouinia E. Fourn.
Halochloa Griseb. Monanthochloe Engelm. Halochloa Griseb. Monanthochloe Engelm.
Halopyrum Stapf a Halopyrum Stapf
Harpochloa Kunth a Harpochloa Kunth
Hemimunroa Parodi Munroa Torr. Hemimunroa Parodi Munroa Torr.
Heterocarpha Stapf & C. E. Hubb. Drake-brockmania Stapf Heterocarpha Stapf & C. E. Hubb. Drake-brockmania Stapf
Heterolepis Boiss., nom. inval. Chloris Sw. Heterolepis Boiss., nom. inval. Chloris Sw.
Heterosteca Desv. Bouteloua Lag. Heterosteca Desv. Bouteloua Lag.
Hexarrhena C. Presl Hilaria Kunth Hexarrhena C. Presl Hilaria Kunth
Hilaria Kunth a Hilaria Kunth
Holboellia Hook. Lopholepis Decne. Holboellia Hook. Lopholepis Decne.
Hubbardochloa Auquier a Hubbardochloa Auquier
Hymenothecium Lag. Aegopogon Humb. & Bonpl. ex Willd. Hymenothecium Lag. Aegopogon Humb. & Bonpl. ex Willd.
Ipnum Phil. Leptochloa P. Beauv. Ipnum Phil. Leptochloa P. Beauv.
Ischnurus Balf. f. Lepturus R. Br. Ischnurus Balf. f. Lepturus R. Br.
Joannegria Chiov. Lintonia Stapf Joannegria Chiov. Lintonia Stapf
Jouvea E. Fourn. a Jouvea E. Fourn.
Kalinia H. L. Bell & Columbus a Kalinia H. L. Bell & Columbus
Kampochloa Clayton a Kampochloa Clayton
Kengia Packer Cleistogenes Keng Kengia Packer Cleistogenes Keng
Kralikia Coss. & Durieu Tripogon Roem. & Schult. Kralikia Coss. & Durieu Tripogon Roem. & Schult.
Kralikiella Batt. & Trab. Tripogon Roem. & Schult. Kralikiella Batt. & Trab. Tripogon Roem. & Schult.
Langsdorffia Regel, nom. inval. Eustachys Desv. Langsdorffia Regel, nom. inval. Eustachys Desv.
Lappago Schreb. Tragus Haller Lappago Schreb. Tragus Haller
Lasiostega Benth., nom. inval. Bouteloua Lag. Lasiostega Benth., nom. inval. Bouteloua Lag.
Latipes Kunth Leptothrium Kunth Latipes Kunth Leptothrium Kunth
Lepidopironia A. Rich. Tetrapogon Desf. Lepidopironia A. Rich. Tetrapogon Desf.
Lepiurus Dumort. Lepturus R. Br. Lepiurus Dumort. Lepturus R. Br.
Leptocarydion Hochst. ex Stapf a Leptocarydion Hochst. ex Stapf
Leptocercus Raf. Lepturus R. Br. Leptocercus Raf. Lepturus R. Br.
Leptochloa P. Beauv. a Leptochloa P. Beauv.
Leptochloris Kuntze, nom. inval. Trichloris E. Fourn. ex Benth. Leptochloris Kuntze, nom. inval. Trichloris E. Fourn. ex Benth.
Leptostachys G. Mey. Leptochloa P. Beauv. Leptostachys G. Mey. Leptochloa P. Beauv.
Leptothrium Kunth a Leptothrium Kunth
Lepturella Stapf Oropetium Trin. Lepturella Stapf Oropetium Trin.
Lepturidium Hitchc. & Ekman a Lepturidium Hitchc. & Ekman
Lepturus R. Br. a Lepturus R. Br.
Lepyroxis E. Fourn., nom. inval. Muhlenbergia Schreb. Lepyroxis E. Fourn., nom. inval. Muhlenbergia Schreb.
Lesourdia E. Fourn. Scleropogon Phil. Lesourdia E. Fourn. Scleropogon Phil.
Lintonia Stapf a Lintonia Stapf
Lophachme Stapf, orth. var. Lophacme Stapf Lophachme Stapf, orth. var. Lophacme Stapf
Lophacme Stapf a Lophacme Stapf
Lopholepis Decne. a Lopholepis Decne.
Lycurus Kunth a Lycurus Kunth
Macrostachya A. Rich., nom. inval. Enteropogon Nees Macrostachya A. Rich., nom. inval. Enteropogon Nees
Melanocenchris Nees a Melanocenchris Nees
Merisachne Steud. Triplasis P. Beauv. Merisachne Steud. Triplasis P. Beauv.
Micrachne P. M. Peterson et al. a Micrachne P. M. Peterson et al.
Microchloa R. Br. a Microchloa R. Br.
Micropogon Pfeiff. Microchloa R. Br. Micropogon Pfeiff. Microchloa R. Br.
Moliniopsis Gand., nom. inval. Cleistogenes Keng Moliniopsis Gand., nom. inval. Cleistogenes Keng
Monanthochloe Engelm. Distichlis Raf. Monanthochloe Engelm. Distichlis Raf.
Monathera Raf. Ctenium Panz. Monathera Raf. Ctenium Panz.
Monelytrum Hack. a Monelytrum Hack.
Monerma P. Beauv. Lepturus R. Br. Monerma P. Beauv. Lepturus R. Br.
Monocera Elliott Ctenium Panz. Monocera Elliott Ctenium Panz.
Monochaete Döll Gymnopogon P. Beauv. Monochaete Döll Gymnopogon P. Beauv.
Monodia S. W. L. Jacobs a Monodia S. W. L. Jacobs
Monroa Torr., orth. var. Munroa Torr. Monroa Torr., orth. var. Munroa Torr.
Mosdenia Stent a Mosdenia Stent
Muhlenbergia Schreb. a Muhlenbergia Schreb.
Munroa Torr. a Munroa Torr.
Nazia Adans. Tragus Haller Nazia Adans. Tragus Haller
Neesiochloa Pilg. a Neesiochloa Pilg.
Negria Chiov. Lintonia Stapf Negria Chiov. Lintonia Stapf
Neobouteloua Gould a Neobouteloua Gould
Neostapfia Burtt Davy a Neostapfia Burtt Davy
Nestlera Steud., nom. inval. Bouteloua Lag. Nestlera Steud., nom. inval. Bouteloua Lag.
Normanboria Butzin Acrachne Wight & Arn. ex Chiov. Normanboria Butzin Acrachne Wight & Arn. ex Chiov.
Ochthochloa Edgew. a Ochthochloa Edgew.
Odyssea Stapf a Odyssea Stapf
Opizia J. Presl Bouteloua Lag. Opizia J. Presl Bouteloua Lag.
Orcuttia Vasey a Orcuttia Vasey
Orinus Hitchc. a Orinus Hitchc.
Oropetium Trin. a Oropetium Trin.
Orthacanthus P. M. Peterson & Romasch. a Orthacanthus P. M. Peterson & Romasch.
Oxychloris Lazarides a Oxychloris Lazarides
Oxydenia Nutt. Leptochloa P. Beauv. Oxydenia Nutt. Leptochloa P. Beauv.
Pappophorum Schreb. a Pappophorum Schreb.
Pentarrhaphis Kunth Bouteloua Lag. Pentarrhaphis Kunth Bouteloua Lag.
Pereilema J. Presl a Pereilema J. Presl
Perotis Aiton a Perotis Aiton
Phacellaria Steud., nom. inval. Chloris Sw. Phacellaria Steud., nom. inval. Chloris Sw.
Plagiolytrum Nees Tripogon Roem. & Schult. Plagiolytrum Nees Tripogon Roem. & Schult.
Plectrachne Henrard Triodia R. Br. Plectrachne Henrard Triodia R. Br.
Pleiodon Rchb. Bouteloua Lag. Pleiodon Rchb. Bouteloua Lag.
Pleopogon Nutt. Lycurus Kunth Pleopogon Nutt. Lycurus Kunth
Pleuraphis Torr. a Pleuraphis Torr.
Podosemum Desv. Muhlenbergia Schreb. Podosemum Desv. Muhlenbergia Schreb.
Pogochloa S. Moore Gouinia E. Fourn. Pogochloa S. Moore Gouinia E. Fourn.
Pogoneura Napper, orth. var. Pogononeura Napper Pogoneura Napper, orth. var. Pogononeura Napper
Pogononeura Napper a Pogononeura Napper
Polevansia De Winter a Polevansia De Winter
Polyodon Kunth Bouteloua Lag. Polyodon Kunth Bouteloua Lag.
Polyrhaphis (Trin.) Lindl. Pappophorum Schreb. Polyrhaphis (Trin.) Lindl. Pappophorum Schreb.
Polyschistis C. Presl Bouteloua Lag. Polyschistis C. Presl Bouteloua Lag.
Pommereulla L. f. a Pommereulla L. f.
Pringleochloa Scribn. Bouteloua Lag. Pringleochloa Scribn. Bouteloua Lag.
Pterochloris (A. Camus) A. Camus Chloris Sw. Pterochloris (A. Camus) A. Camus Chloris Sw.
Ptiloneilema Steud. Melanocenchris Nees Ptiloneilema Steud. Melanocenchris Nees
Ptilonema Hook. f., orth. var. Melanocenchris Nees Ptilonema Hook. f., orth. var. Melanocenchris Nees
Rabdochloa P. Beauv. Leptochloa P. Beauv. Rabdochloa P. Beauv. Leptochloa P. Beauv.
Redfieldia Vasey a Redfieldia Vasey
Reederochloa Soderstr. & H. F. Decker Distichlis Raf. Reederochloa Soderstr. & H. F. Decker Distichlis Raf.
Rendlia Chiov. Microchloa R. Br. Rendlia Chiov. Microchloa R. Br.
Rhachidospermum Vasey Jouvea E. Fourn. Rhachidospermum Vasey Jouvea E. Fourn.
Rheochloa Filg. et al. a Rheochloa Filg. et al.
Roylea Steud., nom. inval. Melanocenchris Nees Roylea Steud., nom. inval. Melanocenchris Nees
Saugetia Hitchc. & Chase a Saugetia Hitchc. & Chase
Schaffnera Benth. Schaffnerella Nash Schaffnera Benth. Schaffnerella Nash
Schaffnerella Nash a Schaffnerella Nash
Schedonnardus Steud. a Schedonnardus Steud.
Schellingia Steud. Aegopogon Humb. & Bonpl. ex Willd. Schellingia Steud. Aegopogon Humb. & Bonpl. ex Willd.
Schenckochloa J. J. Ortíz a Schenckochloa J. J. Ortíz
Schleropelta Buckley Hilaria Kunth Schleropelta Buckley Hilaria Kunth
Schoenefeldia Kunth a Schoenefeldia Kunth
Schultesia Spreng. Eustachys Desv. Schultesia Spreng. Eustachys Desv.
Sciadonardus Steud., nom. inval. Gymnopogon P. Beauv. Sciadonardus Steud., nom. inval. Gymnopogon P. Beauv.
Sclerodactylon Stapf a Sclerodactylon Stapf
Scleropogon Phil. a Scleropogon Phil.
Sericrostis Raf. Muhlenbergia Schreb. Sericrostis Raf. Muhlenbergia Schreb.
Serigrostis Steud., orth. var. Muhlenbergia Schreb. Serigrostis Steud., orth. var. Muhlenbergia Schreb.
Soderstromia C. V. Morton Bouteloua Lag. Soderstromia C. V. Morton Bouteloua Lag.
Sohnsia Airy Shaw a Sohnsia Airy Shaw
Solenophyllum Baill., nom. inval. Monanthochloe Engelm. Solenophyllum Baill., nom. inval. Monanthochloe Engelm.
Spirochloe Lunell Schedonnardus Steud. Spirochloe Lunell Schedonnardus Steud.
Sporichloe Pilg., orth. var. Schedonnardus Steud. Sporichloe Pilg., orth. var. Schedonnardus Steud.
Stapfia Burtt Davy Neostapfia Burtt Davy Stapfia Burtt Davy Neostapfia Burtt Davy
Stapfiola Kuntze Desmostachya (Stapf) Stapf Stapfiola Kuntze Desmostachya (Stapf) Stapf
Stapfochloa H. Scholz a Stapfochloa H. Scholz
Strombodurus Steud., nom. inval. Bouteloua Lag. Strombodurus Steud., nom. inval. Bouteloua Lag.
Swallenia Soderstr. & H. F. Decker a Swallenia Soderstr. & H. F. Decker
Symbasiandra Steud., nom. inval. Hilaria Kunth Symbasiandra Steud., nom. inval. Hilaria Kunth
Symplectrodia Lazarides a Symplectrodia Lazarides
Tetrapogon Desf. a Tetrapogon Desf.
Toliara Judz. a Toliara Judz.
Tosagris P. Beauv., nom. inval. Muhlenbergia Schreb. Tosagris P. Beauv., nom. inval. Muhlenbergia Schreb.
Tragus Haller a Tragus Haller
Triaena Kunth Bouteloua Lag. Triaena Kunth Bouteloua Lag.
Triathera Desv. Bouteloua Lag. Triathera Desv. Bouteloua Lag.
Triatherus Raf. Ctenium Panz. Triatherus Raf. Ctenium Panz.
Trichloris E. Fourn. ex Benth. a Trichloris E. Fourn. ex Benth.
Trichochloa DC. Muhlenbergia Schreb. Trichochloa DC. Muhlenbergia Schreb.
Trichoneura Andersson a Trichoneura Andersson
Tricuspis P. Beauv. Tridens Roem. & Schult. Tricuspis P. Beauv. Tridens Roem. & Schult.
Tridens Roem. & Schult. a Tridens Roem. & Schult.
Tridens Roem. & Schult. a Tridens Roem. & Schult.
Tridentopsis P. M. Peterson a Tridentopsis P. M. Peterson
Trigonochloa P. M. Peterson & N. Snow a Trigonochloa P. M. Peterson & N. Snow
Triodia R. Br. a Triodia R. Br.
Triodon Baumg. Triodia R. Br. Triodon Baumg. Triodia R. Br.
Triplasiella P. M. Peterson & Romasch. a Triplasiella P. M. Peterson & Romasch.
Triplasis P. Beauv. a Triplasis P. Beauv.
Triplathera (Endl.) Lindl. Bouteloua Lag. Triplathera (Endl.) Lindl. Bouteloua Lag.
Tripogon Roem. & Schult. a Tripogon Roem. & Schult.
Tripogonella P. M. Peterson & Romasch. a Tripogonella P. M. Peterson & Romasch.
Tuctoria Reeder a Tuctoria Reeder
Uralepis Nutt. Triplasis P. Beauv. Uralepis Nutt. Triplasis P. Beauv.
Uralepsis Nutt., orth. var. Triplasis P. Beauv. Uralepsis Nutt., orth. var. Triplasis P. Beauv.
Vaseya Thurb. Muhlenbergia Schreb. Vaseya Thurb. Muhlenbergia Schreb.
Vaseyochloa Hitchc. a Vaseyochloa Hitchc.
Vietnamochloa Veldkamp & Nowack a Vietnamochloa Veldkamp & Nowack
Willbleibia Herter Willkommia Hack. Willbleibia Herter Willkommia Hack.
Willkommia Hack. a Willkommia Hack.
Windsoria Nutt. Tridens Roem. & Schult. Windsoria Nutt. Tridens Roem. & Schult.
Xystidium Trin. Perotis Aiton Xystidium Trin. Perotis Aiton
Zaqiqah P. M. Peterson & Romasch. a Zaqiqah P. M. Peterson & Romasch.

ILRI Germplasm Policy (excerpts)

The International Livestock research Institute (ILRI) maintains a collection of forage germplasm as a global public good. The material was acquired prior to the entry into force of the Convention on Biological Diversity; or if it was acquired after the entering into force of the Convention on Biological Diversity, it was obtained with the understanding that it was held in trust and could be made available for any agricultural research, breeding and training purposes under the terms and conditions set out in the agreement between the ILRI and FAO dated 26 October 1994. On 16 October 2006, ILRI signed an agreement with the Governing Body of the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (the Treaty) placing these in trust collections of Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (PGRFA) within the purview of the Treaty.

In accordance with this Agreement, all shipments of PGRFA of crops listed in Annex 1 to the Treaty (shipments of PGRFA under the Multilateral System) will be subject to the terms and conditions of the Standard Material Transfer Agreement (SMTA). In the event that the SMTA (attached) is used for the transfer of Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture other than those listed in Annex 1 of the Treaty: i) The references in the SMTA to the "Multilateral System" shall not be interpreted as limiting the application of the SMTA to Annex 1 Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture, and in the case of Article 6.2 of the SMTA shall mean "under this Agreement". ii) The reference in Article 6.11 and Annex 3 of the SMTA to "Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture belonging to the same crop, as set out in Annex 1 to the Treaty" shall be taken to mean "Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture belonging to the same crop".

The material is held in trust and the recipient has no rights to obtain Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs) on the material or related information. The recipient may utilize and conserve the material for research, breeding and training and may distribute it to other parties provided such parties accept the terms and conditions of the SMTA .

ILRI will provide forage seeds in small experimental quantities of between 1 and 20 grams without charge from the germplasm collection under the SMTA as appropriate for the crop as part of its policy of maximizing the utilization of material for research, breeding and training. Larger quantities sufficient to sow up to one quarter of a hectare of a limited number of promising accessions will require that requesters cover the costs of production and shipping.

ILRI makes no warranties as to the safety or title of the material, nor as to the accuracy or correctness of any passport or other data provided with the material. Neither does it make any warranties as to the quality, viability, or purity (genetic or mechanical) of the material being furnished. The phytosanitary condition of the material is warranted only as described in the attached phytosanitary certificate. The recipient assumes full responsibility for complying with the recipient nation’s quarantine and biosafety regulations and rules as to import or release of genetic material.