
Genera and generic subdivisons of Poaceae Barnhart, nom. cons.: Paniceae
Accepted Names
Exclude infrageneric names

Acicarpa Raddi Digitaria Haller Acicarpa Raddi Digitaria Haller
Acritochaete Pilg. a Acritochaete Pilg.
Acroceras Stapf a Acroceras Stapf
Acrochaete Peter Setaria P. Beauv. Acrochaete Peter Setaria P. Beauv.
Adenochloa Zuloaga a Adenochloa Zuloaga
Aglycia Steud., nom. inval. Eriochloa Kunth Aglycia Steud., nom. inval. Eriochloa Kunth
Alexfloydia B. K. Simon a Alexfloydia B. K. Simon
Alloteropsis J. Presl a Alloteropsis J. Presl
Alycia Steud., nom. inval. Eriochloa Kunth Alycia Steud., nom. inval. Eriochloa Kunth
Amphicarpum Kunth a Amphicarpum Kunth
Amphochaeta Andersson Pennisetum Rich. Amphochaeta Andersson Pennisetum Rich.
Ancistrachne S. T. Blake a Ancistrachne S. T. Blake
Anthephora Schreb. a Anthephora Schreb.
Arthragrostis Lazarides a Arthragrostis Lazarides
Beckera Fresen. Snowdenia C. E. Hubb. Beckera Fresen. Snowdenia C. E. Hubb.
Beckeropsis Fig. & De Not. Pennisetum Rich. Beckeropsis Fig. & De Not. Pennisetum Rich.
Berchtoldia C. Presl Chaetium Nees Berchtoldia C. Presl Chaetium Nees
Bluffia Nees Alloteropsis J. Presl Bluffia Nees Alloteropsis J. Presl
Boivinella A. Camus Cyphochlaena Hack. Boivinella A. Camus Cyphochlaena Hack.
Brachiaria (Trin.) Griseb. a Brachiaria (Trin.) Griseb.
Calyptochloa C. E. Hubb. a Calyptochloa C. E. Hubb.
Camusiella Bosser Setaria P. Beauv. Camusiella Bosser Setaria P. Beauv.
Catatherophora Steud. Pennisetum Rich. Catatherophora Steud. Pennisetum Rich.
Cenchropsis Nash Cenchrus L. Cenchropsis Nash Cenchrus L.
Cenchrus L. a Cenchrus L.
Chaetium Nees a Chaetium Nees
Chaetochloa Scribn. Setaria P. Beauv. Chaetochloa Scribn. Setaria P. Beauv.
Chaetopoa C. E. Hubb. a Chaetopoa C. E. Hubb.
Chamaeraphis R. Br. a Chamaeraphis R. Br.
Chasea Nieuwl., nom. inval. Panicum L. Chasea Nieuwl., nom. inval. Panicum L.
Chloachne Stapf a Chloachne Stapf
Chloridion Stapf Stereochlaena Hack. Chloridion Stapf Stereochlaena Hack.
Chlorocalymma Clayton a Chlorocalymma Clayton
Cleistochloa C. E. Hubb. a Cleistochloa C. E. Hubb.
Commelinidium Stapf Acroceras Stapf Commelinidium Stapf Acroceras Stapf
Coridochloa Nees Alloteropsis J. Presl Coridochloa Nees Alloteropsis J. Presl
Cymbosetaria Schweick. Setaria P. Beauv. Cymbosetaria Schweick. Setaria P. Beauv.
Cyphochlaena Hack. a Cyphochlaena Hack.
Cyrtococcum Stapf a Cyrtococcum Stapf
Diastemenanthe Desv. Stenotaphrum Trin. Diastemenanthe Desv. Stenotaphrum Trin.
Dichanthelium (Hitchc. & Chase) Gould a Dichanthelium (Hitchc. & Chase) Gould
Digitaria Haller a Digitaria Haller
Digitariella De Winter Digitaria Haller Digitariella De Winter Digitaria Haller
Digitariopsis C. E. Hubb. Digitaria Haller Digitariopsis C. E. Hubb. Digitaria Haller
Dileucaden (Raf.) Steud., nom. inval. Panicum L. Dileucaden (Raf.) Steud., nom. inval. Panicum L.
Dimorphochloa S. T. Blake Cleistochloa C. E. Hubb. Dimorphochloa S. T. Blake Cleistochloa C. E. Hubb.
Dissochondrus (Hillebr.) Kuntze a Dissochondrus (Hillebr.) Kuntze
Eatonia Raf. Panicum L. Eatonia Raf. Panicum L.
Eccoptocarpha Launert a Eccoptocarpha Launert
Echinaria Fabr. Cenchrus L. Echinaria Fabr. Cenchrus L.
Echinochloa P. Beauv. a Echinochloa P. Beauv.
Elytroblepharum (Steud.) Schltdl. Digitaria Haller Elytroblepharum (Steud.) Schltdl. Digitaria Haller
Entolasia Stapf a Entolasia Stapf
Eremochlamys Peter Tricholaena Schrad. Eremochlamys Peter Tricholaena Schrad.
Eriachne Phil. Digitaria Haller Eriachne Phil. Digitaria Haller
Eriochaeta Fig. & De Not. Pennisetum Rich. Eriochaeta Fig. & De Not. Pennisetum Rich.
Eriochloa Kunth a Eriochloa Kunth
Eriolytrum Kunth, nom. inval. Panicum L. Eriolytrum Kunth, nom. inval. Panicum L.
Glandiloba (Raf.) Steud., nom. inval. Eriochloa Kunth Glandiloba (Raf.) Steud., nom. inval. Eriochloa Kunth
Gramerium Desv. Digitaria Haller Gramerium Desv. Digitaria Haller
Gymnotrix P. Beauv. Pennisetum Rich. Gymnotrix P. Beauv. Pennisetum Rich.
Hekaterosachne Steud. Oplismenus P. Beauv. Hekaterosachne Steud. Oplismenus P. Beauv.
Helopus Trin. Eriochloa Kunth Helopus Trin. Eriochloa Kunth
Hemigymnia Stapf Ottochloa Dandy Hemigymnia Stapf Ottochloa Dandy
Hippagrostis Kuntze Oplismenus P. Beauv. Hippagrostis Kuntze Oplismenus P. Beauv.
Holcolemma Stapf & C. E. Hubb. a Holcolemma Stapf & C. E. Hubb.
Holosetum Steud. Alloteropsis J. Presl Holosetum Steud. Alloteropsis J. Presl
Homopholis C. E. Hubb. a Homopholis C. E. Hubb.
Hoplismenus Hassk., orth. var. Oplismenus P. Beauv. Hoplismenus Hassk., orth. var. Oplismenus P. Beauv.
Hydrothauma C. E. Hubb. a Hydrothauma C. E. Hubb.
Hygrochloa Lazarides a Hygrochloa Lazarides
Hylebates Chippind. a Hylebates Chippind.
Hypudaerus A. Braun, nom. inval. Anthephora Schreb. Hypudaerus A. Braun, nom. inval. Anthephora Schreb.
Ixalum G. Forst., nom. inval. Spinifex L. Ixalum G. Forst., nom. inval. Spinifex L.
Ixophorus Schltdl. a Ixophorus Schltdl.
Kellochloa Lizarazu et al. a Kellochloa Lizarazu et al.
Kerinozoma Steud. Xerochloa R. Br. Kerinozoma Steud. Xerochloa R. Br.
Kikuyuochloa H. Scholz Pennisetum Rich. Kikuyuochloa H. Scholz Pennisetum Rich.
Lasiacis (Griseb.) Hitchc. a Lasiacis (Griseb.) Hitchc.
Leptoloma Chase Digitaria Haller Leptoloma Chase Digitaria Haller
Leucophrys Rendle a Leucophrys Rendle
Lloydia Delile Pennisetum Rich. Lloydia Delile Pennisetum Rich.
Louisiella C. E. Hubb. & J. Léonard a Louisiella C. E. Hubb. & J. Léonard
Loxostachys Peter Pseudechinolaena Stapf Loxostachys Peter Pseudechinolaena Stapf
Loydia Delile, orth. var. Pennisetum Rich. Loydia Delile, orth. var. Pennisetum Rich.
Macrochaeta Steud. Pennisetum Rich. Macrochaeta Steud. Pennisetum Rich.
Mayariochloa Salariato et al. a Mayariochloa Salariato et al.
Megaloprotachne C. E. Hubb. Digitaria Haller Megaloprotachne C. E. Hubb. Digitaria Haller
Megathyrsus (Pilg.) B. K. Simon & S. W. L. Jacobs a Megathyrsus (Pilg.) B. K. Simon & S. W. L. Jacobs
Melinis P. Beauv. a Melinis P. Beauv.
Mezochloa Butzin Alloteropsis J. Presl Mezochloa Butzin Alloteropsis J. Presl
Microcalamus Franch. a Microcalamus Franch.
Microcalamus Gamble a Microcalamus Gamble
Microthuareia Thouars Thuarea Pers. Microthuareia Thouars Thuarea Pers.
Mildbraediochloa Butzin a Mildbraediochloa Butzin
Miliastrum Fabr., nom. inval. Setaria P. Beauv. Miliastrum Fabr., nom. inval. Setaria P. Beauv.
Milium Adans. Panicum L. Milium Adans. Panicum L.
Monachne P. Beauv. Panicum L. Monachne P. Beauv. Panicum L.
Monachyron Parl. Melinis P. Beauv. Monachyron Parl. Melinis P. Beauv.
Moorochloa Veldkamp a Moorochloa Veldkamp
Morronea Zuloaga & Scataglini a Morronea Zuloaga & Scataglini
Nastus Lunell Cenchrus L. Nastus Lunell Cenchrus L.
Neohusnotia A. Camus Acroceras Stapf Neohusnotia A. Camus Acroceras Stapf
Neurachne R. Br. a Neurachne R. Br.
Odontelytrum Hack. a Odontelytrum Hack.
Oedipachne Link, nom. inval. Eriochloa Kunth Oedipachne Link, nom. inval. Eriochloa Kunth
Ophismenus Poir., orth. var. Oplismenus P. Beauv. Ophismenus Poir., orth. var. Oplismenus P. Beauv.
Ophiurinella Desv. Stenotaphrum Trin. Ophiurinella Desv. Stenotaphrum Trin.
Oplismenus P. Beauv. a Oplismenus P. Beauv.
Ornithocephalochloa Kurz Thuarea Pers. Ornithocephalochloa Kurz Thuarea Pers.
Ornithospermum Dumoulin Echinochloa P. Beauv. Ornithospermum Dumoulin Echinochloa P. Beauv.
Orthopogon R. Br. Oplismenus P. Beauv. Orthopogon R. Br. Oplismenus P. Beauv.
Oryzidium C. E. Hubb. & Schweick. a Oryzidium C. E. Hubb. & Schweick.
Ottochloa Dandy a Ottochloa Dandy
Paniculum Ard., orth. var. Panicum L. Paniculum Ard., orth. var. Panicum L.
Panicum L. a Panicum L.
Paractaenum P. Beauv. a Paractaenum P. Beauv.
Paraneurachne S. T. Blake a Paraneurachne S. T. Blake
Paratheria Griseb. a Paratheria Griseb.
Parectenium Stapf, orth. var. Paractaenum P. Beauv. Parectenium Stapf, orth. var. Paractaenum P. Beauv.
Parodiophyllochloa Zuloaga & Morrone a Parodiophyllochloa Zuloaga & Morrone
Paspalidium Stapf a Paspalidium Stapf
Penicillaria Willd. Pennisetum Rich. Penicillaria Willd. Pennisetum Rich.
Pennisetum Rich. a Pennisetum Rich.
Pentastachya Steud., nom. inval. Pennisetum Rich. Pentastachya Steud., nom. inval. Pennisetum Rich.
Perulifera A. Camus Pseudechinolaena Stapf Perulifera A. Camus Pseudechinolaena Stapf
Plagiosetum Benth. a Plagiosetum Benth.
Poecilostachys Hack. a Poecilostachys Hack.
Polyneura Peter Panicum L. Polyneura Peter Panicum L.
Pseudechinolaena Stapf a Pseudechinolaena Stapf
Pseudobrachiaria Launert Brachiaria (Trin.) Griseb. Pseudobrachiaria Launert Brachiaria (Trin.) Griseb.
Pseudochaetochloa Hitchc. a Pseudochaetochloa Hitchc.
Pseudolasiacis (A. Camus) A. Camus Lasiacis (Griseb.) Hitchc. Pseudolasiacis (A. Camus) A. Camus Lasiacis (Griseb.) Hitchc.
Pseudoraphis Griff. a Pseudoraphis Griff.
Psilochloa Launert Panicum L. Psilochloa Launert Panicum L.
Pterochlaena Chiov. Alloteropsis J. Presl Pterochlaena Chiov. Alloteropsis J. Presl
Raram Adans. Cenchrus L. Raram Adans. Cenchrus L.
Rhampholepis Stapf Sacciolepis Nash Rhampholepis Stapf Sacciolepis Nash
Rhynchelythrum Nees, orth. var. Melinis P. Beauv. Rhynchelythrum Nees, orth. var. Melinis P. Beauv.
Rhynchelytrum Nees Melinis P. Beauv. Rhynchelytrum Nees Melinis P. Beauv.
Rupichloa Salariato & Morrone a Rupichloa Salariato & Morrone
Sacciolepis Nash a Sacciolepis Nash
Sanguinaria Bubani Digitaria Haller Sanguinaria Bubani Digitaria Haller
Sanguinella Gleichen Digitaria Haller Sanguinella Gleichen Digitaria Haller
Sclerolaena A. Camus, nom. inval. Cyphochlaena Hack. Sclerolaena A. Camus, nom. inval. Cyphochlaena Hack.
Scutachne Hitchc. & Chase a Scutachne Hitchc. & Chase
Sericura Hassk. Pennisetum Rich. Sericura Hassk. Pennisetum Rich.
Setaria P. Beauv. a Setaria P. Beauv.
Setariopsis Scribn. ex Millsp. a Setariopsis Scribn. ex Millsp.
Setiacis S. L. Chen & Y. X. Jin Panicum L. Setiacis S. L. Chen & Y. X. Jin Panicum L.
Setosa Ewart Chamaeraphis R. Br. Setosa Ewart Chamaeraphis R. Br.
Snowdenia C. E. Hubb. a Snowdenia C. E. Hubb.
Spinifex L. a Spinifex L.
Stenotaphrum Trin. a Stenotaphrum Trin.
Stereochlaena Hack. a Stereochlaena Hack.
Streptolophus Hughes a Streptolophus Hughes
Suardia Schrank Melinis P. Beauv. Suardia Schrank Melinis P. Beauv.
Syntherisma Walter Digitaria Haller Syntherisma Walter Digitaria Haller
Taeniorhachis Cope a Taeniorhachis Cope
Talasium Spreng. Panicum L. Talasium Spreng. Panicum L.
Tansaniochloa Rauschert Setaria P. Beauv. Tansaniochloa Rauschert Setaria P. Beauv.
Tarigidia Stent a Tarigidia Stent
Tema Adans. Echinochloa P. Beauv. Tema Adans. Echinochloa P. Beauv.
Thouarsia Kuntze, orth. var. Thuarea Pers. Thouarsia Kuntze, orth. var. Thuarea Pers.
Thuarea Pers. a Thuarea Pers.
Thyridachne C. E. Hubb. a Thyridachne C. E. Hubb.
Thyridolepis S. T. Blake a Thyridolepis S. T. Blake
Tisserantiella Mimeur Thyridachne C. E. Hubb. Tisserantiella Mimeur Thyridachne C. E. Hubb.
Trachyozus Rchb. Trachys Pers. Trachyozus Rchb. Trachys Pers.
Trachys Pers. a Trachys Pers.
Trachystachys A. Dietr. Trachys Pers. Trachystachys A. Dietr. Trachys Pers.
Trichachne Nees Digitaria Haller Trichachne Nees Digitaria Haller
Trichanthecium Zuloaga & Morrone a Trichanthecium Zuloaga & Morrone
Trichochlaena Kuntze, orth. var. Tricholaena Schrad. Trichochlaena Kuntze, orth. var. Tricholaena Schrad.
Tricholaena Schrad. a Tricholaena Schrad.
Tristegis Nees, nom. inval. Melinis P. Beauv. Tristegis Nees, nom. inval. Melinis P. Beauv.
Uranthoecium Stapf a Uranthoecium Stapf
Urochloa P. Beauv. a Urochloa P. Beauv.
Valota Adans. Digitaria Haller Valota Adans. Digitaria Haller
Walwhalleya Wills & J. J. Bruhl a Walwhalleya Wills & J. J. Bruhl
Whalleya K. E. Wills & J. J. Bruhl Walwhalleya Wills & J. J. Bruhl Whalleya K. E. Wills & J. J. Bruhl Walwhalleya Wills & J. J. Bruhl
Whiteochloa C. E. Hubb. a Whiteochloa C. E. Hubb.
Xerochloa R. Br. a Xerochloa R. Br.
Xyochlaena Stapf Tricholaena Schrad. Xyochlaena Stapf Tricholaena Schrad.
Yakirra Lazarides & R. D. Webster a Yakirra Lazarides & R. D. Webster
Yvesia A. Camus a Yvesia A. Camus
Zuloagaea Bess a Zuloagaea Bess
Zygochloa S. T. Blake a Zygochloa S. T. Blake

ILRI Germplasm Policy (excerpts)

The International Livestock research Institute (ILRI) maintains a collection of forage germplasm as a global public good. The material was acquired prior to the entry into force of the Convention on Biological Diversity; or if it was acquired after the entering into force of the Convention on Biological Diversity, it was obtained with the understanding that it was held in trust and could be made available for any agricultural research, breeding and training purposes under the terms and conditions set out in the agreement between the ILRI and FAO dated 26 October 1994. On 16 October 2006, ILRI signed an agreement with the Governing Body of the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (the Treaty) placing these in trust collections of Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (PGRFA) within the purview of the Treaty.

In accordance with this Agreement, all shipments of PGRFA of crops listed in Annex 1 to the Treaty (shipments of PGRFA under the Multilateral System) will be subject to the terms and conditions of the Standard Material Transfer Agreement (SMTA). In the event that the SMTA (attached) is used for the transfer of Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture other than those listed in Annex 1 of the Treaty: i) The references in the SMTA to the "Multilateral System" shall not be interpreted as limiting the application of the SMTA to Annex 1 Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture, and in the case of Article 6.2 of the SMTA shall mean "under this Agreement". ii) The reference in Article 6.11 and Annex 3 of the SMTA to "Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture belonging to the same crop, as set out in Annex 1 to the Treaty" shall be taken to mean "Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture belonging to the same crop".

The material is held in trust and the recipient has no rights to obtain Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs) on the material or related information. The recipient may utilize and conserve the material for research, breeding and training and may distribute it to other parties provided such parties accept the terms and conditions of the SMTA .

ILRI will provide forage seeds in small experimental quantities of between 1 and 20 grams without charge from the germplasm collection under the SMTA as appropriate for the crop as part of its policy of maximizing the utilization of material for research, breeding and training. Larger quantities sufficient to sow up to one quarter of a hectare of a limited number of promising accessions will require that requesters cover the costs of production and shipping.

ILRI makes no warranties as to the safety or title of the material, nor as to the accuracy or correctness of any passport or other data provided with the material. Neither does it make any warranties as to the quality, viability, or purity (genetic or mechanical) of the material being furnished. The phytosanitary condition of the material is warranted only as described in the attached phytosanitary certificate. The recipient assumes full responsibility for complying with the recipient nation’s quarantine and biosafety regulations and rules as to import or release of genetic material.