
Genera and generic subdivisons of Orchidaceae Juss., nom. cons.: Orchideae
Accepted Names
Exclude infrageneric names

Aceras R. Br. Orchis L. Aceras R. Br. Orchis L.
Aceratorchis Schltr. a Aceratorchis Schltr.
Acrostylia Frapp. ex Cordem. Cynorkis Thouars Acrostylia Frapp. ex Cordem. Cynorkis Thouars
Amerorchis Hultén a Amerorchis Hultén
Amitostigma Schltr. a Amitostigma Schltr.
Amphorchis Thouars Cynorkis Thouars Amphorchis Thouars Cynorkis Thouars
Anacamptis Rich. a Anacamptis Rich.
Androcorys Schltr. a Androcorys Schltr.
Aopla Lindl. Herminium L. Aopla Lindl. Herminium L.
Aorchis Verm. Galearis Raf. Aorchis Verm. Galearis Raf.
Arachnites F. W. Schmidt Ophrys L. Arachnites F. W. Schmidt Ophrys L.
Arnottia A. Rich. Cynorkis Thouars Arnottia A. Rich. Cynorkis Thouars
Aspla Rchb. Herminium L. Aspla Rchb. Herminium L.
Ate Lindl. Habenaria Willd. Ate Lindl. Habenaria Willd.
Barlaea Rchb. f. Cynorkis Thouars Barlaea Rchb. f. Cynorkis Thouars
Barlia Parl. Himantoglossum Spreng. Barlia Parl. Himantoglossum Spreng.
Bartholina R. Br. a Bartholina R. Br.
Benthamia A. Rich. a Benthamia A. Rich.
Bhutanthera Renz a Bhutanthera Renz
Bicchia Parl. Habenaria Willd. Bicchia Parl. Habenaria Willd.
Bicornella Lindl. Cynorkis Thouars Bicornella Lindl. Cynorkis Thouars
Bilabrella Lindl. Habenaria Willd. Bilabrella Lindl. Habenaria Willd.
Blephariglottis Raf. Platanthera Rich. Blephariglottis Raf. Platanthera Rich.
Bonatea Willd. a Bonatea Willd.
Brachycorythis Lindl. a Brachycorythis Lindl.
Bucculina Lindl. Holothrix Rich. ex Lindl. Bucculina Lindl. Holothrix Rich. ex Lindl.
Camilleugenia Frapp. ex Cordem. Cynorkis Thouars Camilleugenia Frapp. ex Cordem. Cynorkis Thouars
Centrochilus Schauer Habenaria Willd. Centrochilus Schauer Habenaria Willd.
Centrostigma Schltr. a Centrostigma Schltr.
Chamaerepes Spreng. Herminium L. Chamaerepes Spreng. Herminium L.
Chamorchis Rich. a Chamorchis Rich.
Choeradoplectron Schauer Habenaria Willd. Choeradoplectron Schauer Habenaria Willd.
Chondradenia Maxim. ex F. Maek. a Chondradenia Maxim. ex F. Maek.
Chusua Nevski Ponerorchis Rchb. f. Chusua Nevski Ponerorchis Rchb. f.
Coeloglossum Hartm. Dactylorhiza Neck. ex Nevski Coeloglossum Hartm. Dactylorhiza Neck. ex Nevski
Comperia K. Koch Himantoglossum Spreng. Comperia K. Koch Himantoglossum Spreng.
Cooktownia D. L. Jones a Cooktownia D. L. Jones
Cynorchis Thouars, orth. var. Cynorkis Thouars Cynorchis Thouars, orth. var. Cynorkis Thouars
Cynorkis Thouars a Cynorkis Thouars
Cynosorchis Thouars, orth. var. Cynorkis Thouars Cynosorchis Thouars, orth. var. Cynorkis Thouars
Dactylorchis (Klinge) Verm. Dactylorhiza Neck. ex Nevski Dactylorchis (Klinge) Verm. Dactylorhiza Neck. ex Nevski
Dactylorhiza Neck. ex Nevski a Dactylorhiza Neck. ex Nevski
Denslovia Rydb. Habenaria Willd. Denslovia Rydb. Habenaria Willd.
Deroemera Rchb. f. Holothrix Rich. ex Lindl. Deroemera Rchb. f. Holothrix Rich. ex Lindl.
Digomphotis Raf. Habenaria Willd. Digomphotis Raf. Habenaria Willd.
Diphylax Hook. f. a Diphylax Hook. f.
Diplanthera Raf. Platanthera Rich. Diplanthera Raf. Platanthera Rich.
Diplectraden Raf. Habenaria Willd. Diplectraden Raf. Habenaria Willd.
Diplochilus Lindl. Diplomeris D. Don Diplochilus Lindl. Diplomeris D. Don
Diplomeris D. Don a Diplomeris D. Don
Dissorhynchium Schauer Habenaria Willd. Dissorhynchium Schauer Habenaria Willd.
Dithrix (Hook. f.) Schltr. ex Brummitt Habenaria Willd. Dithrix (Hook. f.) Schltr. ex Brummitt Habenaria Willd.
Dracomonticola H. P. Linder & Kurzweil a Dracomonticola H. P. Linder & Kurzweil
Entaticus Gray Habenaria Willd. Entaticus Gray Habenaria Willd.
Galearis Raf. a Galearis Raf.
Galeorchis Rydb. Orchis L. Galeorchis Rydb. Orchis L.
Gennaria Parl. a Gennaria Parl.
Glossaspis Spreng. Habenaria Willd. Glossaspis Spreng. Habenaria Willd.
Glossula Lindl. Habenaria Willd. Glossula Lindl. Habenaria Willd.
Gyaladenia Schltr. Brachycorythis Lindl. Gyaladenia Schltr. Brachycorythis Lindl.
Gymnadenia R. Br. a Gymnadenia R. Br.
Gymnadeniopsis Rydb. Platanthera Rich. Gymnadeniopsis Rydb. Platanthera Rich.
Habenaria Nimmo Habenaria Willd. Habenaria Nimmo Habenaria Willd.
Habenaria Willd. a Habenaria Willd.
Habenella Small Habenaria Willd. Habenella Small Habenaria Willd.
Habenorkis Thouars Habenaria Willd. Habenorkis Thouars Habenaria Willd.
Helorchis Schltr. Cynorkis Thouars Helorchis Schltr. Cynorkis Thouars
Hemiperis Frapp. ex Cordem. Habenaria Willd. Hemiperis Frapp. ex Cordem. Habenaria Willd.
Hemipilia Lindl. a Hemipilia Lindl.
Hemipiliopsis Y. B. Luo & S. C. Chen a Hemipiliopsis Y. B. Luo & S. C. Chen
Herminium L. a Herminium L.
Himantoglossum Spreng. a Himantoglossum Spreng.
Holothrix Rich. ex Lindl. a Holothrix Rich. ex Lindl.
Hymanthoglossum Tod. Himantoglossum Spreng. Hymanthoglossum Tod. Himantoglossum Spreng.
Itaculumia Hoehne Habenaria Willd. Itaculumia Hoehne Habenaria Willd.
Kryptostoma (Summerh.) Geerinck Habenaria Willd. Kryptostoma (Summerh.) Geerinck Habenaria Willd.
Lathrisia Sw. Bartholina R. Br. Lathrisia Sw. Bartholina R. Br.
Lemuranthe Schltr. Cynorkis Thouars Lemuranthe Schltr. Cynorkis Thouars
Leucorchis E. Mey. Pseudorchis Ség. Leucorchis E. Mey. Pseudorchis Ség.
Limnorchis Rydb. Platanthera Rich. Limnorchis Rydb. Platanthera Rich.
Lindblomia Fr. Dactylorhiza Neck. ex Nevski Lindblomia Fr. Dactylorhiza Neck. ex Nevski
Lonchitis Bubani Serapias L. Lonchitis Bubani Serapias L.
Loroglossum Rich. Himantoglossum Spreng. Loroglossum Rich. Himantoglossum Spreng.
Lysias Salisb. ex Rydb. Platanthera Rich. Lysias Salisb. ex Rydb. Platanthera Rich.
Lysiella Rydb. Platanthera Rich. Lysiella Rydb. Platanthera Rich.
Macrocentrum Phil. Habenaria Willd. Macrocentrum Phil. Habenaria Willd.
Mecosa Blume Platanthera Rich. Mecosa Blume Platanthera Rich.
Megalorchis H. Perrier a Megalorchis H. Perrier
Microtheca Schltr. Cynorkis Thouars Microtheca Schltr. Cynorkis Thouars
Mitostigma Blume Amitostigma Schltr. Mitostigma Blume Amitostigma Schltr.
Monorchis Agosti Herminium L. Monorchis Agosti Herminium L.
Monotris Lindl. Holothrix Rich. ex Lindl. Monotris Lindl. Holothrix Rich. ex Lindl.
Montolivaea Rchb. f. Habenaria Willd. Montolivaea Rchb. f. Habenaria Willd.
Myodium Salisb. Ophrys L. Myodium Salisb. Ophrys L.
Nemuranthes Raf. Habenaria Willd. Nemuranthes Raf. Habenaria Willd.
Neobolusia Schltr. a Neobolusia Schltr.
Neolindleya Kraenzl. a Neolindleya Kraenzl.
Neotinea Rchb. f. a Neotinea Rchb. f.
Neottianthe (Rchb.) Schltr. a Neottianthe (Rchb.) Schltr.
Nigritella Rich. Gymnadenia R. Br. Nigritella Rich. Gymnadenia R. Br.
Oligophyton H. P. Linder a Oligophyton H. P. Linder
Ophrys L. a Ophrys L.
Orchis L. a Orchis L.
Paragnathis Spreng. Diplomeris D. Don Paragnathis Spreng. Diplomeris D. Don
Parhabenaria Gagnep. Pecteilis Raf. Parhabenaria Gagnep. Pecteilis Raf.
Pecteilis Raf. a Pecteilis Raf.
Peristylus Blume a Peristylus Blume
Perularia Lindl. Platanthera Rich. Perularia Lindl. Platanthera Rich.
Phaniasia Blume ex Miq., nom. inval. Habenaria Willd. Phaniasia Blume ex Miq., nom. inval. Habenaria Willd.
Phyllomphax Schltr. Brachycorythis Lindl. Phyllomphax Schltr. Brachycorythis Lindl.
Physoceras Schltr. a Physoceras Schltr.
Piperia Rydb. Platanthera Rich. Piperia Rydb. Platanthera Rich.
Platanthera Rich. a Platanthera Rich.
Platycoryne Rchb. f. a Platycoryne Rchb. f.
Polybactrum Salisb. Pseudorchis Ség. Polybactrum Salisb. Pseudorchis Ség.
Ponerorchis Rchb. f. a Ponerorchis Rchb. f.
Porolabium Tang & F. T. Wang a Porolabium Tang & F. T. Wang
Pseudodiphryllum Nevski Platanthera Rich. Pseudodiphryllum Nevski Platanthera Rich.
Pseudoperistylis Szlach. & Olszewski Habenaria Willd. Pseudoperistylis Szlach. & Olszewski Habenaria Willd.
Pseudorchis Ség. a Pseudorchis Ség.
Roeperocharis Rchb. f. a Roeperocharis Rchb. f.
Rolfeella Schltr. Benthamia A. Rich. Rolfeella Schltr. Benthamia A. Rich.
Saccidium Lindl. Holothrix Rich. ex Lindl. Saccidium Lindl. Holothrix Rich. ex Lindl.
Satorkis Thouars Dactylorhiza Neck. ex Nevski Satorkis Thouars Dactylorhiza Neck. ex Nevski
Schizochilus Sond. a Schizochilus Sond.
Schwartzkopffia Kraenzl. Brachycorythis Lindl. Schwartzkopffia Kraenzl. Brachycorythis Lindl.
Scopularia Lindl. Holothrix Rich. ex Lindl. Scopularia Lindl. Holothrix Rich. ex Lindl.
Serapias L. a Serapias L.
Serapiastrum Kuntze Serapias L. Serapiastrum Kuntze Serapias L.
Sieberia Spreng. Platanthera Rich. Sieberia Spreng. Platanthera Rich.
Sirindbornia H. A. Pedersen & Suksathan a Sirindbornia H. A. Pedersen & Suksathan
Smithorchis Tang & F. T. Wang a Smithorchis Tang & F. T. Wang
Stenoglottis Lindl. a Stenoglottis Lindl.
Steveniella Schltr. a Steveniella Schltr.
Stevenorchis Wankow & Kraenzl. Steveniella Schltr. Stevenorchis Wankow & Kraenzl. Steveniella Schltr.
Strateuma Salisb., nom. inval. Orchis L. Strateuma Salisb., nom. inval. Orchis L.
Symphyosepalum Hand.-Mazz. a Symphyosepalum Hand.-Mazz.
Thulinia P. J. Cribb a Thulinia P. J. Cribb
Tinea Biv. Neotinea Rchb. f. Tinea Biv. Neotinea Rchb. f.
Traunsteinera Rchb. a Traunsteinera Rchb.
Triplorhiza Ehrh. Pseudorchis Ség. Triplorhiza Ehrh. Pseudorchis Ség.
Tryphia Lindl. Holothrix Rich. ex Lindl. Tryphia Lindl. Holothrix Rich. ex Lindl.
Tsaiorchis Tang & F. T. Wang Diphylax Hook. f. Tsaiorchis Tang & F. T. Wang Diphylax Hook. f.
Tulotis Raf. Platanthera Rich. Tulotis Raf. Platanthera Rich.
Tylostigma Schltr. a Tylostigma Schltr.
Veyretella Szlach. & Olszewski a Veyretella Szlach. & Olszewski
Zoophora Bernh. Orchis L. Zoophora Bernh. Orchis L.

ILRI Germplasm Policy (excerpts)

The International Livestock research Institute (ILRI) maintains a collection of forage germplasm as a global public good. The material was acquired prior to the entry into force of the Convention on Biological Diversity; or if it was acquired after the entering into force of the Convention on Biological Diversity, it was obtained with the understanding that it was held in trust and could be made available for any agricultural research, breeding and training purposes under the terms and conditions set out in the agreement between the ILRI and FAO dated 26 October 1994. On 16 October 2006, ILRI signed an agreement with the Governing Body of the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (the Treaty) placing these in trust collections of Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (PGRFA) within the purview of the Treaty.

In accordance with this Agreement, all shipments of PGRFA of crops listed in Annex 1 to the Treaty (shipments of PGRFA under the Multilateral System) will be subject to the terms and conditions of the Standard Material Transfer Agreement (SMTA). In the event that the SMTA (attached) is used for the transfer of Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture other than those listed in Annex 1 of the Treaty: i) The references in the SMTA to the "Multilateral System" shall not be interpreted as limiting the application of the SMTA to Annex 1 Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture, and in the case of Article 6.2 of the SMTA shall mean "under this Agreement". ii) The reference in Article 6.11 and Annex 3 of the SMTA to "Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture belonging to the same crop, as set out in Annex 1 to the Treaty" shall be taken to mean "Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture belonging to the same crop".

The material is held in trust and the recipient has no rights to obtain Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs) on the material or related information. The recipient may utilize and conserve the material for research, breeding and training and may distribute it to other parties provided such parties accept the terms and conditions of the SMTA .

ILRI will provide forage seeds in small experimental quantities of between 1 and 20 grams without charge from the germplasm collection under the SMTA as appropriate for the crop as part of its policy of maximizing the utilization of material for research, breeding and training. Larger quantities sufficient to sow up to one quarter of a hectare of a limited number of promising accessions will require that requesters cover the costs of production and shipping.

ILRI makes no warranties as to the safety or title of the material, nor as to the accuracy or correctness of any passport or other data provided with the material. Neither does it make any warranties as to the quality, viability, or purity (genetic or mechanical) of the material being furnished. The phytosanitary condition of the material is warranted only as described in the attached phytosanitary certificate. The recipient assumes full responsibility for complying with the recipient nation’s quarantine and biosafety regulations and rules as to import or release of genetic material.