
Genera and generic subdivisons of Euphorbiaceae Juss., nom. cons.: Crotonoideae
Accepted Names
Exclude infrageneric names

Acidocroton Griseb. a Acidocroton Griseb.
Actephilopsis Ridl. Trigonostemon Blume Actephilopsis Ridl. Trigonostemon Blume
Adenoclina Post & Kuntze, orth. var. Adenocline Turcz. Adenoclina Post & Kuntze, orth. var. Adenocline Turcz.
Adenocline Turcz. a Adenocline Turcz.
Adenorhopium Rchb., orth. var. Jatropha L. Adenorhopium Rchb., orth. var. Jatropha L.
Adenoropium Pohl Jatropha L. Adenoropium Pohl Jatropha L.
Agelandra Engl. & Pax, orth. var. Croton L. Agelandra Engl. & Pax, orth. var. Croton L.
Aldinia Raf. Croton L. Aldinia Raf. Croton L.
Aleurites J. R. Forst. & G. Forst. a Aleurites J. R. Forst. & G. Forst.
Alphandia Baill. a Alphandia Baill.
Ambinux Comm. ex Juss. Vernicia Lour. Ambinux Comm. ex Juss. Vernicia Lour.
Anda A. Juss. Joannesia Vell. Anda A. Juss. Joannesia Vell.
Andicus Vell. Joannesia Vell. Andicus Vell. Joannesia Vell.
Angelandra Endl. Croton L. Angelandra Endl. Croton L.
Anisepta Raf. Croton L. Anisepta Raf. Croton L.
Anisophyllum Boivin ex Baill. Croton L. Anisophyllum Boivin ex Baill. Croton L.
Annesijoa Pax & K. Hoffm. a Annesijoa Pax & K. Hoffm.
Anomalocalyx Ducke a Anomalocalyx Ducke
Argyra Noronha ex Baill. Croton L. Argyra Noronha ex Baill. Croton L.
Argyrodendron Klotzsch Croton L. Argyrodendron Klotzsch Croton L.
Astraea Klotzsch a Astraea Klotzsch
Astrogyne Benth. Croton L. Astrogyne Benth. Croton L.
Athroisma Griff. Trigonostemon Blume Athroisma Griff. Trigonostemon Blume
Aubertia Chapel. ex Baill. Croton L. Aubertia Chapel. ex Baill. Croton L.
Baliospermum Blume a Baliospermum Blume
Baloghia Endl. a Baloghia Endl.
Banalia Raf. Croton L. Banalia Raf. Croton L.
Barhamia Klotzsch Croton L. Barhamia Klotzsch Croton L.
Barrettia Sim Ricinodendron Müll. Arg. Barrettia Sim Ricinodendron Müll. Arg.
Benoistia H. Perrier & Leandri a Benoistia H. Perrier & Leandri
Bertya Planch. a Bertya Planch.
Beyeria Miq. a Beyeria Miq.
Beyeriopsis Müll. Arg. Beyeria Miq. Beyeriopsis Müll. Arg. Beyeria Miq.
Bivonea Raf. Cnidoscolus Pohl Bivonea Raf. Cnidoscolus Pohl
Blachia Baill. a Blachia Baill.
Borneodendron Airy Shaw a Borneodendron Airy Shaw
Brachystachys Klotzsch Croton L. Brachystachys Klotzsch Croton L.
Brasiliocroton P. E. Berry & Cordeiro a Brasiliocroton P. E. Berry & Cordeiro
Calypteriopetalon Hassk. Croton L. Calypteriopetalon Hassk. Croton L.
Calyptrostigma Klotzsch Beyeria Miq. Calyptrostigma Klotzsch Beyeria Miq.
Camirium Gaertn. Aleurites J. R. Forst. & G. Forst. Camirium Gaertn. Aleurites J. R. Forst. & G. Forst.
Caoutchoua J. F. Gmel. Hevea Aubl. Caoutchoua J. F. Gmel. Hevea Aubl.
Capellenia Teijsm. & Binn. Endospermum Benth. Capellenia Teijsm. & Binn. Endospermum Benth.
Carcia Raeusch. Garcia Rohr Carcia Raeusch. Garcia Rohr
Cascarilla Adans. Croton L. Cascarilla Adans. Croton L.
Castiglionia Ruiz & Pav. Jatropha L. Castiglionia Ruiz & Pav. Jatropha L.
Cavacoa J. Léonard a Cavacoa J. Léonard
Centrandra H. Karst. Croton L. Centrandra H. Karst. Croton L.
Ceratophorus Sond. Suregada Roxb. ex Rottler Ceratophorus Sond. Suregada Roxb. ex Rottler
Cieca Adans. Croton L. Cieca Adans. Croton L.
Cladogelonium Leandri a Cladogelonium Leandri
Clavipodium Desv. ex Grüning Beyeria Miq. Clavipodium Desv. ex Grüning Beyeria Miq.
Cleodora Klotzsch Croton L. Cleodora Klotzsch Croton L.
Clusiophyllum Müll. Arg. Micrandra Benth. Clusiophyllum Müll. Arg. Micrandra Benth.
Cnidoscolus Pohl a Cnidoscolus Pohl
Cocconerion Baill. a Cocconerion Baill.
Codiaeum A. Juss. a Codiaeum A. Juss.
Codonocalyx Klotzsch ex Baill. Croton L. Codonocalyx Klotzsch ex Baill. Croton L.
Collenucia Chiov. Jatropha L. Collenucia Chiov. Jatropha L.
Comatocroton H. Karst. Croton L. Comatocroton H. Karst. Croton L.
Croton L. a Croton L.
Crotonanthus Klotzsch ex Schltdl. Croton L. Crotonanthus Klotzsch ex Schltdl. Croton L.
Crotonogyne Müll. Arg. a Crotonogyne Müll. Arg.
Crotonopsis Michx. Croton L. Crotonopsis Michx. Croton L.
Crozophyla Raf. Codiaeum A. Juss. Crozophyla Raf. Codiaeum A. Juss.
Cubacroton Alain Moacroton Croizat Cubacroton Alain Moacroton Croizat
Cunuria Baill. a Cunuria Baill.
Curcas Adans. Jatropha L. Curcas Adans. Jatropha L.
Cyclostigma Klotzsch Croton L. Cyclostigma Klotzsch Croton L.
Cyrtogonone Prain a Cyrtogonone Prain
Decarinium Raf. Croton L. Decarinium Raf. Croton L.
Deonia Pierre ex Pax Blachia Baill. Deonia Pierre ex Pax Blachia Baill.
Desmostemon Thwaites Paracroton Miq. Desmostemon Thwaites Paracroton Miq.
Deutzianthus Gagnep. a Deutzianthus Gagnep.
Dimorphocalyx Thwaites a Dimorphocalyx Thwaites
Diplostylis Sond. Adenocline Turcz. Diplostylis Sond. Adenocline Turcz.
Ditta Griseb. a Ditta Griseb.
Dodecastigma Ducke a Dodecastigma Ducke
Domohinea Leandri a Domohinea Leandri
Drepadenium Raf. Croton L. Drepadenium Raf. Croton L.
Dryandra Thunb. Vernicia Lour. Dryandra Thunb. Vernicia Lour.
Duchola Adans. Omphalea L. Duchola Adans. Omphalea L.
Echinosphaera Sieber ex Steud. Ricinocarpos Desf. Echinosphaera Sieber ex Steud. Ricinocarpos Desf.
Elaeococca Comm. ex A. Juss. Vernicia Lour. Elaeococca Comm. ex A. Juss. Vernicia Lour.
Elateriodes Kuntze Elateriospermum Blume Elateriodes Kuntze Elateriospermum Blume
Elateriospermum Blume a Elateriospermum Blume
Elaterispermum Rchb. Elateriospermum Blume Elaterispermum Rchb. Elateriospermum Blume
Eluteria Steud. Croton L. Eluteria Steud. Croton L.
Enchidium Jack Trigonostemon Blume Enchidium Jack Trigonostemon Blume
Endospermum Benth. a Endospermum Benth.
Engelmannia Klotzsch Croton L. Engelmannia Klotzsch Croton L.
Eremocarpus Benth. Croton L. Eremocarpus Benth. Croton L.
Erythrocarpus Blume Suregada Roxb. ex Rottler Erythrocarpus Blume Suregada Roxb. ex Rottler
Eutropia Klotzsch Croton L. Eutropia Klotzsch Croton L.
Fahrenheitia Rchb. f. & Zoll. ex Müll. Arg. Paracroton Miq. Fahrenheitia Rchb. f. & Zoll. ex Müll. Arg. Paracroton Miq.
Fontainea Heckel a Fontainea Heckel
Friesia Spreng. Croton L. Friesia Spreng. Croton L.
Furcaria Boivin ex Baill. Croton L. Furcaria Boivin ex Baill. Croton L.
Garcia Rohr a Garcia Rohr
Geiseleria Klotzsch Croton L. Geiseleria Klotzsch Croton L.
Gelonium Roxb. ex Willd. Suregada Roxb. ex Rottler Gelonium Roxb. ex Willd. Suregada Roxb. ex Rottler
Givotia Griff. a Givotia Griff.
Glycydendron Ducke a Glycydendron Ducke
Grossera Pax a Grossera Pax
Gynamblosis Torr. Croton L. Gynamblosis Torr. Croton L.
Halecus Raf. Croton L. Halecus Raf. Croton L.
Hasskarlia Baill. Tetrorchidium Poepp. Hasskarlia Baill. Tetrorchidium Poepp.
Hebecocca Beurl. Omphalea L. Hebecocca Beurl. Omphalea L.
Hecatea Thouars Omphalea L. Hecatea Thouars Omphalea L.
Hendecandras Eschsch. Croton L. Hendecandras Eschsch. Croton L.
Heptallon Raf. Croton L. Heptallon Raf. Croton L.
Heterochlamys Turcz. Croton L. Heterochlamys Turcz. Croton L.
Heterocroton S. Moore Croton L. Heterocroton S. Moore Croton L.
Hevea Aubl. a Hevea Aubl.
Holstia Pax Neoholstia Rauschert Holstia Pax Neoholstia Rauschert
Hotnima A. Chev. Manihot Mill. Hotnima A. Chev. Manihot Mill.
Hylandia Airy Shaw a Hylandia Airy Shaw
Janipha Kunth Manihot Mill. Janipha Kunth Manihot Mill.
Jatropa Scop., orth. var. Jatropha L. Jatropa Scop., orth. var. Jatropha L.
Jatropha L. a Jatropha L.
Joannesia Vell. a Joannesia Vell.
Julocroton Mart. Croton L. Julocroton Mart. Croton L.
Junghuhnia Miq. Codiaeum A. Juss. Junghuhnia Miq. Codiaeum A. Juss.
Jussieuia Houst. Cnidoscolus Pohl Jussieuia Houst. Cnidoscolus Pohl
Karima Cheek & Riina a Karima Cheek & Riina
Klaineanthus Pierre ex Prain a Klaineanthus Pierre ex Prain
Klotzschiphytum Baill. Croton L. Klotzschiphytum Baill. Croton L.
Kurkas Raf. Croton L. Kurkas Raf. Croton L.
Kurziodendron N. P. Balakr. Trigonostemon Blume Kurziodendron N. P. Balakr. Trigonostemon Blume
Lambertya F. Muell. Bertya Planch. Lambertya F. Muell. Bertya Planch.
Lasiogyne Klotzsch Croton L. Lasiogyne Klotzsch Croton L.
Leeuwenbergia Letouzey & N. Hallé a Leeuwenbergia Letouzey & N. Hallé
Leontia Rchb. Croton L. Leontia Rchb. Croton L.
Leptemon Raf. Croton L. Leptemon Raf. Croton L.
Leucadenia Klotzsch ex Baill. Croton L. Leucadenia Klotzsch ex Baill. Croton L.
Loerzingia Airy Shaw a Loerzingia Airy Shaw
Loureira Cav. Jatropha L. Loureira Cav. Jatropha L.
Luntia Neck. ex Raf. Croton L. Luntia Neck. ex Raf. Croton L.
Macrocroton Klotzsch Croton L. Macrocroton Klotzsch Croton L.
Mandioca Link Manihot Mill. Mandioca Link Manihot Mill.
Manihot Mill. a Manihot Mill.
Manihotoides D. J. Rogers & Appan Manihot Mill. Manihotoides D. J. Rogers & Appan Manihot Mill.
Manniophyton Müll. Arg. a Manniophyton Müll. Arg.
Medea Klotzsch Croton L. Medea Klotzsch Croton L.
Merleta Raf. Croton L. Merleta Raf. Croton L.
Mesandrinia Raf. Jatropha L. Mesandrinia Raf. Jatropha L.
Micrandra Benn. & R. Br. Hevea Aubl. Micrandra Benn. & R. Br. Hevea Aubl.
Micrandra Benth. a Micrandra Benth.
Micrandropsis W. A. Rodrigues a Micrandropsis W. A. Rodrigues
Mildbraedia Pax a Mildbraedia Pax
Moacroton Croizat a Moacroton Croizat
Monguia Chapel. ex Baill. Croton L. Monguia Chapel. ex Baill. Croton L.
Mozinna Ortega Jatropha L. Mozinna Ortega Jatropha L.
Myricanthe Airy Shaw a Myricanthe Airy Shaw
Myriogomphus Didr. Croton L. Myriogomphus Didr. Croton L.
Neoboutonia Müll. Arg. a Neoboutonia Müll. Arg.
Neoholstia Rauschert a Neoholstia Rauschert
Neojatropha Pax Mildbraedia Pax Neojatropha Pax Mildbraedia Pax
Neomanniophyton Pax & K. Hoffm. Crotonogyne Müll. Arg. Neomanniophyton Pax & K. Hoffm. Crotonogyne Müll. Arg.
Neomphalea Pax & K. Hoffm. Omphalea L. Neomphalea Pax & K. Hoffm. Omphalea L.
Neotrigonostemon Pax & K. Hoffm. Trigonostemon Blume Neotrigonostemon Pax & K. Hoffm. Trigonostemon Blume
Nepenthandra S. Moore Trigonostemon Blume Nepenthandra S. Moore Trigonostemon Blume
Ocalia Klotzsch Croton L. Ocalia Klotzsch Croton L.
Oligoceras Gagnep. a Oligoceras Gagnep.
Omphalandria P. Browne Omphalea L. Omphalandria P. Browne Omphalea L.
Omphalea L. a Omphalea L.
Ophellantha Standl. a Ophellantha Standl.
Ostodes Blume a Ostodes Blume
Owataria Matsum. Suregada Roxb. ex Rottler Owataria Matsum. Suregada Roxb. ex Rottler
Oxydectes Kuntze Croton L. Oxydectes Kuntze Croton L.
Palanostigma Mart. ex Klotzsch Croton L. Palanostigma Mart. ex Klotzsch Croton L.
Pantadenia Gagnep. a Pantadenia Gagnep.
Paracroton Miq. a Paracroton Miq.
Paradenocline Müll. Arg. Adenocline Turcz. Paradenocline Müll. Arg. Adenocline Turcz.
Parapantadenia Capuron a Parapantadenia Capuron
Pausandra Radlk. a Pausandra Radlk.
Penteca Raf. Croton L. Penteca Raf. Croton L.
Phyllaurea Lour. Codiaeum A. Juss. Phyllaurea Lour. Codiaeum A. Juss.
Pilinophytum Klotzsch Croton L. Pilinophytum Klotzsch Croton L.
Piscaria Piper Croton L. Piscaria Piper Croton L.
Pleopadium Raf. Croton L. Pleopadium Raf. Croton L.
Plesiatropha Pierre ex Hutch. Mildbraedia Pax Plesiatropha Pierre ex Hutch. Mildbraedia Pax
Podostachys Klotzsch Croton L. Podostachys Klotzsch Croton L.
Pogonophyllum Didr. Micrandra Benth. Pogonophyllum Didr. Micrandra Benth.
Poilaniella Gagnep. Trigonostemon Blume Poilaniella Gagnep. Trigonostemon Blume
Prosartema Gagnep. Trigonostemon Blume Prosartema Gagnep. Trigonostemon Blume
Reutealis Airy Shaw a Reutealis Airy Shaw
Ricinocarpos Desf. a Ricinocarpos Desf.
Ricinodendron Müll. Arg. a Ricinodendron Müll. Arg.
Ritchieophyton Pax Givotia Griff. Ritchieophyton Pax Givotia Griff.
Roeperia Spreng. Ricinocarpos Desf. Roeperia Spreng. Ricinocarpos Desf.
Ronnowia Bucʼhoz Omphalea L. Ronnowia Bucʼhoz Omphalea L.
Sagotia Baill. a Sagotia Baill.
Saipania Hosok. Croton L. Saipania Hosok. Croton L.
Sandwithia Lanj. a Sandwithia Lanj.
Schinziophyton Hutch. ex Radcl.-Sm. a Schinziophyton Hutch. ex Radcl.-Sm.
Schradera Willd. Croton L. Schradera Willd. Croton L.
Semilta Raf. Croton L. Semilta Raf. Croton L.
Silvaea Hook. & Arn. Trigonostemon Blume Silvaea Hook. & Arn. Trigonostemon Blume
Siphonanthus Schreb. ex Baill. Hevea Aubl. Siphonanthus Schreb. ex Baill. Hevea Aubl.
Siphonia D. Richard ex Schreb. Hevea Aubl. Siphonia D. Richard ex Schreb. Hevea Aubl.
Steigeria Müll. Arg. Baloghia Endl. Steigeria Müll. Arg. Baloghia Endl.
Strophioblachia Boerl. a Strophioblachia Boerl.
Suregada Roxb. ex Rottler a Suregada Roxb. ex Rottler
Synaspisma Endl. Codiaeum A. Juss. Synaspisma Endl. Codiaeum A. Juss.
Tannodia Baill. a Tannodia Baill.
Tapoides Airy Shaw a Tapoides Airy Shaw
Telogyne Baill. Trigonostemon Blume Telogyne Baill. Trigonostemon Blume
Tetrorchidiopsis Rauschert Tetrorchidium Poepp. Tetrorchidiopsis Rauschert Tetrorchidium Poepp.
Tetrorchidium Poepp. a Tetrorchidium Poepp.
Tiglium Klotzsch Croton L. Tiglium Klotzsch Croton L.
Timandra Klotzsch Croton L. Timandra Klotzsch Croton L.
Tridesmis Lour. Croton L. Tridesmis Lour. Croton L.
Trigonostemon Blume a Trigonostemon Blume
Triplandra Raf. Croton L. Triplandra Raf. Croton L.
Tritaxis Baill. Trigonostemon Blume Tritaxis Baill. Trigonostemon Blume
Tylosepalum Kurz ex Teijsm. & Binn. Trigonostemon Blume Tylosepalum Kurz ex Teijsm. & Binn. Trigonostemon Blume
Vandera Raf. Croton L. Vandera Raf. Croton L.
Vaupesia R. E. Schult. a Vaupesia R. E. Schult.
Vernicia Lour. a Vernicia Lour.
Victorinia León Cnidoscolus Pohl Victorinia León Cnidoscolus Pohl
Zimapania Engl. & Pax Jatropha L. Zimapania Engl. & Pax Jatropha L.

ILRI Germplasm Policy (excerpts)

The International Livestock research Institute (ILRI) maintains a collection of forage germplasm as a global public good. The material was acquired prior to the entry into force of the Convention on Biological Diversity; or if it was acquired after the entering into force of the Convention on Biological Diversity, it was obtained with the understanding that it was held in trust and could be made available for any agricultural research, breeding and training purposes under the terms and conditions set out in the agreement between the ILRI and FAO dated 26 October 1994. On 16 October 2006, ILRI signed an agreement with the Governing Body of the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (the Treaty) placing these in trust collections of Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (PGRFA) within the purview of the Treaty.

In accordance with this Agreement, all shipments of PGRFA of crops listed in Annex 1 to the Treaty (shipments of PGRFA under the Multilateral System) will be subject to the terms and conditions of the Standard Material Transfer Agreement (SMTA). In the event that the SMTA (attached) is used for the transfer of Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture other than those listed in Annex 1 of the Treaty: i) The references in the SMTA to the "Multilateral System" shall not be interpreted as limiting the application of the SMTA to Annex 1 Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture, and in the case of Article 6.2 of the SMTA shall mean "under this Agreement". ii) The reference in Article 6.11 and Annex 3 of the SMTA to "Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture belonging to the same crop, as set out in Annex 1 to the Treaty" shall be taken to mean "Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture belonging to the same crop".

The material is held in trust and the recipient has no rights to obtain Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs) on the material or related information. The recipient may utilize and conserve the material for research, breeding and training and may distribute it to other parties provided such parties accept the terms and conditions of the SMTA .

ILRI will provide forage seeds in small experimental quantities of between 1 and 20 grams without charge from the germplasm collection under the SMTA as appropriate for the crop as part of its policy of maximizing the utilization of material for research, breeding and training. Larger quantities sufficient to sow up to one quarter of a hectare of a limited number of promising accessions will require that requesters cover the costs of production and shipping.

ILRI makes no warranties as to the safety or title of the material, nor as to the accuracy or correctness of any passport or other data provided with the material. Neither does it make any warranties as to the quality, viability, or purity (genetic or mechanical) of the material being furnished. The phytosanitary condition of the material is warranted only as described in the attached phytosanitary certificate. The recipient assumes full responsibility for complying with the recipient nation’s quarantine and biosafety regulations and rules as to import or release of genetic material.