
Genera and generic subdivisons of Solanaceae Juss., nom. cons.: Solanoideae
Accepted Names
Exclude infrageneric names

Acnistus Schott Iochroma Benth. Acnistus Schott Iochroma Benth.
Alibrexia Miers Nolana L. f. Alibrexia Miers Nolana L. f.
Alicabon Raf. Withania Pauquy Alicabon Raf. Withania Pauquy
Alkekengi Mill. Physalis L. Alkekengi Mill. Physalis L.
Alona Lindl. Nolana L. f. Alona Lindl. Nolana L. f.
Amatula Medik. Solanum L. Amatula Medik. Solanum L.
Androcera Nutt. Solanum L. Androcera Nutt. Solanum L.
Anisodus Link ex Spreng. a Anisodus Link ex Spreng.
Antimion Raf. Solanum L. Antimion Raf. Solanum L.
Apemon Raf. Datura L. Apemon Raf. Datura L.
Aplocarya Lindl. Nolana L. f. Aplocarya Lindl. Nolana L. f.
Aquartia Jacq. Solanum L. Aquartia Jacq. Solanum L.
Archiphysalis Kuang Withania Pauquy Archiphysalis Kuang Withania Pauquy
Artorhiza Raf. Solanum L. Artorhiza Raf. Solanum L.
Athenaea Sendtn. a Athenaea Sendtn.
Atropa L. a Atropa L.
Atropanthe Pascher a Atropanthe Pascher
Aureliana Sendtn. a Aureliana Sendtn.
Bargemontia Gaudich. Nolana L. f. Bargemontia Gaudich. Nolana L. f.
Bassovia Aubl. Solanum L. Bassovia Aubl. Solanum L.
Battata Hill Solanum L. Battata Hill Solanum L.
Belenia Decne. Physochlaina G. Don Belenia Decne. Physochlaina G. Don
Belladona Duhamel Atropa L. Belladona Duhamel Atropa L.
Bellinia Roem. & Schult. Saracha Ruiz & Pav. Bellinia Roem. & Schult. Saracha Ruiz & Pav.
Bosleria A. Nelson Solanum L. Bosleria A. Nelson Solanum L.
Brachistus Miers a Brachistus Miers
Brugmansia Pers. a Brugmansia Pers.
Cacabus Bernh. Exodeconus Raf. Cacabus Bernh. Exodeconus Raf.
Calydermos Ruiz & Pav. Nicandra Adans. Calydermos Ruiz & Pav. Nicandra Adans.
Cantalea Raf. Lycium L. Cantalea Raf. Lycium L.
Capsicum L. a Capsicum L.
Ceranthera Raf. Solanum L. Ceranthera Raf. Solanum L.
Ceratocaulos Rchb. Datura L. Ceratocaulos Rchb. Datura L.
Chaenesthes Miers Iochroma Benth. Chaenesthes Miers Iochroma Benth.
Chamaesaracha (A. Gray) Benth. a Chamaesaracha (A. Gray) Benth.
Cleochroma Miers Iochroma Benth. Cleochroma Miers Iochroma Benth.
Cliocarpus Miers Solanum L. Cliocarpus Miers Solanum L.
Codochonia Dunal Acnistus Schott Codochonia Dunal Acnistus Schott
Cuatresia Hunz. a Cuatresia Hunz.
Cyathostyles Schott ex Meisn. Solanum L. Cyathostyles Schott ex Meisn. Solanum L.
Cyphomandra Mart. ex Sendtn. Solanum L. Cyphomandra Mart. ex Sendtn. Solanum L.
Datura L. a Datura L.
Deprea Raf. a Deprea Raf.
Diamonon Raf. Solanum L. Diamonon Raf. Solanum L.
Dictyocalyx Hook. f. Exodeconus Raf. Dictyocalyx Hook. f. Exodeconus Raf.
Dierbachia Spreng. Dunalia Kunth Dierbachia Spreng. Dunalia Kunth
Diplukion Raf. Iochroma Benth. Diplukion Raf. Iochroma Benth.
Discopodium Hochst. a Discopodium Hochst.
Diskion Raf. Saracha Ruiz & Pav. Diskion Raf. Saracha Ruiz & Pav.
Dolia Lindl. Nolana L. f. Dolia Lindl. Nolana L. f.
Dolichosiphon Phil. Jaborosa Juss. Dolichosiphon Phil. Jaborosa Juss.
Dolichostigma Miers Jaborosa Juss. Dolichostigma Miers Jaborosa Juss.
Dulcamara Moench Solanum L. Dulcamara Moench Solanum L.
Dunalia Kunth a Dunalia Kunth
Dyssochroma Miers a Dyssochroma Miers
Ectozoma Miers Juanulloa Ruiz & Pav. Ectozoma Miers Juanulloa Ruiz & Pav.
Elisia Milano Brugmansia Pers. Elisia Milano Brugmansia Pers.
Ephaiola Raf. Acnistus Schott Ephaiola Raf. Acnistus Schott
Eplateia Raf. Acnistus Schott Eplateia Raf. Acnistus Schott
Eriolarynx (Hunz.) Hunz. a Eriolarynx (Hunz.) Hunz.
Evoista Raf. Lycium L. Evoista Raf. Lycium L.
Exodeconus Raf. a Exodeconus Raf.
Fontqueriella Rothm. Solanum L. Fontqueriella Rothm. Solanum L.
Grabowskia Schltdl. a Grabowskia Schltdl.
Gubleria Gaudich. Nolana L. f. Gubleria Gaudich. Nolana L. f.
Hawkesiophyton Hunz. Markea Rich. Hawkesiophyton Hunz. Markea Rich.
Hebecladus Miers Jaltomata Schltdl. Hebecladus Miers Jaltomata Schltdl.
Herschellia T. E. Bowdich ex Rchb. Physalis L. Herschellia T. E. Bowdich ex Rchb. Physalis L.
Huanaca Raf. Dunalia Kunth Huanaca Raf. Dunalia Kunth
Hyoscyamus L. a Hyoscyamus L.
Iochroma Benth. a Iochroma Benth.
Jaborosa Juss. a Jaborosa Juss.
Jaltomata Schltdl. a Jaltomata Schltdl.
Jasminoides Duhamel Lycium L. Jasminoides Duhamel Lycium L.
Juanulloa Ruiz & Pav. a Juanulloa Ruiz & Pav.
Kokabus Raf. Jaltomata Schltdl. Kokabus Raf. Jaltomata Schltdl.
Kukolis Raf. Jaltomata Schltdl. Kukolis Raf. Jaltomata Schltdl.
Larnax Miers a Larnax Miers
Latua Phil. a Latua Phil.
Laureria Schltdl. Juanulloa Ruiz & Pav. Laureria Schltdl. Juanulloa Ruiz & Pav.
Leloutrea Gaudich. Nolana L. f. Leloutrea Gaudich. Nolana L. f.
Leucophysalis Rydb. a Leucophysalis Rydb.
Lonchestigma Dunal Jaborosa Juss. Lonchestigma Dunal Jaborosa Juss.
Lycianthes (Dunal) Hassl. a Lycianthes (Dunal) Hassl.
Lycioplesium Miers Acnistus Schott Lycioplesium Miers Acnistus Schott
Lycium L. a Lycium L.
Lycomela Fabr. Solanum L. Lycomela Fabr. Solanum L.
Lycopersicon Mill. Solanum L. Lycopersicon Mill. Solanum L.
Mandragora L. a Mandragora L.
Manoelia Bowdich Withania Pauquy Manoelia Bowdich Withania Pauquy
Margaranthus Schltdl. Physalis L. Margaranthus Schltdl. Physalis L.
Markea Rich. a Markea Rich.
Mellissia Hook. f. a Mellissia Hook. f.
Melongena Mill. Solanum L. Melongena Mill. Solanum L.
Merinthopodium Donn. Sm. a Merinthopodium Donn. Sm.
Methysticodendron R. E. Schult. Brugmansia Pers. Methysticodendron R. E. Schult. Brugmansia Pers.
Nectouxia Kunth a Nectouxia Kunth
Neudorfia Adans. Nolana L. f. Neudorfia Adans. Nolana L. f.
Nicandra Adans. a Nicandra Adans.
Nolana L. f. a Nolana L. f.
Normania Lowe Solanum L. Normania Lowe Solanum L.
Nothocestrum A. Gray a Nothocestrum A. Gray
Numaeacampa Gagnep. Lycianthes (Dunal) Hassl. Numaeacampa Gagnep. Lycianthes (Dunal) Hassl.
Nycterium Vent. Solanum L. Nycterium Vent. Solanum L.
Oplukion Raf. Lycium L. Oplukion Raf. Lycium L.
Opsago Raf. Withania Pauquy Opsago Raf. Withania Pauquy
Orinocoa Raf. Athenaea Sendtn. Orinocoa Raf. Athenaea Sendtn.
Oryctes S. Watson a Oryctes S. Watson
Osteocarpus Phil. Nolana L. f. Osteocarpus Phil. Nolana L. f.
Otilix Raf. Lycianthes (Dunal) Hassl. Otilix Raf. Lycianthes (Dunal) Hassl.
Ovaria Fabr. Solanum L. Ovaria Fabr. Solanum L.
Pachysolen Phil. Nolana L. f. Pachysolen Phil. Nolana L. f.
Pallavicinia De Not. Solanum L. Pallavicinia De Not. Solanum L.
Panzeria J. F. Gmel. Lycium L. Panzeria J. F. Gmel. Lycium L.
Parascopolia Baill. Lycianthes (Dunal) Hassl. Parascopolia Baill. Lycianthes (Dunal) Hassl.
Parmentiera Raf. Solanum L. Parmentiera Raf. Solanum L.
Pauia Deb & R. M. Dutta Atropa L. Pauia Deb & R. M. Dutta Atropa L.
Pederlea Raf. Iochroma Benth. Pederlea Raf. Iochroma Benth.
Pentagonia Heist. ex Fabr. Nicandra Adans. Pentagonia Heist. ex Fabr. Nicandra Adans.
Pentaphiltrum Rchb. Physalis L. Pentaphiltrum Rchb. Physalis L.
Periloba Raf. Nolana L. f. Periloba Raf. Nolana L. f.
Perizoma (Miers) Lindl. Salpichroa Miers Perizoma (Miers) Lindl. Salpichroa Miers
Petagnia Raf. Solanum L. Petagnia Raf. Solanum L.
Pheliandra Werderm. Solanum L. Pheliandra Werderm. Solanum L.
Phrodus Miers a Phrodus Miers
Physaliastrum Makino Withania Pauquy Physaliastrum Makino Withania Pauquy
Physalis L. a Physalis L.
Physalodes Boehm. Nicandra Adans. Physalodes Boehm. Nicandra Adans.
Physaloides Moench Withania Pauquy Physaloides Moench Withania Pauquy
Physochlaina G. Don a Physochlaina G. Don
Pionandra Miers Solanum L. Pionandra Miers Solanum L.
Plicula Raf. Acnistus Schott Plicula Raf. Acnistus Schott
Poecilochroma Miers Saracha Ruiz & Pav. Poecilochroma Miers Saracha Ruiz & Pav.
Poortmannia Drake Trianaea Planch. & Linden Poortmannia Drake Trianaea Planch. & Linden
Portaea Ten. Juanulloa Ruiz & Pav. Portaea Ten. Juanulloa Ruiz & Pav.
Przewalskia Maxim. a Przewalskia Maxim.
Pseudocapsicum Medik. Solanum L. Pseudocapsicum Medik. Solanum L.
Pseudodatura Zijp Brugmansia Pers. Pseudodatura Zijp Brugmansia Pers.
Pukanthus Raf. Grabowskia Schltdl. Pukanthus Raf. Grabowskia Schltdl.
Puneeria Stocks Withania Pauquy Puneeria Stocks Withania Pauquy
Quincula Raf. a Quincula Raf.
Rahowardiana DʼArcy Juanulloa Ruiz & Pav. Rahowardiana DʼArcy Juanulloa Ruiz & Pav.
Rayera Gaudich. Nolana L. f. Rayera Gaudich. Nolana L. f.
Rhopalostigma Phil. Phrodus Miers Rhopalostigma Phil. Phrodus Miers
Salpichroa Miers a Salpichroa Miers
Saracha Ruiz & Pav. a Saracha Ruiz & Pav.
Sarcophysa Miers Juanulloa Ruiz & Pav. Sarcophysa Miers Juanulloa Ruiz & Pav.
Schraderanthus Averett a Schraderanthus Averett
Schultesianthus Hunz. a Schultesianthus Hunz.
Sclerophylax Miers a Sclerophylax Miers
Scopolia Jacq. a Scopolia Jacq.
Scubulon Raf. Solanum L. Scubulon Raf. Solanum L.
Sicklera Sendtn. Brachistus Miers Sicklera Sendtn. Brachistus Miers
Solanastrum Fabr. Solanum L. Solanastrum Fabr. Solanum L.
Solandra Sw. a Solandra Sw.
Solanocharis Bitter Solanum L. Solanocharis Bitter Solanum L.
Solanopsis Bitter Solanum L. Solanopsis Bitter Solanum L.
Solanum L. a Solanum L.
Solanum L. sect. Geminata Solanum L. subg. Minon i Solanum L. sect. Geminata Solanum L. subg. Minon
Solanum L. subg. Archaesolanum a i Solanum L. subg. Archaesolanum
Solanum L. subg. Brevantherum a i Solanum L. subg. Brevantherum
Solanum L. subg. Brevantherum sect. Brevantherum a i Solanum L. subg. Brevantherum sect. Brevantherum
Solanum L. subg. Brevantherum sect. Gonatotrichum a i Solanum L. subg. Brevantherum sect. Gonatotrichum
Solanum L. subg. Cyphomandra a i Solanum L. subg. Cyphomandra
Solanum L. subg. Cyphomandra sect. Cyphomandropsis a i Solanum L. subg. Cyphomandra sect. Cyphomandropsis
Solanum L. subg. Cyphomandra sect. Pachyphylla a i Solanum L. subg. Cyphomandra sect. Pachyphylla
Solanum L. subg. Leptostemonum a i Solanum L. subg. Leptostemonum
Solanum L. subg. Leptostemonum sect. Acanthophora a i Solanum L. subg. Leptostemonum sect. Acanthophora
Solanum L. subg. Leptostemonum sect. Anisantherum a i Solanum L. subg. Leptostemonum sect. Anisantherum
Solanum L. subg. Leptostemonum sect. Campanulata a i Solanum L. subg. Leptostemonum sect. Campanulata
Solanum L. subg. Leptostemonum sect. Crinitum a i Solanum L. subg. Leptostemonum sect. Crinitum
Solanum L. subg. Leptostemonum sect. Croatianum a i Solanum L. subg. Leptostemonum sect. Croatianum
Solanum L. subg. Leptostemonum sect. Erythrotrichum a i Solanum L. subg. Leptostemonum sect. Erythrotrichum
Solanum L. subg. Leptostemonum sect. Giganteiformia a i Solanum L. subg. Leptostemonum sect. Giganteiformia
Solanum L. subg. Leptostemonum sect. Graciliflorum a i Solanum L. subg. Leptostemonum sect. Graciliflorum
Solanum L. subg. Leptostemonum sect. Herposolanum a i Solanum L. subg. Leptostemonum sect. Herposolanum
Solanum L. subg. Leptostemonum sect. Irenosolanum a i Solanum L. subg. Leptostemonum sect. Irenosolanum
Solanum L. subg. Leptostemonum sect. Ischyracanthum a i Solanum L. subg. Leptostemonum sect. Ischyracanthum
Solanum L. subg. Leptostemonum sect. Lasiocarpa a i Solanum L. subg. Leptostemonum sect. Lasiocarpa
Solanum L. subg. Leptostemonum sect. Lathyrocarpum a i Solanum L. subg. Leptostemonum sect. Lathyrocarpum
Solanum L. subg. Leptostemonum sect. Leprophora a i Solanum L. subg. Leptostemonum sect. Leprophora
Solanum L. subg. Leptostemonum sect. Melongena a i Solanum L. subg. Leptostemonum sect. Melongena
Solanum L. subg. Leptostemonum sect. Micracantha a i Solanum L. subg. Leptostemonum sect. Micracantha
Solanum L. subg. Leptostemonum sect. Monodolichopus a i Solanum L. subg. Leptostemonum sect. Monodolichopus
Solanum L. subg. Leptostemonum sect. Nycterium a i Solanum L. subg. Leptostemonum sect. Nycterium
Solanum L. subg. Leptostemonum sect. Oliganthes a i Solanum L. subg. Leptostemonum sect. Oliganthes
Solanum L. subg. Leptostemonum sect. Persicariae a i Solanum L. subg. Leptostemonum sect. Persicariae
Solanum L. subg. Leptostemonum sect. Polytrichum a i Solanum L. subg. Leptostemonum sect. Polytrichum
Solanum L. subg. Leptostemonum sect. Pugiunculifera a i Solanum L. subg. Leptostemonum sect. Pugiunculifera
Solanum L. subg. Leptostemonum sect. Somalanum a i Solanum L. subg. Leptostemonum sect. Somalanum
Solanum L. subg. Leptostemonum sect. Torva a i Solanum L. subg. Leptostemonum sect. Torva
Solanum L. subg. Lyciosolanum a i Solanum L. subg. Lyciosolanum
Solanum L. subg. Lyciosolanum sect. Afrosolanum a i Solanum L. subg. Lyciosolanum sect. Afrosolanum
Solanum L. subg. Lyciosolanum sect. Benderianum a i Solanum L. subg. Lyciosolanum sect. Benderianum
Solanum L. subg. Lyciosolanum sect. Quadrangulare a i Solanum L. subg. Lyciosolanum sect. Quadrangulare
Solanum L. subg. Minon a i Solanum L. subg. Minon
Solanum L. subg. Normania a i Solanum L. subg. Normania
Solanum L. subg. Potatoe a i Solanum L. subg. Potatoe
Solanum L. subg. Potatoe sect. Anarrhichomenum a i Solanum L. subg. Potatoe sect. Anarrhichomenum
Solanum L. subg. Potatoe sect. Articulatum a i Solanum L. subg. Potatoe sect. Articulatum
Solanum L. subg. Potatoe sect. Basarthrum a i Solanum L. subg. Potatoe sect. Basarthrum
Solanum L. subg. Potatoe sect. Etuberosum a i Solanum L. subg. Potatoe sect. Etuberosum
Solanum L. subg. Potatoe sect. Herpystichum a i Solanum L. subg. Potatoe sect. Herpystichum
Solanum L. subg. Potatoe sect. Juglandifolia a i Solanum L. subg. Potatoe sect. Juglandifolia
Solanum L. subg. Potatoe sect. Lycopersicoides a i Solanum L. subg. Potatoe sect. Lycopersicoides
Solanum L. subg. Potatoe sect. Lycopersicon a i Solanum L. subg. Potatoe sect. Lycopersicon
Solanum L. subg. Potatoe sect. Petota a i Solanum L. subg. Potatoe sect. Petota
Solanum L. subg. Potatoe sect. Pteroidea a i Solanum L. subg. Potatoe sect. Pteroidea
Solanum L. subg. Potatoe sect. Regmandra a i Solanum L. subg. Potatoe sect. Regmandra
Solanum L. subg. Solanum a i Solanum L. subg. Solanum
Solanum L. subg. Solanum sect. Dulcamara a i Solanum L. subg. Solanum sect. Dulcamara
Solanum L. subg. Solanum sect. Lemurisolanum a i Solanum L. subg. Solanum sect. Lemurisolanum
Solanum L. subg. Solanum sect. Macronesiotes a i Solanum L. subg. Solanum sect. Macronesiotes
Solanum L. subg. Solanum sect. Solanum a i Solanum L. subg. Solanum sect. Solanum
Solanum L. subg. Thelypodium a i Solanum L. subg. Thelypodium
Solanum L. subg. Wendlandii/Allophyllum a i Solanum L. subg. Wendlandii/Allophyllum
Solanum L. subg. Wendlandii/Allophyllum sect. Aculeigerum a i Solanum L. subg. Wendlandii/Allophyllum sect. Aculeigerum
Solanum L. subg. Wendlandii/Allophyllum sect. Allophylla a i Solanum L. subg. Wendlandii/Allophyllum sect. Allophylla
Sorema Lindl. Nolana L. f. Sorema Lindl. Nolana L. f.
Sterrhymenia Griseb. Sclerophylax Miers Sterrhymenia Griseb. Sclerophylax Miers
Stramonium Mill. Datura L. Stramonium Mill. Datura L.
Streptostigma Regel Exodeconus Raf. Streptostigma Regel Exodeconus Raf.
Swartsia J. F. Gmel. Solandra Sw. Swartsia J. F. Gmel. Solandra Sw.
Teganium Schmidel Nolana L. f. Teganium Schmidel Nolana L. f.
Teremis Raf. Lycium L. Teremis Raf. Lycium L.
Thinogeton Benth. Exodeconus Raf. Thinogeton Benth. Exodeconus Raf.
Trechonaetes Miers Jaborosa Juss. Trechonaetes Miers Jaborosa Juss.
Trianaea Planch. & Linden a Trianaea Planch. & Linden
Triguera Cav. Solanum L. Triguera Cav. Solanum L.
Triliena Raf. Acnistus Schott Triliena Raf. Acnistus Schott
Trompettia J. Dupin a Trompettia J. Dupin
Trozelia Raf. Iochroma Benth. Trozelia Raf. Iochroma Benth.
Tubocapsicum (Wettst.) Makino a Tubocapsicum (Wettst.) Makino
Tula Adans. Nolana L. f. Tula Adans. Nolana L. f.
Tzeltalia E. Estrada & M. Martínez a Tzeltalia E. Estrada & M. Martínez
Ulloa Pers. Juanulloa Ruiz & Pav. Ulloa Pers. Juanulloa Ruiz & Pav.
Ulticona Raf. Jaltomata Schltdl. Ulticona Raf. Jaltomata Schltdl.
Valteta Raf. Iochroma Benth. Valteta Raf. Iochroma Benth.
Vassobia Rusby a Vassobia Rusby
Velpeaulia Gaudich. Nolana L. f. Velpeaulia Gaudich. Nolana L. f.
Walkeria Mill. ex Ehret Nolana L. f. Walkeria Mill. ex Ehret Nolana L. f.
Withania Pauquy a Withania Pauquy
Witheringia LʼHér. a Witheringia LʼHér.
Zwingera Hofer Nolana L. f. Zwingera Hofer Nolana L. f.

ILRI Germplasm Policy (excerpts)

The International Livestock research Institute (ILRI) maintains a collection of forage germplasm as a global public good. The material was acquired prior to the entry into force of the Convention on Biological Diversity; or if it was acquired after the entering into force of the Convention on Biological Diversity, it was obtained with the understanding that it was held in trust and could be made available for any agricultural research, breeding and training purposes under the terms and conditions set out in the agreement between the ILRI and FAO dated 26 October 1994. On 16 October 2006, ILRI signed an agreement with the Governing Body of the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (the Treaty) placing these in trust collections of Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (PGRFA) within the purview of the Treaty.

In accordance with this Agreement, all shipments of PGRFA of crops listed in Annex 1 to the Treaty (shipments of PGRFA under the Multilateral System) will be subject to the terms and conditions of the Standard Material Transfer Agreement (SMTA). In the event that the SMTA (attached) is used for the transfer of Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture other than those listed in Annex 1 of the Treaty: i) The references in the SMTA to the "Multilateral System" shall not be interpreted as limiting the application of the SMTA to Annex 1 Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture, and in the case of Article 6.2 of the SMTA shall mean "under this Agreement". ii) The reference in Article 6.11 and Annex 3 of the SMTA to "Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture belonging to the same crop, as set out in Annex 1 to the Treaty" shall be taken to mean "Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture belonging to the same crop".

The material is held in trust and the recipient has no rights to obtain Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs) on the material or related information. The recipient may utilize and conserve the material for research, breeding and training and may distribute it to other parties provided such parties accept the terms and conditions of the SMTA .

ILRI will provide forage seeds in small experimental quantities of between 1 and 20 grams without charge from the germplasm collection under the SMTA as appropriate for the crop as part of its policy of maximizing the utilization of material for research, breeding and training. Larger quantities sufficient to sow up to one quarter of a hectare of a limited number of promising accessions will require that requesters cover the costs of production and shipping.

ILRI makes no warranties as to the safety or title of the material, nor as to the accuracy or correctness of any passport or other data provided with the material. Neither does it make any warranties as to the quality, viability, or purity (genetic or mechanical) of the material being furnished. The phytosanitary condition of the material is warranted only as described in the attached phytosanitary certificate. The recipient assumes full responsibility for complying with the recipient nation’s quarantine and biosafety regulations and rules as to import or release of genetic material.