
Genera and generic subdivisons of Orchidaceae Juss., nom. cons.: Vandeae
Accepted Names
Exclude infrageneric names

Abdominea J. J. Sm. Robiquetia Gaudich. Abdominea J. J. Sm. Robiquetia Gaudich.
Acampe Lindl. a Acampe Lindl.
Adenoncos Blume a Adenoncos Blume
Adrorhizon Hook. f. a Adrorhizon Hook. f.
Aeonia Lindl., orth. var. Oeonia Lindl. Aeonia Lindl., orth. var. Oeonia Lindl.
Aerangis Rchb. f. a Aerangis Rchb. f.
Aeranthes Lindl. a Aeranthes Lindl.
Aeranthus Lindl. ex Spreng., orth. var. Aeranthes Lindl. Aeranthus Lindl. ex Spreng., orth. var. Aeranthes Lindl.
Aerides Lour. a Aerides Lour.
Aeridium Salisb. Aerides Lour. Aeridium Salisb. Aerides Lour.
Aerobion Kaempf. ex Spreng. Angraecum Bory Aerobion Kaempf. ex Spreng. Angraecum Bory
Agrostophyllum Blume a Agrostophyllum Blume
Ambrella H. Perrier a Ambrella H. Perrier
Amesiella Schltr. ex Garay a Amesiella Schltr. ex Garay
Ancistrorhynchus Finet a Ancistrorhynchus Finet
Angorchis Thouars Angraecum Bory Angorchis Thouars Angraecum Bory
Angraecopsis Kraenzl. a Angraecopsis Kraenzl.
Angraecum Bory a Angraecum Bory
Ankylocheilos Summerh. Taeniophyllum Blume Ankylocheilos Summerh. Taeniophyllum Blume
Anota Schltr. Rhynchostylis Blume Anota Schltr. Rhynchostylis Blume
Appendiculopsis (Schltr.) Szlach. Agrostophyllum Blume Appendiculopsis (Schltr.) Szlach. Agrostophyllum Blume
Arachnanthe Blume Arachnis Blume Arachnanthe Blume Arachnis Blume
Arachnis Blume a Arachnis Blume
Armodorum Breda Arachnis Blume Armodorum Breda Arachnis Blume
Arrhynchium Lindl. & Paxton Arachnis Blume Arrhynchium Lindl. & Paxton Arachnis Blume
Ascocentropsis Senghas & Schildh. Vanda Jones ex R. Br. Ascocentropsis Senghas & Schildh. Vanda Jones ex R. Br.
Ascocentrum Schltr. ex J. J. Sm. Vanda Jones ex R. Br. Ascocentrum Schltr. ex J. J. Sm. Vanda Jones ex R. Br.
Ascochilopsis Carr Grosourdya Rchb. f. Ascochilopsis Carr Grosourdya Rchb. f.
Ascochilus Ridl. Grosourdya Rchb. f. Ascochilus Ridl. Grosourdya Rchb. f.
Ascoglossum Schltr. Renanthera Lour. Ascoglossum Schltr. Renanthera Lour.
Ascolabium S. S. Ying Holcoglossum Schltr. Ascolabium S. S. Ying Holcoglossum Schltr.
Azadehdelia Braem Cribbia Senghas Azadehdelia Braem Cribbia Senghas
Barombia Schltr. Aerangis Rchb. f. Barombia Schltr. Aerangis Rchb. f.
Barombiella Szlach. Rangaeris (Schltr.) Summerh. Barombiella Szlach. Rangaeris (Schltr.) Summerh.
Bathiea Schltr. Neobathiea Schltr. Bathiea Schltr. Neobathiea Schltr.
Beclardia A. Rich. a Beclardia A. Rich.
Biermannia King & Pantl. a Biermannia King & Pantl.
Birchea A. Rich. Luisia Gaudich. Birchea A. Rich. Luisia Gaudich.
Blumeorchis Szlach. Cleisostoma Blume Blumeorchis Szlach. Cleisostoma Blume
Bogoria J. J. Sm. a Bogoria J. J. Sm.
Bolusiella Schltr. a Bolusiella Schltr.
Bonniera Cordem. Angraecum Bory Bonniera Cordem. Angraecum Bory
Brachypeza Garay a Brachypeza Garay
Bromheadia Lindl. a Bromheadia Lindl.
Calymmanthera Schltr. a Calymmanthera Schltr.
Calyptrochilum Kraenzl. a Calyptrochilum Kraenzl.
Camarotis Lindl. Micropera Lindl. Camarotis Lindl. Micropera Lindl.
Campylocentrum Benth. a Campylocentrum Benth.
Cardiochilos P. J. Cribb a Cardiochilos P. J. Cribb
Carteretia A. Rich. Cleisostoma Blume Carteretia A. Rich. Cleisostoma Blume
Celatorchis (R. Rice) R. Rice Solenangis Schltr. Celatorchis (R. Rice) R. Rice Solenangis Schltr.
Cephalangraecum Schltr. Ancistrorhynchus Finet Cephalangraecum Schltr. Ancistrorhynchus Finet
Ceratocentron Senghas a Ceratocentron Senghas
Ceratochilus Blume Trichoglottis Blume Ceratochilus Blume Trichoglottis Blume
Chamaeangis Schltr. Diaphananthe Schltr. Chamaeangis Schltr. Diaphananthe Schltr.
Chamaeanthus Schltr. ex J. J. Sm. a Chamaeanthus Schltr. ex J. J. Sm.
Chauliodon Summerh. a Chauliodon Summerh.
Cheirorchis Carr Thrixspermum Lour. Cheirorchis Carr Thrixspermum Lour.
Chenorchis Z. J. Liu et al. Holcoglossum Schltr. Chenorchis Z. J. Liu et al. Holcoglossum Schltr.
Chiloschista Lindl. a Chiloschista Lindl.
Chitonochilus Schltr. Agrostophyllum Blume Chitonochilus Schltr. Agrostophyllum Blume
Christensonia Haager Vanda Jones ex R. Br. Christensonia Haager Vanda Jones ex R. Br.
Chroniochilus J. J. Sm. a Chroniochilus J. J. Sm.
Cleisocentron Brühl a Cleisocentron Brühl
Cleisomeria Lindl. ex G. Don a Cleisomeria Lindl. ex G. Don
Cleisostoma Blume a Cleisostoma Blume
Cleisostomopsis Seidenf. a Cleisostomopsis Seidenf.
Coenadenium (Summerh.) Szlach. Angraecopsis Kraenzl. Coenadenium (Summerh.) Szlach. Angraecopsis Kraenzl.
Cordiglottis J. J. Sm. Thrixspermum Lour. Cordiglottis J. J. Sm. Thrixspermum Lour.
Cottonia Wight a Cottonia Wight
Cribbia Senghas a Cribbia Senghas
Crossangis Schltr. Rhipidoglossum Schltr. Crossangis Schltr. Rhipidoglossum Schltr.
Cryptopus Lindl. a Cryptopus Lindl.
Cryptopylos Garay a Cryptopylos Garay
Ctenorchis K. Schum. Angraecum Bory Ctenorchis K. Schum. Angraecum Bory
Cyrtorchis Schltr. a Cyrtorchis Schltr.
Dalabrifolia (Pfitzer) Szlach. & Romowicz Angraecum Bory Dalabrifolia (Pfitzer) Szlach. & Romowicz Angraecum Bory
Deceptor Seidenf. a Deceptor Seidenf.
Dendrophylax Rchb. f. a Dendrophylax Rchb. f.
Diaphananthe Schltr. a Diaphananthe Schltr.
Dicranotaenia Finet Microcoelia Lindl. Dicranotaenia Finet Microcoelia Lindl.
Dimorphorchis Rolfe a Dimorphorchis Rolfe
Dinklageella Mansf. a Dinklageella Mansf.
Diplocentrum Lindl. a Diplocentrum Lindl.
Diploconchium Schauer Agrostophyllum Blume Diploconchium Schauer Agrostophyllum Blume
Diploprora Hook. f. a Diploprora Hook. f.
Disperanthoceros Mytnik & Szlach. Polystachya Hook. Disperanthoceros Mytnik & Szlach. Polystachya Hook.
Distylodon Summerh. a Distylodon Summerh.
×Doritaenopsis Guillaumin Phalaenopsis Blume Doritaenopsis Guillaumin Phalaenopsis Blume
Doritis Lindl. Phalaenopsis Blume Doritis Lindl. Phalaenopsis Blume
Dryadorchis Schltr. a Dryadorchis Schltr.
Drymoanthus Nicholls a Drymoanthus Nicholls
Dyakia Christenson a Dyakia Christenson
Earina Lindl. a Earina Lindl.
Echinoglossum Blume Cleisostoma Blume Echinoglossum Blume Cleisostoma Blume
Eclecticus P. O'Byrne a Eclecticus P. O'Byrne
Eggelingia Summerh. a Eggelingia Summerh.
Encheiridion Summerh. Microcoelia Lindl. Encheiridion Summerh. Microcoelia Lindl.
Eparmatostigma Garay Vanda Jones ex R. Br. Eparmatostigma Garay Vanda Jones ex R. Br.
Epiphora Lindl. Polystachya Hook. Epiphora Lindl. Polystachya Hook.
Epiphorella Mytnik & Szlach. Polystachya Hook. Epiphorella Mytnik & Szlach. Polystachya Hook.
Erasanthe P. J. Cribb et al. a Erasanthe P. J. Cribb et al.
Esmeralda Rchb. f. Arachnis Blume Esmeralda Rchb. f. Arachnis Blume
Euanthe Schltr. Vanda Jones ex R. Br. Euanthe Schltr. Vanda Jones ex R. Br.
Eurychone Schltr. a Eurychone Schltr.
Fieldia Gaudich. Vandopsis Pfitzer Fieldia Gaudich. Vandopsis Pfitzer
Finetia Schltr. Neofinetia Hu Finetia Schltr. Neofinetia Hu
Garayanthus Szlach. Cleisostoma Blume Garayanthus Szlach. Cleisostoma Blume
Gastrochilus D. Don a Gastrochilus D. Don
Geerinckia Mytnik & Szlach. Polystachya Hook. Geerinckia Mytnik & Szlach. Polystachya Hook.
Geissanthera Schltr. Taeniophyllum Blume Geissanthera Schltr. Taeniophyllum Blume
Grafia A. D. Hawkes Phalaenopsis Blume Grafia A. D. Hawkes Phalaenopsis Blume
Grosourdya Rchb. f. a Grosourdya Rchb. f.
Grussia M. Wolff Phalaenopsis Blume Grussia M. Wolff Phalaenopsis Blume
Gunnarella Senghas a Gunnarella Senghas
Gunnaria S. C. Chen ex Z. J. Liu & L. J. Chen Vanda Jones ex R. Br. Gunnaria S. C. Chen ex Z. J. Liu & L. J. Chen Vanda Jones ex R. Br.
Gunnia Lindl. Sarcochilus R. Br. Gunnia Lindl. Sarcochilus R. Br.
Gussonea A. Rich. Microcoelia Lindl. Gussonea A. Rich. Microcoelia Lindl.
Haraella Kudô Gastrochilus D. Don Haraella Kudô Gastrochilus D. Don
Harrisella Fawc. & Rendle a Harrisella Fawc. & Rendle
Hederorkis Thouars a Hederorkis Thouars
Holcoglossum Schltr. a Holcoglossum Schltr.
Holmesia P. J. Cribb Angraecopsis Kraenzl. Holmesia P. J. Cribb Angraecopsis Kraenzl.
Homocolleticon (Summerh.) Szlach. & Olszewski Cyrtorchis Schltr. Homocolleticon (Summerh.) Szlach. & Olszewski Cyrtorchis Schltr.
Hygrochilus Pfitzer Phalaenopsis Blume Hygrochilus Pfitzer Phalaenopsis Blume
Hymenorchis Schltr. a Hymenorchis Schltr.
India A. N. Rao Robiquetia Gaudich. India A. N. Rao Robiquetia Gaudich.
Isochilostachya Mytnik & Szlach. Polystachya Hook. Isochilostachya Mytnik & Szlach. Polystachya Hook.
Jejewoodia Szlach. a Jejewoodia Szlach.
Josephia Wight Sirhookera Kuntze Josephia Wight Sirhookera Kuntze
Jumellea Schltr. a Jumellea Schltr.
Kingidium P. F. Hunt Phalaenopsis Blume Kingidium P. F. Hunt Phalaenopsis Blume
Kingiella Rolfe Phalaenopsis Blume Kingiella Rolfe Phalaenopsis Blume
Lacroixia Szlach. & Olszewski Dinklageella Mansf. Lacroixia Szlach. & Olszewski Dinklageella Mansf.
Lemurella Schltr. a Lemurella Schltr.
Lemurorchis Kraenzl. a Lemurorchis Kraenzl.
Lepervenchea Cordem. Angraecum Bory Lepervenchea Cordem. Angraecum Bory
Leptocentrum Schltr. Plectrelminthus Raf. Leptocentrum Schltr. Plectrelminthus Raf.
Lesliea Seidenf. Phalaenopsis Blume Lesliea Seidenf. Phalaenopsis Blume
Listrostachys Rchb. f. a Listrostachys Rchb. f.
Lockia Aver. Luisia Gaudich. Lockia Aver. Luisia Gaudich.
Loxoma Garay Smithsonia C. J. Saldanha Loxoma Garay Smithsonia C. J. Saldanha
Loxomorchis Rauschert Smithsonia C. J. Saldanha Loxomorchis Rauschert Smithsonia C. J. Saldanha
Luisia Gaudich. a Luisia Gaudich.
Luisiopsis C. S. Kumar & P. C. S. Kumar Gastrochilus D. Don Luisiopsis C. S. Kumar & P. C. S. Kumar Gastrochilus D. Don
Macroplectrum Pfitzer Angraecum Bory Macroplectrum Pfitzer Angraecum Bory
Macropodanthus L. O. Williams a Macropodanthus L. O. Williams
Malleola J. J. Sm. & Schltr. Robiquetia Gaudich. Malleola J. J. Sm. & Schltr. Robiquetia Gaudich.
Margelliantha P. J. Cribb a Margelliantha P. J. Cribb
Megalotus Garay Robiquetia Gaudich. Megalotus Garay Robiquetia Gaudich.
Mesoclastes Lindl. Luisia Gaudich. Mesoclastes Lindl. Luisia Gaudich.
Microcoelia Lindl. a Microcoelia Lindl.
Microholmesia P. J. Cribb Angraecopsis Kraenzl. Microholmesia P. J. Cribb Angraecopsis Kraenzl.
Micropera Lindl. a Micropera Lindl.
Microsaccus Blume a Microsaccus Blume
Microtatorchis Schltr. Taeniophyllum Blume Microtatorchis Schltr. Taeniophyllum Blume
Microterangis (Schltr.) Senghas Aerangis Rchb. f. Microterangis (Schltr.) Senghas Aerangis Rchb. f.
Mobilabium Rupp a Mobilabium Rupp
Monanthochilus (Schltr.) R. Rice Sarcochilus R. Br. Monanthochilus (Schltr.) R. Rice Sarcochilus R. Br.
Monixus Finet Angraecum Bory Monixus Finet Angraecum Bory
Mystacidium Lindl. a Mystacidium Lindl.
Neobathiea Schltr. a Neobathiea Schltr.
Neobenthamia Rolfe Polystachya Hook. Neobenthamia Rolfe Polystachya Hook.
Neoburttia Mytnik et al. Polystachya Hook. Neoburttia Mytnik et al. Polystachya Hook.
Neocribbia Szlach. Solenangis Schltr. Neocribbia Szlach. Solenangis Schltr.
Neofinetia Hu Vanda Jones ex R. Br. Neofinetia Hu Vanda Jones ex R. Br.
Neowolffia O. Gruss Podangis Schltr. Neowolffia O. Gruss Podangis Schltr.
Nephrangis (Schltr.) Summerh. a Nephrangis (Schltr.) Summerh.
Nephranthera Hassk. Renanthera Lour. Nephranthera Hassk. Renanthera Lour.
Nienokuea A. Chev. Polystachya Hook. Nienokuea A. Chev. Polystachya Hook.
Nipponorchis Masam. Neofinetia Hu Nipponorchis Masam. Neofinetia Hu
Nothodoritis Z. H. Tsi Phalaenopsis Blume Nothodoritis Z. H. Tsi Phalaenopsis Blume
Oeonia Lindl. a Oeonia Lindl.
Oeoniella Schltr. a Oeoniella Schltr.
Omoea Blume a Omoea Blume
Ophioglossella Schuit. & Ormerod a Ophioglossella Schuit. & Ormerod
Ormerodia Szlach. Cleisostoma Blume Ormerodia Szlach. Cleisostoma Blume
Ornitharium Lindl. & Paxton Pteroceras Hasselt ex Hassk. Ornitharium Lindl. & Paxton Pteroceras Hasselt ex Hassk.
Ornithochilus (Lindl.) Wall. ex Benth. & Hook. f. Phalaenopsis Blume Ornithochilus (Lindl.) Wall. ex Benth. & Hook. f. Phalaenopsis Blume
Orsidice Rchb. f. Thrixspermum Lour. Orsidice Rchb. f. Thrixspermum Lour.
Orxera Raf. Aerides Lour. Orxera Raf. Aerides Lour.
Ossiculum P. J. Cribb & Laan a Ossiculum P. J. Cribb & Laan
Papilionanthe Schltr. a Papilionanthe Schltr.
Papillilabium Dockrill a Papillilabium Dockrill
Paraholcoglossum Z. J. Liu et al. Holcoglossum Schltr. Paraholcoglossum Z. J. Liu et al. Holcoglossum Schltr.
Paraphalaenopsis A. D. Hawkes a Paraphalaenopsis A. D. Hawkes
Parapteroceras Aver. Tuberolabium Yamam. Parapteroceras Aver. Tuberolabium Yamam.
Parasarcochilus Dockrill Sarcochilus R. Br. Parasarcochilus Dockrill Sarcochilus R. Br.
Pectinaria Cordem. Angraecum Bory Pectinaria Cordem. Angraecum Bory
Pelatantheria Ridl. a Pelatantheria Ridl.
Penkimia Phukan & Odyuo Holcoglossum Schltr. Penkimia Phukan & Odyuo Holcoglossum Schltr.
Pennilabium J. J. Sm. a Pennilabium J. J. Sm.
Peristeranthus T. E. Hunt a Peristeranthus T. E. Hunt
Perrieriella Schltr. Oeonia Lindl. Perrieriella Schltr. Oeonia Lindl.
Phalaenopsis Blume a Phalaenopsis Blume
Phalaenopsis Blume subg. Hygrochilus a i Phalaenopsis Blume subg. Hygrochilus
Phalaenopsis Blume subg. Ornithochilus a i Phalaenopsis Blume subg. Ornithochilus
Phalaenopsis Blume subg. Parishianae a i Phalaenopsis Blume subg. Parishianae
Phalaenopsis Blume subg. Parishianae sect. Aphyllae a i Phalaenopsis Blume subg. Parishianae sect. Aphyllae
Phalaenopsis Blume subg. Parishianae sect. Deliciosae a i Phalaenopsis Blume subg. Parishianae sect. Deliciosae
Phalaenopsis Blume subg. Parishianae sect. Esmeralda a i Phalaenopsis Blume subg. Parishianae sect. Esmeralda
Phalaenopsis Blume subg. Parishianae sect. Parishianae a i Phalaenopsis Blume subg. Parishianae sect. Parishianae
Phalaenopsis Blume subg. Phalaenopsis a i Phalaenopsis Blume subg. Phalaenopsis
Phalaenopsis Blume subg. Phalaenopsis sect. Phalaenopsis a i Phalaenopsis Blume subg. Phalaenopsis sect. Phalaenopsis
Phalaenopsis Blume subg. Phalaenopsis sect. Polychilos a i Phalaenopsis Blume subg. Phalaenopsis sect. Polychilos
Phormangis Schltr. Ancistrorhynchus Finet Phormangis Schltr. Ancistrorhynchus Finet
Phragmorchis L. O. Williams a Phragmorchis L. O. Williams
Plectorrhiza Dockrill a Plectorrhiza Dockrill
Plectrelminthus Raf. a Plectrelminthus Raf.
Podangis Schltr. a Podangis Schltr.
Polychilos Breda Phalaenopsis Blume Polychilos Breda Phalaenopsis Blume
Polyradicion Garay Dendrophylax Rchb. f. Polyradicion Garay Dendrophylax Rchb. f.
Polyrrhiza Pfitzer Dendrophylax Rchb. f. Polyrrhiza Pfitzer Dendrophylax Rchb. f.
Polystachya Hook. a Polystachya Hook.
Polystylus Hasselt ex Hassk. Phalaenopsis Blume Polystylus Hasselt ex Hassk. Phalaenopsis Blume
Polytoma Lour. ex Gomes Aerides Lour. Polytoma Lour. ex Gomes Aerides Lour.
Pomatocalpa Breda et al. a Pomatocalpa Breda et al.
Porphyrodesme Schltr. Renanthera Lour. Porphyrodesme Schltr. Renanthera Lour.
Porrorhachis Garay a Porrorhachis Garay
Pteroceras Hasselt ex Hassk. a Pteroceras Hasselt ex Hassk.
Raciborskanthos Szlach. Cleisostoma Blume Raciborskanthos Szlach. Cleisostoma Blume
Radinocion Ridl. Aerangis Rchb. f. Radinocion Ridl. Aerangis Rchb. f.
Rangaeris (Schltr.) Summerh. a Rangaeris (Schltr.) Summerh.
Renanthera Lour. a Renanthera Lour.
Renantherella Ridl. Renanthera Lour. Renantherella Ridl. Renanthera Lour.
Rhaesteria Summerh. a Rhaesteria Summerh.
Rhaphidorhynchus Finet Aerangis Rchb. f. Rhaphidorhynchus Finet Aerangis Rchb. f.
Rhinerrhiza Rupp a Rhinerrhiza Rupp
Rhinerrhizopsis Ormerod a Rhinerrhizopsis Ormerod
Rhipidoglossum Schltr. a Rhipidoglossum Schltr.
Rhynchogyna Seidenf. & Garay a Rhynchogyna Seidenf. & Garay
Rhynchostylis Blume a Rhynchostylis Blume
Ridleya (Hook. f.) Pfitzer Thrixspermum Lour. Ridleya (Hook. f.) Pfitzer Thrixspermum Lour.
Robiquetia Gaudich. a Robiquetia Gaudich.
Saccochilus Blume Thrixspermum Lour. Saccochilus Blume Thrixspermum Lour.
Saccolabiopsis J. J. Sm. a Saccolabiopsis J. J. Sm.
Saccolabium Blume a Saccolabium Blume
Samarorchis Ormerod Robiquetia Gaudich. Samarorchis Ormerod Robiquetia Gaudich.
Santotomasia Ormerod a Santotomasia Ormerod
Sarcanthopsis Garay a Sarcanthopsis Garay
Sarcanthus Lindl. Cleisostoma Blume Sarcanthus Lindl. Cleisostoma Blume
Sarcochilus R. Br. a Sarcochilus R. Br.
Sarcoglyphis Garay a Sarcoglyphis Garay
Sarcophyton Garay a Sarcophyton Garay
Sarcorhynchus Schltr. Rhipidoglossum Schltr. Sarcorhynchus Schltr. Rhipidoglossum Schltr.
Sarothrochilus Schltr. Trichoglottis Blume Sarothrochilus Schltr. Trichoglottis Blume
Schistotylus Dockrill a Schistotylus Dockrill
Schoenorchis Reinw. a Schoenorchis Reinw.
Sedirea Garay & H. R. Sweet Phalaenopsis Blume Sedirea Garay & H. R. Sweet Phalaenopsis Blume
Seidenfadenia Garay a Seidenfadenia Garay
Seidenfadeniella C. S. Kumar a Seidenfadeniella C. S. Kumar
Singchia Z. J. Liu & L. J. Chen a Singchia Z. J. Liu & L. J. Chen
Sirhookera Kuntze a Sirhookera Kuntze
Smithsonia C. J. Saldanha a Smithsonia C. J. Saldanha
Smitinandia Holttum a Smitinandia Holttum
Sobennikoffia Schltr. a Sobennikoffia Schltr.
Solenangis Schltr. a Solenangis Schltr.
Sphyrarhynchus Mansf. a Sphyrarhynchus Mansf.
Spongiola J. J. Wood & A. L. Lamb a Spongiola J. J. Wood & A. L. Lamb
Stauritis Rchb. f. Phalaenopsis Blume Stauritis Rchb. f. Phalaenopsis Blume
Staurochilus Ridl. ex Pfitzer Trichoglottis Blume Staurochilus Ridl. ex Pfitzer Trichoglottis Blume
Stauroglottis Schauer Phalaenopsis Blume Stauroglottis Schauer Phalaenopsis Blume
Stauropsis Rchb. f. Trichoglottis Blume Stauropsis Rchb. f. Trichoglottis Blume
Stereochilus Lindl. a Stereochilus Lindl.
Summerhayesia P. J. Cribb a Summerhayesia P. J. Cribb
Synadena Raf. Phalaenopsis Blume Synadena Raf. Phalaenopsis Blume
Synptera Llanos Trichoglottis Blume Synptera Llanos Trichoglottis Blume
Szlachetkoella Mytnik Polystachya Hook. Szlachetkoella Mytnik Polystachya Hook.
Taeniophyllum Blume a Taeniophyllum Blume
Taeniorrhiza Summerh. a Taeniorrhiza Summerh.
Taprobanea Christenson a Taprobanea Christenson
Theana Aver. Grosourdya Rchb. f. Theana Aver. Grosourdya Rchb. f.
Thrixspermum Lour. a Thrixspermum Lour.
Thylacis Gagnep. Thrixspermum Lour. Thylacis Gagnep. Thrixspermum Lour.
Todaroa A. Rich. & Galeotti Campylocentrum Benth. Todaroa A. Rich. & Galeotti Campylocentrum Benth.
Trachoma Garay a Trachoma Garay
Triceratorhynchus Summerh. a Triceratorhynchus Summerh.
Trichoglottis Blume a Trichoglottis Blume
Tridactyle Schltr. a Tridactyle Schltr.
Trudelia Garay Vanda Jones ex R. Br. Trudelia Garay Vanda Jones ex R. Br.
Tsiorchis Z. J. Liu et al. Holcoglossum Schltr. Tsiorchis Z. J. Liu et al. Holcoglossum Schltr.
Tuberolabium Yamam. a Tuberolabium Yamam.
Uncifera Lindl. a Uncifera Lindl.
Unguiculabia Mytnik & Szlach. Polystachya Hook. Unguiculabia Mytnik & Szlach. Polystachya Hook.
Vanda Jones ex R. Br. a Vanda Jones ex R. Br.
×Vandaenopsis Guillaumin a Vandaenopsis Guillaumin
Vandopsis Pfitzer a Vandopsis Pfitzer
Ventricularia Garay Trichoglottis Blume Ventricularia Garay Trichoglottis Blume
Xenikophyton Garay a Xenikophyton Garay
Ypsilopus Summerh. a Ypsilopus Summerh.

ILRI Germplasm Policy (excerpts)

The International Livestock research Institute (ILRI) maintains a collection of forage germplasm as a global public good. The material was acquired prior to the entry into force of the Convention on Biological Diversity; or if it was acquired after the entering into force of the Convention on Biological Diversity, it was obtained with the understanding that it was held in trust and could be made available for any agricultural research, breeding and training purposes under the terms and conditions set out in the agreement between the ILRI and FAO dated 26 October 1994. On 16 October 2006, ILRI signed an agreement with the Governing Body of the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (the Treaty) placing these in trust collections of Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (PGRFA) within the purview of the Treaty.

In accordance with this Agreement, all shipments of PGRFA of crops listed in Annex 1 to the Treaty (shipments of PGRFA under the Multilateral System) will be subject to the terms and conditions of the Standard Material Transfer Agreement (SMTA). In the event that the SMTA (attached) is used for the transfer of Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture other than those listed in Annex 1 of the Treaty: i) The references in the SMTA to the "Multilateral System" shall not be interpreted as limiting the application of the SMTA to Annex 1 Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture, and in the case of Article 6.2 of the SMTA shall mean "under this Agreement". ii) The reference in Article 6.11 and Annex 3 of the SMTA to "Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture belonging to the same crop, as set out in Annex 1 to the Treaty" shall be taken to mean "Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture belonging to the same crop".

The material is held in trust and the recipient has no rights to obtain Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs) on the material or related information. The recipient may utilize and conserve the material for research, breeding and training and may distribute it to other parties provided such parties accept the terms and conditions of the SMTA .

ILRI will provide forage seeds in small experimental quantities of between 1 and 20 grams without charge from the germplasm collection under the SMTA as appropriate for the crop as part of its policy of maximizing the utilization of material for research, breeding and training. Larger quantities sufficient to sow up to one quarter of a hectare of a limited number of promising accessions will require that requesters cover the costs of production and shipping.

ILRI makes no warranties as to the safety or title of the material, nor as to the accuracy or correctness of any passport or other data provided with the material. Neither does it make any warranties as to the quality, viability, or purity (genetic or mechanical) of the material being furnished. The phytosanitary condition of the material is warranted only as described in the attached phytosanitary certificate. The recipient assumes full responsibility for complying with the recipient nation’s quarantine and biosafety regulations and rules as to import or release of genetic material.