
Genera and generic subdivisons of Asteraceae Bercht. & J. Presl, nom. cons.: Senecioneae
Accepted Names
Exclude infrageneric names

Abrotanella Cass. a Abrotanella Cass.
Acrisione B. Nord. a Acrisione B. Nord.
Adenostyles Cass. a Adenostyles Cass.
Aequatorium B. Nord. a Aequatorium B. Nord.
Aetheolaena Cass. Senecio L. Aetheolaena Cass. Senecio L.
Alciope DC. Capelio B. Nord. Alciope DC. Capelio B. Nord.
Anticona Linares-Perea et al. a Anticona Linares-Perea et al.
Antillanthus B. Nord. a Antillanthus B. Nord.
Arbelaezaster Cuatrec. a Arbelaezaster Cuatrec.
Arnoglossum Raf. a Arnoglossum Raf.
Arrhenechthites Mattf. a Arrhenechthites Mattf.
Austrosynotis C. Jeffrey a Austrosynotis C. Jeffrey
Bafutia C. D. Adams a Bafutia C. D. Adams
Barkleyanthus H. Rob. & Brettell a Barkleyanthus H. Rob. & Brettell
Bedfordia DC. a Bedfordia DC.
Bethencourtia Choisy a Bethencourtia Choisy
Blennosperma Less. a Blennosperma Less.
Bolandia Cron a Bolandia Cron
Brachionostylum Mattf. a Brachionostylum Mattf.
Brachyglottis J. R. Forst. & G. Forst. a Brachyglottis J. R. Forst. & G. Forst.
Brachyonostylum Mattf., orth. var. Brachionostylum Mattf. Brachyonostylum Mattf., orth. var. Brachionostylum Mattf.
Cabreriella Cuatrec. a Cabreriella Cuatrec.
Cacalia L. Adenostyles Cass. Cacalia L. Adenostyles Cass.
Cacaliopsis A. Gray a Cacaliopsis A. Gray
Cadiscus E. Mey. ex DC. Senecio L. Cadiscus E. Mey. ex DC. Senecio L.
Canariothamnus B. Nord. Bethencourtia Choisy Canariothamnus B. Nord. Bethencourtia Choisy
Capelio B. Nord. a Capelio B. Nord.
Caucasalia B. Nord. a Caucasalia B. Nord.
Caxamarca M. O. Dillon & Sagást. a Caxamarca M. O. Dillon & Sagást.
Centropappus Hook. f. a Centropappus Hook. f.
Charadranaetes Janovec & H. Rob. a Charadranaetes Janovec & H. Rob.
Chersodoma Phil. a Chersodoma Phil.
Cineraria L. a Cineraria L.
Cissampelopsis (DC.) Miq. a Cissampelopsis (DC.) Miq.
Crassocephalum Moench a Crassocephalum Moench
Cremanthodium Benth. a Cremanthodium Benth.
Crocidium Hook. a Crocidium Hook.
Culcitium Humb. & Bonpl. Senecio L. Culcitium Humb. & Bonpl. Senecio L.
Curio P. V. Heath a Curio P. V. Heath
Dauresia B. Nord. & Pelser a Dauresia B. Nord. & Pelser
Delairea Lem. a Delairea Lem.
Dendrocacalia (Nakai) Nakai ex Tuyama a Dendrocacalia (Nakai) Nakai ex Tuyama
Dendrophorbium C. Jeffrey a Dendrophorbium C. Jeffrey
Dendrosenecio (Hauman ex Hedberg) B. Nord. a Dendrosenecio (Hauman ex Hedberg) B. Nord.
Dicercoclados C. Jeffrey & Y. L. Chen a Dicercoclados C. Jeffrey & Y. L. Chen
Digitacalia Pippen a Digitacalia Pippen
Dolichoglottis B. Nord. a Dolichoglottis B. Nord.
Dolichorrhiza (Pojark.) Galushko a Dolichorrhiza (Pojark.) Galushko
Doria Thunb. Othonna L. Doria Thunb. Othonna L.
Dorobaea Cass. a Dorobaea Cass.
Dresslerothamnus H. Rob. a Dresslerothamnus H. Rob.
Ekmaniopappus Borhidi a Ekmaniopappus Borhidi
Elekmania B. Nord. a Elekmania B. Nord.
Emilia Cass. a Emilia Cass.
Emiliella S. Moore a Emiliella S. Moore
Endocellion Turcz. ex Herder a Endocellion Turcz. ex Herder
Erechtites Raf. a Erechtites Raf.
Eriothrix Cass., orth. var. Eriotrix Cass. Eriothrix Cass., orth. var. Eriotrix Cass.
Eriotrix Cass. a Eriotrix Cass.
Erythrochaete Siebold & Zucc. Ligularia Cass. Erythrochaete Siebold & Zucc. Ligularia Cass.
Euryops (Cass.) Cass. a Euryops (Cass.) Cass.
Farfugium Lindl. a Farfugium Lindl.
Faujasia Cass. a Faujasia Cass.
Faujasiopsis C. Jeffrey a Faujasiopsis C. Jeffrey
Gamolepis Less. Steirodiscus Less. Gamolepis Less. Steirodiscus Less.
Garcibarrigoa Cuatrec. a Garcibarrigoa Cuatrec.
Graphistylis B. Nord. a Graphistylis B. Nord.
Gymnodiscus Less. a Gymnodiscus Less.
Gynoxys Cass. a Gynoxys Cass.
Gynura Cass. a Gynura Cass.
Haastia Hook. f. a Haastia Hook. f.
Hasteola Raf. Senecio L. Hasteola Raf. Senecio L.
Herodotia Urb. & Ekman a Herodotia Urb. & Ekman
Herreranthus B. Nord. a Herreranthus B. Nord.
Hertia Less. a Hertia Less.
Hoehnephytum Cabrera a Hoehnephytum Cabrera
Homogyne Cass. a Homogyne Cass.
Hubertia Bory a Hubertia Bory
Humbertacalia C. Jeffrey a Humbertacalia C. Jeffrey
Ignurbia B. Nord. a Ignurbia B. Nord.
Io B. Nord. a Io B. Nord.
Iocenes B. Nord. Senecio L. Iocenes B. Nord. Senecio L.
Iranecio B. Nord. a Iranecio B. Nord.
Ischnea F. Muell. a Ischnea F. Muell.
Jacmaia B. Nord. a Jacmaia B. Nord.
Jacobaea Mill. a Jacobaea Mill.
Japonicalia C. Ren & Q. E. Yang a Japonicalia C. Ren & Q. E. Yang
Jessea H. Rob. & Cuatrec. a Jessea H. Rob. & Cuatrec.
Kleinia Mill. a Kleinia Mill.
Koyamacalia H. Rob. & Brettell a Koyamacalia H. Rob. & Brettell
Lachanodes DC. a Lachanodes DC.
Lamprocephalus B. Nord. a Lamprocephalus B. Nord.
Lasiocephalus Willd. ex Schltdl. Senecio L. Lasiocephalus Willd. ex Schltdl. Senecio L.
Lasiocoma Bolus Euryops (Cass.) Cass. Lasiocoma Bolus Euryops (Cass.) Cass.
Leonis B. Nord. a Leonis B. Nord.
Lepidospartum (A. Gray) A. Gray a Lepidospartum (A. Gray) A. Gray
Ligularia Cass. a Ligularia Cass.
Ligulariopsis Y. L. Chen a Ligulariopsis Y. L. Chen
Lomanthus B. Nord. & Pelser a Lomanthus B. Nord. & Pelser
Lopholaena DC. a Lopholaena DC.
Lordhowea B. Nord. a Lordhowea B. Nord.
Luina Benth. a Luina Benth.
Lundinia B. Nord. a Lundinia B. Nord.
Mattfeldia Urb. a Mattfeldia Urb.
Mesadenia Raf. Arnoglossum Raf. Mesadenia Raf. Arnoglossum Raf.
Mesogramma DC. a Mesogramma DC.
Mikaniopsis Milne-Redh. a Mikaniopsis Milne-Redh.
Miricacalia Kitam. a Miricacalia Kitam.
Misbrookea V. A. Funk a Misbrookea V. A. Funk
Monticalia C. Jeffrey a Monticalia C. Jeffrey
Nardosmia Cass. Petasites Mill. Nardosmia Cass. Petasites Mill.
Nelsonianthus H. Rob. & Brettell a Nelsonianthus H. Rob. & Brettell
Nemosenecio (Kitam.) B. Nord. a Nemosenecio (Kitam.) B. Nord.
Nesampelos B. Nord. a Nesampelos B. Nord.
Nordenstamia Lundin a Nordenstamia Lundin
Notonia DC. Kleinia Mill. Notonia DC. Kleinia Mill.
Notoniopsis B. Nord. Kleinia Mill. Notoniopsis B. Nord. Kleinia Mill.
Odontocline B. Nord. a Odontocline B. Nord.
Odontotrichum Zucc. Psacalium Cass. Odontotrichum Zucc. Psacalium Cass.
Okia H. Rob. & Skvarla a Okia H. Rob. & Skvarla
Oldfeltia B. Nord. & Lundin a Oldfeltia B. Nord. & Lundin
Oligothrix DC. a Oligothrix DC.
Oresbia Cron & B. Nord. a Oresbia Cron & B. Nord.
Othonna L. a Othonna L.
Othonnopsis Jaub. & Spach Othonna L. Othonnopsis Jaub. & Spach Othonna L.
Packera Á. Löve & D. Löve a Packera Á. Löve & D. Löve
Papuacalia Veldkamp a Papuacalia Veldkamp
Paracalia Cuatrec. a Paracalia Cuatrec.
Parafaujasia C. Jeffrey a Parafaujasia C. Jeffrey
Paragynoxys (Cuatrec.) Cuatrec. a Paragynoxys (Cuatrec.) Cuatrec.
Parasenecio W. W. Sm. & Small a Parasenecio W. W. Sm. & Small
Pascalium Cass., orth. var. Psacalium Cass. Pascalium Cass., orth. var. Psacalium Cass.
Pentacalia Cass. a Pentacalia Cass.
Pericalia Cass. Roldana La Llave Pericalia Cass. Roldana La Llave
Pericallis D. Don a Pericallis D. Don
Petasites Mill. a Petasites Mill.
Phaneroglossa B. Nord. a Phaneroglossa B. Nord.
Pippenalia McVaugh a Pippenalia McVaugh
Pittocaulon H. Rob. & Brettell a Pittocaulon H. Rob. & Brettell
Pladaroxylon (Endl.) Hook. f. a Pladaroxylon (Endl.) Hook. f.
Pojarkovia Askerova a Pojarkovia Askerova
Psacaliopsis H. Rob. & Brettell a Psacaliopsis H. Rob. & Brettell
Psacalium Cass. a Psacalium Cass.
Psednotrichia Hiern a Psednotrichia Hiern
Pseudactis S. Moore Emilia Cass. Pseudactis S. Moore Emilia Cass.
Pseudocadiscus Lisowski a Pseudocadiscus Lisowski
Pseudogynoxys (Greenm.) Cabrera a Pseudogynoxys (Greenm.) Cabrera
Pseudojacobaea (Hook. f.) R. Mathur a Pseudojacobaea (Hook. f.) R. Mathur
Rainiera Greene a Rainiera Greene
Rhetinodendron Meisn. Senecio L. Rhetinodendron Meisn. Senecio L.
Robinsonecio T. M. Barkley & Janovec a Robinsonecio T. M. Barkley & Janovec
Robinsonia DC. Senecio L. Robinsonia DC. Senecio L.
Roldana La Llave a Roldana La Llave
Rugelia Shuttlew. ex Chapm. a Rugelia Shuttlew. ex Chapm.
Scrobicaria Cass. a Scrobicaria Cass.
Senecillis Gaertn. Ligularia Cass. Senecillis Gaertn. Ligularia Cass.
Senecio L. a Senecio L.
Shafera Greenm. a Shafera Greenm.
Sinacalia H. Rob. & Brettell a Sinacalia H. Rob. & Brettell
Sinosenecio B. Nord. a Sinosenecio B. Nord.
Solanecio (Sch. Bip.) Walp. a Solanecio (Sch. Bip.) Walp.
Steirodiscus Less. a Steirodiscus Less.
Stenops B. Nord. a Stenops B. Nord.
Stilpnogyne DC. a Stilpnogyne DC.
Symphyochaeta (DC.) Skottsb. Senecio L. Symphyochaeta (DC.) Skottsb. Senecio L.
Syneilesis Maxim. a Syneilesis Maxim.
Synosma Raf. ex Britton & A. Br. Senecio L. Synosma Raf. ex Britton & A. Br. Senecio L.
Synotis (C. B. Clarke) C. Jeffrey & Y. L. Chen a Synotis (C. B. Clarke) C. Jeffrey & Y. L. Chen
Taimingasa (Kitam.) C. Ren & Q. E. Yang a Taimingasa (Kitam.) C. Ren & Q. E. Yang
Talamancalia H. Rob. & Cuatrec. a Talamancalia H. Rob. & Cuatrec.
Telanthophora H. Rob. & Brettell a Telanthophora H. Rob. & Brettell
Tephroseris (Rchb.) Rchb. a Tephroseris (Rchb.) Rchb.
Tetradymia DC. a Tetradymia DC.
Traversia Hook. f. a Traversia Hook. f.
Tussilago L. a Tussilago L.
Urostemon B. Nord. a Urostemon B. Nord.
Vendredia Baill. Senecio L. Vendredia Baill. Senecio L.
Villasenoria B. L. Clark a Villasenoria B. L. Clark
Werneria Kunth a Werneria Kunth
Xenophyllum V. A. Funk a Xenophyllum V. A. Funk
Xyridopsis Welw. ex B. Nord. Psednotrichia Hiern Xyridopsis Welw. ex B. Nord. Psednotrichia Hiern
Yermo Dorn a Yermo Dorn
Zemisia B. Nord. a Zemisia B. Nord.

ILRI Germplasm Policy (excerpts)

The International Livestock research Institute (ILRI) maintains a collection of forage germplasm as a global public good. The material was acquired prior to the entry into force of the Convention on Biological Diversity; or if it was acquired after the entering into force of the Convention on Biological Diversity, it was obtained with the understanding that it was held in trust and could be made available for any agricultural research, breeding and training purposes under the terms and conditions set out in the agreement between the ILRI and FAO dated 26 October 1994. On 16 October 2006, ILRI signed an agreement with the Governing Body of the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (the Treaty) placing these in trust collections of Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (PGRFA) within the purview of the Treaty.

In accordance with this Agreement, all shipments of PGRFA of crops listed in Annex 1 to the Treaty (shipments of PGRFA under the Multilateral System) will be subject to the terms and conditions of the Standard Material Transfer Agreement (SMTA). In the event that the SMTA (attached) is used for the transfer of Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture other than those listed in Annex 1 of the Treaty: i) The references in the SMTA to the "Multilateral System" shall not be interpreted as limiting the application of the SMTA to Annex 1 Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture, and in the case of Article 6.2 of the SMTA shall mean "under this Agreement". ii) The reference in Article 6.11 and Annex 3 of the SMTA to "Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture belonging to the same crop, as set out in Annex 1 to the Treaty" shall be taken to mean "Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture belonging to the same crop".

The material is held in trust and the recipient has no rights to obtain Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs) on the material or related information. The recipient may utilize and conserve the material for research, breeding and training and may distribute it to other parties provided such parties accept the terms and conditions of the SMTA .

ILRI will provide forage seeds in small experimental quantities of between 1 and 20 grams without charge from the germplasm collection under the SMTA as appropriate for the crop as part of its policy of maximizing the utilization of material for research, breeding and training. Larger quantities sufficient to sow up to one quarter of a hectare of a limited number of promising accessions will require that requesters cover the costs of production and shipping.

ILRI makes no warranties as to the safety or title of the material, nor as to the accuracy or correctness of any passport or other data provided with the material. Neither does it make any warranties as to the quality, viability, or purity (genetic or mechanical) of the material being furnished. The phytosanitary condition of the material is warranted only as described in the attached phytosanitary certificate. The recipient assumes full responsibility for complying with the recipient nation’s quarantine and biosafety regulations and rules as to import or release of genetic material.