
Genera and generic subdivisons of Asteraceae Bercht. & J. Presl, nom. cons.: Gnaphalieae
Accepted Names
Exclude infrageneric names

Acanthocladium F. Muell. a Acanthocladium F. Muell.
Achyrocline (Less.) DC. a Achyrocline (Less.) DC.
Acomis F. Muell. a Acomis F. Muell.
Acroclinium A. Gray Rhodanthe Lindl. Acroclinium A. Gray Rhodanthe Lindl.
Actinobole Endl. a Actinobole Endl.
Alatoseta Compton a Alatoseta Compton
Aliella Qaiser & Lack a Aliella Qaiser & Lack
Ammobium R. Br. ex Sims a Ammobium R. Br. ex Sims
Amphidoxa DC. Gnaphalium L. Amphidoxa DC. Gnaphalium L.
Amphiglossa DC. a Amphiglossa DC.
Anaphalioides (Benth.) Kirp. a Anaphalioides (Benth.) Kirp.
Anaphalis DC. a Anaphalis DC.
Anaxeton Gaertn. a Anaxeton Gaertn.
Ancistrocarphus A. Gray a Ancistrocarphus A. Gray
Anemocarpa Paul G. Wilson a Anemocarpa Paul G. Wilson
Angianthus J. C. Wendl. a Angianthus J. C. Wendl.
Anisochaeta DC. a Anisochaeta DC.
Anisothrix O. Hoffm. a Anisothrix O. Hoffm.
Antennaria Gaertn. a Antennaria Gaertn.
Antithrixia DC. a Antithrixia DC.
Apalochlamys Cass. a Apalochlamys Cass.
Argentipallium Paul G. Wilson a Argentipallium Paul G. Wilson
Argyroglottis Turcz. a Argyroglottis Turcz.
Argyrophanes Schltdl. Chrysocephalum Walp. Argyrophanes Schltdl. Chrysocephalum Walp.
Argyrotegium J. M. Ward & Breitw. a Argyrotegium J. M. Ward & Breitw.
Arrowsmithia DC. a Arrowsmithia DC.
Artemisiopsis S. Moore a Artemisiopsis S. Moore
Asteridea Lindl. a Asteridea Lindl.
Athrixia Ker Gawl. a Athrixia Ker Gawl.
Atrichantha Hilliard & B. L. Burtt a Atrichantha Hilliard & B. L. Burtt
Basedowia E. Pritz. a Basedowia E. Pritz.
Bellida Ewart a Bellida Ewart
Belloa J. Rémy a Belloa J. Rémy
Berlandiera DC. a Berlandiera DC.
Berroa Beauverd a Berroa Beauverd
Billya Cass. Petalacte D. Don Billya Cass. Petalacte D. Don
Blennospora A. Gray a Blennospora A. Gray
Bombycilaena (DC.) Smoljan. a Bombycilaena (DC.) Smoljan.
Bracteantha Anderb. & Haegi Xerochrysum Tzvelev Bracteantha Anderb. & Haegi Xerochrysum Tzvelev
Bryomorphe Harv. a Bryomorphe Harv.
Callilepis DC. a Callilepis DC.
Calocephalus R. Br. a Calocephalus R. Br.
Calomeria Vent. a Calomeria Vent.
Calotesta P. O. Karis a Calotesta P. O. Karis
Calymmandra Torr. & A. Gray Diaperia Nutt. Calymmandra Torr. & A. Gray Diaperia Nutt.
Cassinia R. Br. a Cassinia R. Br.
Castroviejoa Galbany et al. a Castroviejoa Galbany et al.
Catatia Humbert a Catatia Humbert
Cephalipterum A. Gray a Cephalipterum A. Gray
Cephalosorus A. Gray a Cephalosorus A. Gray
Chamaepus Wagenitz a Chamaepus Wagenitz
Chevreulia Cass. a Chevreulia Cass.
Chiliocephalum Benth. a Chiliocephalum Benth.
Chionolaena DC. a Chionolaena DC.
Chondropyxis D. A. Cooke a Chondropyxis D. A. Cooke
Chrysocephalum Walp. a Chrysocephalum Walp.
Chrysocoryne Endl. Gnephosis Cass. Chrysocoryne Endl. Gnephosis Cass.
Chthonocephalus Steetz a Chthonocephalus Steetz
Cladochaeta DC. a Cladochaeta DC.
Comborhiza Anderb. & K. Bremer a Comborhiza Anderb. & K. Bremer
Comptonanthus B. Nord. Ifloga Cass. Comptonanthus B. Nord. Ifloga Cass.
Coronidium Paul G. Wilson a Coronidium Paul G. Wilson
Craspedia G. Forst. a Craspedia G. Forst.
Cremnothamnus Puttock a Cremnothamnus Puttock
Cuatrecasasiella H. Rob. a Cuatrecasasiella H. Rob.
Cymbolaena Smoljan. Filago Loefl. Cymbolaena Smoljan. Filago Loefl.
Decazesia F. Muell. a Decazesia F. Muell.
Demidium DC. Gnaphalium L. Demidium DC. Gnaphalium L.
Denekia Thunb. a Denekia Thunb.
Diaperia Nutt. a Diaperia Nutt.
Dielitzia P. S. Short a Dielitzia P. S. Short
Disparago Gaertn. a Disparago Gaertn.
Dithyrostegia A. Gray a Dithyrostegia A. Gray
Dolichothrix Hilliard & B. L. Burtt a Dolichothrix Hilliard & B. L. Burtt
Doratolepis Schltdl. Leptorhynchos Less. Doratolepis Schltdl. Leptorhynchos Less.
Edmondia Cass. a Edmondia Cass.
Elichrysum Mill., orth. var. Helichrysum Mill. Elichrysum Mill., orth. var. Helichrysum Mill.
Elytropappus Cass. a Elytropappus Cass.
Epitriche Turcz. a Epitriche Turcz.
Eriochlamys Sond. & F. Muell. a Eriochlamys Sond. & F. Muell.
Eriosphaera Less. Galeomma Rauschert Eriosphaera Less. Galeomma Rauschert
Erymophyllum Paul G. Wilson a Erymophyllum Paul G. Wilson
Euchiton Cass. a Euchiton Cass.
Evacidium Pomel Filago Loefl. Evacidium Pomel Filago Loefl.
Evax Gaertn. Filago Loefl. Evax Gaertn. Filago Loefl.
Ewartia Beauverd a Ewartia Beauverd
Ewartiothamnus Anderb. a Ewartiothamnus Anderb.
Facelis Cass. a Facelis Cass.
Feldstonia P. S. Short a Feldstonia P. S. Short
Filaginella Opiz Gnaphalium L. Filaginella Opiz Gnaphalium L.
Filago Loefl. a Filago Loefl.
Fitzwillia P. S. Short a Fitzwillia P. S. Short
Galeomma Rauschert a Galeomma Rauschert
Gamochaeta Wedd. a Gamochaeta Wedd.
Gamochaetopsis Anderb. & S. E. Freire a Gamochaetopsis Anderb. & S. E. Freire
Gifola Cass. Filago Loefl. Gifola Cass. Filago Loefl.
Gilberta Turcz. a Gilberta Turcz.
Gilruthia Ewart a Gilruthia Ewart
Gnaphaliothamnus Kirp. a Gnaphaliothamnus Kirp.
Gnaphalium L. a Gnaphalium L.
Gnaphalodes Mill. Actinobole Endl. Gnaphalodes Mill. Actinobole Endl.
Gnephosis Cass. a Gnephosis Cass.
Gnomophalium Greuter a Gnomophalium Greuter
Gratwickia F. Muell. a Gratwickia F. Muell.
Haeckeria F. Muell. a Haeckeria F. Muell.
Haegiela P. S. Short & Paul G. Wilson a Haegiela P. S. Short & Paul G. Wilson
Haptotrichion Paul G. Wilson a Haptotrichion Paul G. Wilson
Helichrysopsis Kirp. a Helichrysopsis Kirp.
Helichrysum Mill. a Helichrysum Mill.
Helipterum DC. a Helipterum DC.
Helipterum DC. ex Lindl. Syncarpha DC. Helipterum DC. ex Lindl. Syncarpha DC.
Hesperevax (A. Gray) A. Gray a Hesperevax (A. Gray) A. Gray
Homognaphalium Kirp. Gnaphalium L. Homognaphalium Kirp. Gnaphalium L.
Humea Sm. Calomeria Vent. Humea Sm. Calomeria Vent.
Humeocline Anderb. a Humeocline Anderb.
Hyalochlamys A. Gray a Hyalochlamys A. Gray
Hyalosperma Steetz a Hyalosperma Steetz
Hydroidea P. O. Karis a Hydroidea P. O. Karis
Hypelichrysum Kirp. Pseudognaphalium Kirp. Hypelichrysum Kirp. Pseudognaphalium Kirp.
Ifloga Cass. a Ifloga Cass.
Ixiolaena Benth. a Ixiolaena Benth.
Ixodia R. Br. a Ixodia R. Br.
Jalcophila M. O. Dillon & Sagást. a Jalcophila M. O. Dillon & Sagást.
Lachnospermum Willd. a Lachnospermum Willd.
Langebergia Anderb. a Langebergia Anderb.
Laphangium (Hilliard & B. L. Burtt) Tzvelev Pseudognaphalium Kirp. Laphangium (Hilliard & B. L. Burtt) Tzvelev Pseudognaphalium Kirp.
Lasiopogon Cass. a Lasiopogon Cass.
Lawrencella Lindl. a Lawrencella Lindl.
Leiocarpa Paul G. Wilson a Leiocarpa Paul G. Wilson
Lemooria P. S. Short a Lemooria P. S. Short
Leontonyx Cass. Helichrysum Mill. Leontonyx Cass. Helichrysum Mill.
Leontopodium R. Br. ex Cass. a Leontopodium R. Br. ex Cass.
Lepidostephium Oliv. a Lepidostephium Oliv.
Leptorhynchos Less. a Leptorhynchos Less.
Leptotriche Turcz. a Leptotriche Turcz.
Leucochrysum Paul G. Wilson a Leucochrysum Paul G. Wilson
Leucogenes Beauverd a Leucogenes Beauverd
Leucopholis Gardner Chionolaena DC. Leucopholis Gardner Chionolaena DC.
Leucophyta R. Br. a Leucophyta R. Br.
Leysera L. a Leysera L.
Logfia Cass. a Logfia Cass.
Loricaria Wedd. a Loricaria Wedd.
Lucilia Cass. a Lucilia Cass.
Luciliocline Anderb. & S. E. Freire a Luciliocline Anderb. & S. E. Freire
Macowania Oliv. a Macowania Oliv.
Metalasia R. Br. a Metalasia R. Br.
Mexerion G. L. Nesom a Mexerion G. L. Nesom
Micropsis DC. a Micropsis DC.
Micropus L. a Micropus L.
Millotia Cass. a Millotia Cass.
Mniodes (A. Gray) Benth. a Mniodes (A. Gray) Benth.
Myriocephalus Benth. a Myriocephalus Benth.
Nablonium Cass. Ammobium R. Br. ex Sims Nablonium Cass. Ammobium R. Br. ex Sims
Neotysonia Dalla Torre & Harms a Neotysonia Dalla Torre & Harms
Nestlera Spreng. a Nestlera Spreng.
Odixia Orchard a Odixia Orchard
Oedera L. a Oedera L.
Oligandra Less. Lucilia Cass. Oligandra Less. Lucilia Cass.
Omalotheca Cass. a Omalotheca Cass.
Oreoleysera K. Bremer a Oreoleysera K. Bremer
Ozothamnus R. Br. a Ozothamnus R. Br.
Pachyrhynchus DC. Lucilia Cass. Pachyrhynchus DC. Lucilia Cass.
Paenula Orchard a Paenula Orchard
Parachionolaena M. O. Dillon & Sagást. Chionolaena DC. Parachionolaena M. O. Dillon & Sagást. Chionolaena DC.
Parantennaria Beauverd a Parantennaria Beauverd
Pentatrichia Klatt a Pentatrichia Klatt
Petalacte D. Don a Petalacte D. Don
Phacellothrix F. Muell. a Phacellothrix F. Muell.
Phaenocoma D. Don a Phaenocoma D. Don
Phagnalon Cass. a Phagnalon Cass.
Philyrophyllum O. Hoffm. a Philyrophyllum O. Hoffm.
Pithocarpa Lindl. a Pithocarpa Lindl.
Planea P. O. Karis a Planea P. O. Karis
Plecostachys Hilliard & B. L. Burtt a Plecostachys Hilliard & B. L. Burtt
Pleuropappus F. Muell. Angianthus J. C. Wendl. Pleuropappus F. Muell. Angianthus J. C. Wendl.
Podolepis Labill. a Podolepis Labill.
Podotheca Cass. a Podotheca Cass.
Pogonolepis Steetz a Pogonolepis Steetz
Polycalymma F. Muell. & Sond. a Polycalymma F. Muell. & Sond.
Polychaetia Less. Nestlera Spreng. Polychaetia Less. Nestlera Spreng.
Pseudognaphalium Kirp. a Pseudognaphalium Kirp.
Pseudoligandra M. O. Dillon & Sagást. Chionolaena DC. Pseudoligandra M. O. Dillon & Sagást. Chionolaena DC.
Psilocarphus Nutt. a Psilocarphus Nutt.
Psychrophyton Beauverd a Psychrophyton Beauverd
Pterochaeta Steetz a Pterochaeta Steetz
Pteropogon DC. Rhodanthe Lindl. Pteropogon DC. Rhodanthe Lindl.
Pterothrix DC. Amphiglossa DC. Pterothrix DC. Amphiglossa DC.
Pterygopappus Hook. f. a Pterygopappus Hook. f.
Pycnosorus Benth. a Pycnosorus Benth.
Quinetia Cass. a Quinetia Cass.
Quinqueremulus Paul G. Wilson a Quinqueremulus Paul G. Wilson
Rachelia J. M. Ward & Breitw. a Rachelia J. M. Ward & Breitw.
Raoulia Hook. f. ex Raoul a Raoulia Hook. f. ex Raoul
Raouliopsis S. F. Blake a Raouliopsis S. F. Blake
Relhania LʼHér. a Relhania LʼHér.
Rhodanthe Lindl. a Rhodanthe Lindl.
Rhynchopsidium DC. a Rhynchopsidium DC.
Rhynea DC. Tenrhynea Hilliard & B. L. Burtt Rhynea DC. Tenrhynea Hilliard & B. L. Burtt
Richea Labill. Craspedia G. Forst. Richea Labill. Craspedia G. Forst.
Rosenia Thunb. a Rosenia Thunb.
Rutidosis DC. a Rutidosis DC.
Scalia Sims Podolepis Labill. Scalia Sims Podolepis Labill.
Schoenia Steetz a Schoenia Steetz
Scyphocoronis A. Gray Millotia Cass. Scyphocoronis A. Gray Millotia Cass.
Siloxerus Labill. a Siloxerus Labill.
Sinoleontopodium Y. L. Chen a Sinoleontopodium Y. L. Chen
Sondottia P. S. Short a Sondottia P. S. Short
Stenocline DC. a Stenocline DC.
Stenophalium Anderb. a Stenophalium Anderb.
Stoebe L. a Stoebe L.
Stuartina Sond. a Stuartina Sond.
Stuckertiella Beauverd a Stuckertiella Beauverd
Stylocline Nutt. a Stylocline Nutt.
Swammerdamia DC. Ozothamnus R. Br. Swammerdamia DC. Ozothamnus R. Br.
Syncarpha DC. a Syncarpha DC.
Syncephalum DC. a Syncephalum DC.
Taplinia Lander a Taplinia Lander
Tenrhynea Hilliard & B. L. Burtt a Tenrhynea Hilliard & B. L. Burtt
Thiseltonia Hemsl. a Thiseltonia Hemsl.
Tietkensia P. S. Short a Tietkensia P. S. Short
Toxanthes Turcz. Millotia Cass. Toxanthes Turcz. Millotia Cass.
Trichanthodium Sond. & F. Muell. a Trichanthodium Sond. & F. Muell.
Trichogyne Less. a Trichogyne Less.
Triptilodiscus Turcz. a Triptilodiscus Turcz.
Troglophyton Hilliard & B. L. Burtt a Troglophyton Hilliard & B. L. Burtt
Vellereophyton Hilliard & B. L. Burtt a Vellereophyton Hilliard & B. L. Burtt
Virginea (DC.) Nicoli Helichrysum Mill. Virginea (DC.) Nicoli Helichrysum Mill.
Waitzia J. C. Wendl. a Waitzia J. C. Wendl.
Xanthochrysum Turcz. Schoenia Steetz Xanthochrysum Turcz. Schoenia Steetz
Xerochrysum Tzvelev a Xerochrysum Tzvelev

ILRI Germplasm Policy (excerpts)

The International Livestock research Institute (ILRI) maintains a collection of forage germplasm as a global public good. The material was acquired prior to the entry into force of the Convention on Biological Diversity; or if it was acquired after the entering into force of the Convention on Biological Diversity, it was obtained with the understanding that it was held in trust and could be made available for any agricultural research, breeding and training purposes under the terms and conditions set out in the agreement between the ILRI and FAO dated 26 October 1994. On 16 October 2006, ILRI signed an agreement with the Governing Body of the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (the Treaty) placing these in trust collections of Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (PGRFA) within the purview of the Treaty.

In accordance with this Agreement, all shipments of PGRFA of crops listed in Annex 1 to the Treaty (shipments of PGRFA under the Multilateral System) will be subject to the terms and conditions of the Standard Material Transfer Agreement (SMTA). In the event that the SMTA (attached) is used for the transfer of Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture other than those listed in Annex 1 of the Treaty: i) The references in the SMTA to the "Multilateral System" shall not be interpreted as limiting the application of the SMTA to Annex 1 Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture, and in the case of Article 6.2 of the SMTA shall mean "under this Agreement". ii) The reference in Article 6.11 and Annex 3 of the SMTA to "Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture belonging to the same crop, as set out in Annex 1 to the Treaty" shall be taken to mean "Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture belonging to the same crop".

The material is held in trust and the recipient has no rights to obtain Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs) on the material or related information. The recipient may utilize and conserve the material for research, breeding and training and may distribute it to other parties provided such parties accept the terms and conditions of the SMTA .

ILRI will provide forage seeds in small experimental quantities of between 1 and 20 grams without charge from the germplasm collection under the SMTA as appropriate for the crop as part of its policy of maximizing the utilization of material for research, breeding and training. Larger quantities sufficient to sow up to one quarter of a hectare of a limited number of promising accessions will require that requesters cover the costs of production and shipping.

ILRI makes no warranties as to the safety or title of the material, nor as to the accuracy or correctness of any passport or other data provided with the material. Neither does it make any warranties as to the quality, viability, or purity (genetic or mechanical) of the material being furnished. The phytosanitary condition of the material is warranted only as described in the attached phytosanitary certificate. The recipient assumes full responsibility for complying with the recipient nation’s quarantine and biosafety regulations and rules as to import or release of genetic material.