
Genera and generic subdivisons of Ericaceae Juss., nom. cons.
Accepted Names
Exclude infrageneric names

Acrostemon Klotzsch Erica L. Acrostemon Klotzsch Erica L.
Acrotriche R. Br. a Acrotriche R. Br.
Agapetes D. Don ex G. Don a Agapetes D. Don ex G. Don
Agarista D. Don ex G. Don a Agarista D. Don ex G. Don
Agauria (DC.) Hook. f. Agarista D. Don ex G. Don Agauria (DC.) Hook. f. Agarista D. Don ex G. Don
Allotropa Torr. & A. Gray a Allotropa Torr. & A. Gray
Ampelothamnus Small Pieris D. Don Ampelothamnus Small Pieris D. Don
Andersonia R. Br. a Andersonia R. Br.
Andresia Sleumer Cheilotheca Hook. f. Andresia Sleumer Cheilotheca Hook. f.
Andromeda L. a Andromeda L.
Androstoma Hook. f. a Androstoma Hook. f.
Aniserica N. E. Br. Erica L. Aniserica N. E. Br. Erica L.
Anomalanthus Klotzsch Erica L. Anomalanthus Klotzsch Erica L.
Anthopteropsis A. C. Sm. a Anthopteropsis A. C. Sm.
Anthopterus Hook. a Anthopterus Hook.
Arachnocalyx Compton Erica L. Arachnocalyx Compton Erica L.
Arbutus L. a Arbutus L.
Archeria Hook. f. a Archeria Hook. f.
Arcterica Coville Pieris D. Don Arcterica Coville Pieris D. Don
Arctostaphylos Adans. a Arctostaphylos Adans.
Arctous (A. Gray) Nied. a Arctous (A. Gray) Nied.
Ardisia Gaertn. Styphelia Sol. ex Sm. Ardisia Gaertn. Styphelia Sol. ex Sm.
Astroloma R. Br. a Astroloma R. Br.
Azalea auct. Rhododendron L. Azalea auct. Rhododendron L.
Azalea L. Kalmia L. Azalea L. Kalmia L.
Befaria Mutis ex L., orth. var. Bejaria Mutis Befaria Mutis ex L., orth. var. Bejaria Mutis
Bejaria Mutis a Bejaria Mutis
Blaeria L. Erica L. Blaeria L. Erica L.
Boretta Neck. ex Baill. Daboecia D. Don Boretta Neck. ex Baill. Daboecia D. Don
Botryostege Stapf Elliottia Muhl. ex Elliott Botryostege Stapf Elliottia Muhl. ex Elliott
Brachyloma Sond. a Brachyloma Sond.
Brossaea L. Gaultheria L. Brossaea L. Gaultheria L.
Brossea Kuntze, orth. var. Gaultheria L. Brossea Kuntze, orth. var. Gaultheria L.
Bruckenthalia Rchb. Erica L. Bruckenthalia Rchb. Erica L.
Bryanthus J. G. Gmel. a Bryanthus J. G. Gmel.
Budawangia I. Telford a Budawangia I. Telford
Calluna Salisb. a Calluna Salisb.
Calopteryx A. C. Sm. a Calopteryx A. C. Sm.
Cassandra D. Don Chamaedaphne Moench Cassandra D. Don Chamaedaphne Moench
Cassiope D. Don a Cassiope D. Don
Cavendishia Lindl. a Cavendishia Lindl.
Ceratiola Michx. a Ceratiola Michx.
Ceratostema Juss. a Ceratostema Juss.
Chamaedaphne Moench a Chamaedaphne Moench
Cheilotheca Hook. f. a Cheilotheca Hook. f.
Chimaphila Pursh a Chimaphila Pursh
Chiogenes Salisb. ex Torr. Gaultheria L. Chiogenes Salisb. ex Torr. Gaultheria L.
Chlorocodon (DC.) Fourr. Erica L. Chlorocodon (DC.) Fourr. Erica L.
Choristemon H. B. Will. a Choristemon H. B. Will.
Cladothamnus Bong. Elliottia Muhl. ex Elliott Cladothamnus Bong. Elliottia Muhl. ex Elliott
Coccosperma Klotzsch Erica L. Coccosperma Klotzsch Erica L.
Codonostigma Klotzsch ex Benth. Erica L. Codonostigma Klotzsch ex Benth. Erica L.
Coilostigma Klotzsch Erica L. Coilostigma Klotzsch Erica L.
Coleanthera Stschegl. a Coleanthera Stschegl.
Comarostaphylis Zucc. a Comarostaphylis Zucc.
Conostephium Benth. a Conostephium Benth.
Corallobotrys Hook. f. Agapetes D. Don ex G. Don Corallobotrys Hook. f. Agapetes D. Don ex G. Don
Corema D. Don a Corema D. Don
Cosmelia R. Br. a Cosmelia R. Br.
Costera J. J. Sm. a Costera J. J. Sm.
Craibiodendron W. W. Sm. a Craibiodendron W. W. Sm.
Croninia J. M. Powell a Croninia J. M. Powell
Cyathodes Labill. a Cyathodes Labill.
Cyathopsis Brongn. & Gris a Cyathopsis Brongn. & Gris
Daboecia D. Don a Daboecia D. Don
Decamerium Nutt. Gaylussacia Kunth Decamerium Nutt. Gaylussacia Kunth
Decaspora R. Br. Trochocarpa R. Br. Decaspora R. Br. Trochocarpa R. Br.
Decatoca F. Muell. a Decatoca F. Muell.
Demosthenesia A. C. Sm. a Demosthenesia A. C. Sm.
Dendrium Desv. Kalmia L. Dendrium Desv. Kalmia L.
Desmogyne King & Prain Agapetes D. Don ex G. Don Desmogyne King & Prain Agapetes D. Don ex G. Don
Desmothamnus Small Lyonia Nutt. Desmothamnus Small Lyonia Nutt.
Didonica Luteyn & Wilbur a Didonica Luteyn & Wilbur
Dimorphanthera (F. Muell. ex Drude) F. Muell. a Dimorphanthera (F. Muell. ex Drude) F. Muell.
Diogenesia Sleumer a Diogenesia Sleumer
Diplarche Hook. f. & Thomson a Diplarche Hook. f. & Thomson
Diplycosia Blume a Diplycosia Blume
Disterigma (Klotzsch) Nied. a Disterigma (Klotzsch) Nied.
Dracophyllum Labill. a Dracophyllum Labill.
Eleutherostemon Herzog Diogenesia Sleumer Eleutherostemon Herzog Diogenesia Sleumer
Elliottia Muhl. ex Elliott a Elliottia Muhl. ex Elliott
Empedoclesia Sleumer Orthaea Klotzsch Empedoclesia Sleumer Orthaea Klotzsch
Empetrum L. a Empetrum L.
Englerodoxa Hoerold Ceratostema Juss. Englerodoxa Hoerold Ceratostema Juss.
Enkianthus Lour. a Enkianthus Lour.
Epacris Cav. a Epacris Cav.
Epigaea L. a Epigaea L.
Epigynium Klotzsch Vaccinium L. Epigynium Klotzsch Vaccinium L.
Eremia D. Don Erica L. Eremia D. Don Erica L.
Eremiella Compton Erica L. Eremiella Compton Erica L.
Eremiopsis N. E. Br. Erica L. Eremiopsis N. E. Br. Erica L.
Eremotropa Andres Monotropastrum Andres Eremotropa Andres Monotropastrum Andres
Erica L. a Erica L.
Ericinella Klotzsch Erica L. Ericinella Klotzsch Erica L.
Eubotryoides (Nakai) H. Hara a Eubotryoides (Nakai) H. Hara
Eubotrys Nutt. a Eubotrys Nutt.
Eurygania Klotzsch Thibaudia Ruiz & Pav. ex J. St.-Hil. Eurygania Klotzsch Thibaudia Ruiz & Pav. ex J. St.-Hil.
Findlaya Hook. f. Orthaea Klotzsch Findlaya Hook. f. Orthaea Klotzsch
×Gaulnettya Marchant a Gaulnettya Marchant
Gaultheria L. a Gaultheria L.
×Gaulthettya Camp ×Gaulnettya Marchant Gaulthettya Camp Gaulnettya Marchant
Gaylussacia Kunth a Gaylussacia Kunth
Gonocalyx Planch. & Linden a Gonocalyx Planch. & Linden
Grisebachia Klotzsch Erica L. Grisebachia Klotzsch Erica L.
Harrimanella Coville a Harrimanella Coville
Hemitomes A. Gray a Hemitomes A. Gray
Hexastemon Klotzsch Erica L. Hexastemon Klotzsch Erica L.
Hornemannia Vahl Vaccinium L. Hornemannia Vahl Vaccinium L.
Hugeria Small Vaccinium L. Hugeria Small Vaccinium L.
Hymenanthes Blume Rhododendron L. Hymenanthes Blume Rhododendron L.
Hypopitys Hill Monotropa L. Hypopitys Hill Monotropa L.
Kalmia L. a Kalmia L.
Kalmiella Small Kalmia L. Kalmiella Small Kalmia L.
Kalmiopsis Rehder a Kalmiopsis Rehder
Killipiella A. C. Sm. Disterigma (Klotzsch) Nied. Killipiella A. C. Sm. Disterigma (Klotzsch) Nied.
Lagenocarpus Klotzsch Erica L. Lagenocarpus Klotzsch Erica L.
Lateropora A. C. Sm. Symphysia C. Presl Lateropora A. C. Sm. Symphysia C. Presl
Lebetanthus Endl. a Lebetanthus Endl.
Ledothamnus Meisn. a Ledothamnus Meisn.
Ledum L. Rhododendron L. Ledum L. Rhododendron L.
Leiophyllum (Pers.) R. Hedw. Kalmia L. Leiophyllum (Pers.) R. Hedw. Kalmia L.
Leptecophylla C. M. Weiller a Leptecophylla C. M. Weiller
Lepterica N. E. Br. Erica L. Lepterica N. E. Br. Erica L.
Leucopogon R. Br. a Leucopogon R. Br.
Leucothoe D. Don a Leucothoe D. Don
Lissanthe R. Br. a Lissanthe R. Br.
Loiseleuria Desv. Kalmia L. Loiseleuria Desv. Kalmia L.
Lyonia Nutt. a Lyonia Nutt.
Lysiclesia A. C. Sm. Orthaea Klotzsch Lysiclesia A. C. Sm. Orthaea Klotzsch
Lysinema R. Br. a Lysinema R. Br.
Macleania Hook. a Macleania Hook.
Malea Lundell a Malea Lundell
Meisteria Siebold & Zucc. Enkianthus Lour. Meisteria Siebold & Zucc. Enkianthus Lour.
Melichrus R. Br. a Melichrus R. Br.
Menziesia Sm. Rhododendron L. Menziesia Sm. Rhododendron L.
Mitrastylus Alm & T. C. E. Fr. a Mitrastylus Alm & T. C. E. Fr.
Moneses Salisb. ex Gray a Moneses Salisb. ex Gray
Monotoca R. Br. a Monotoca R. Br.
Monotropa L. a Monotropa L.
Monotropanthum Andres Monotropastrum Andres Monotropanthum Andres Monotropastrum Andres
Monotropastrum Andres a Monotropastrum Andres
Monotropsis Schwein. ex Elliott a Monotropsis Schwein. ex Elliott
Mycerinus A. C. Sm. a Mycerinus A. C. Sm.
Nabea Lehm. ex Klotzsch Erica L. Nabea Lehm. ex Klotzsch Erica L.
Nagelocarpus Bullock Erica L. Nagelocarpus Bullock Erica L.
Needhamia R. Br. Needhamiella L. Watson Needhamia R. Br. Needhamiella L. Watson
Needhamiella L. Watson a Needhamiella L. Watson
Neojunghuhnia Koord. Vaccinium L. Neojunghuhnia Koord. Vaccinium L.
Neopieris Britton Lyonia Nutt. Neopieris Britton Lyonia Nutt.
Newberrya Torr. Hemitomes A. Gray Newberrya Torr. Hemitomes A. Gray
Notopora Hook. f. a Notopora Hook. f.
Nuihonia Dop Craibiodendron W. W. Sm. Nuihonia Dop Craibiodendron W. W. Sm.
Oligarrhena R. Br. a Oligarrhena R. Br.
Oreanthes Benth. a Oreanthes Benth.
Oreocallis Small Leucothoe D. Don Oreocallis Small Leucothoe D. Don
Ornithostaphylos Small a Ornithostaphylos Small
Orphanidesia Boiss. & Balansa Epigaea L. Orphanidesia Boiss. & Balansa Epigaea L.
Orthaea Klotzsch a Orthaea Klotzsch
Orthilia Raf. a Orthilia Raf.
Oxycoccus Hill Vaccinium L. Oxycoccus Hill Vaccinium L.
Oxydendrum DC. a Oxydendrum DC.
Paphia Seem. Agapetes D. Don ex G. Don Paphia Seem. Agapetes D. Don ex G. Don
Pellegrinia Sleumer a Pellegrinia Sleumer
Pentachondra R. Br. a Pentachondra R. Br.
Pentapera Klotzsch Erica L. Pentapera Klotzsch Erica L.
Pentapterygium Klotzsch Agapetes D. Don ex G. Don Pentapterygium Klotzsch Agapetes D. Don ex G. Don
Periclesia A. C. Sm. Ceratostema Juss. Periclesia A. C. Sm. Ceratostema Juss.
Pernettya Gaudich. a Pernettya Gaudich.
Pernettyopsis King & Gamble a Pernettyopsis King & Gamble
Philippia Klotzsch Erica L. Philippia Klotzsch Erica L.
Phyllodoce Salisb. a Phyllodoce Salisb.
Pieris D. Don a Pieris D. Don
Pityopus Small a Pityopus Small
Planocarpa C. M. Weiller a Planocarpa C. M. Weiller
Platycalyx N. E. Br. Erica L. Platycalyx N. E. Br. Erica L.
Pleuricospora A. Gray a Pleuricospora A. Gray
Plutarchia A. C. Sm. a Plutarchia A. C. Sm.
Polyboea Klotzsch Cavendishia Lindl. Polyboea Klotzsch Cavendishia Lindl.
Polyclita A. C. Sm. a Polyclita A. C. Sm.
Prionotes R. Br. a Prionotes R. Br.
Proclesia Klotzsch Cavendishia Lindl. Proclesia Klotzsch Cavendishia Lindl.
Psammisia Klotzsch a Psammisia Klotzsch
Pterospora Nutt. a Pterospora Nutt.
Pyrola L. a Pyrola L.
Ramischia Opiz ex Garcke Orthilia Raf. Ramischia Opiz ex Garcke Orthilia Raf.
Rhododendron L. a Rhododendron L.
Rhododendron L. subg. Azaleastrum a i Rhododendron L. subg. Azaleastrum
Rhododendron L. subg. Azaleastrum sect. Azaleastrum Rhododendron L. subg. Azaleastrum sect. Tsutsusi i Rhododendron L. subg. Azaleastrum sect. Azaleastrum Rhododendron L. subg. Azaleastrum sect. Tsutsusi
Rhododendron L. subg. Azaleastrum sect. Brachycalyx a i Rhododendron L. subg. Azaleastrum sect. Brachycalyx
Rhododendron L. subg. Azaleastrum sect. Sciadorhodion a i Rhododendron L. subg. Azaleastrum sect. Sciadorhodion
Rhododendron L. subg. Azaleastrum sect. Tsutsusi a i Rhododendron L. subg. Azaleastrum sect. Tsutsusi
Rhododendron L. subg. Azaleastrum sect. Viscidula Rhododendron L. subg. Azaleastrum sect. Tsutsusi i Rhododendron L. subg. Azaleastrum sect. Viscidula Rhododendron L. subg. Azaleastrum sect. Tsutsusi
Rhododendron L. subg. Candidastrum Rhododendron L. subg. Azaleastrum sect. Sciadorhodion i Rhododendron L. subg. Candidastrum Rhododendron L. subg. Azaleastrum sect. Sciadorhodion
Rhododendron L. subg. Choniastrum a i Rhododendron L. subg. Choniastrum
Rhododendron L. subg. Hymenanthes a i Rhododendron L. subg. Hymenanthes
Rhododendron L. subg. Hymenanthes sect. Pentanthera a i Rhododendron L. subg. Hymenanthes sect. Pentanthera
Rhododendron L. subg. Hymenanthes sect. Ponticum a i Rhododendron L. subg. Hymenanthes sect. Ponticum
Rhododendron L. subg. Mumeazalea Rhododendron L. subg. Azaleastrum sect. Tsutsusi i Rhododendron L. subg. Mumeazalea Rhododendron L. subg. Azaleastrum sect. Tsutsusi
Rhododendron L. subg. Rhododendron a i Rhododendron L. subg. Rhododendron
Rhododendron L. subg. Rhododendron sect. Pogonathum a i Rhododendron L. subg. Rhododendron sect. Pogonathum
Rhododendron L. subg. Rhododendron sect. Rhododendron a i Rhododendron L. subg. Rhododendron sect. Rhododendron
Rhododendron L. subg. Rhododendron sect. Vireya a i Rhododendron L. subg. Rhododendron sect. Vireya
Rhododendron L. subg. Therorhodion a i Rhododendron L. subg. Therorhodion
Rhodora L. Rhododendron L. Rhodora L. Rhododendron L.
Rhodothamnus Rchb. a Rhodothamnus Rchb.
Richea R. Br. a Richea R. Br.
Rigiolepis Hook. f. Vaccinium L. Rigiolepis Hook. f. Vaccinium L.
Rupicola Maiden & Betche a Rupicola Maiden & Betche
Rusbya Britton a Rusbya Britton
Salaxis Salisb. Erica L. Salaxis Salisb. Erica L.
Sarcodes Torr. a Sarcodes Torr.
Satyria Klotzsch a Satyria Klotzsch
Schizococcus Eastw. Arctostaphylos Adans. Schizococcus Eastw. Arctostaphylos Adans.
Schweinitzia Elliott ex Nutt. Monotropsis Schwein. ex Elliott Schweinitzia Elliott ex Nutt. Monotropsis Schwein. ex Elliott
Scyphogyne Decne. Erica L. Scyphogyne Decne. Erica L.
Semiramisia Klotzsch a Semiramisia Klotzsch
Simocheilus Klotzsch Erica L. Simocheilus Klotzsch Erica L.
Siphonandra Klotzsch a Siphonandra Klotzsch
Siphonostema Griseb. Ceratostema Juss. Siphonostema Griseb. Ceratostema Juss.
Socratesia Klotzsch Cavendishia Lindl. Socratesia Klotzsch Cavendishia Lindl.
Sophoclesia Klotzsch Sphyrospermum Poepp. & Endl. Sophoclesia Klotzsch Sphyrospermum Poepp. & Endl.
Sphenotoma (R. Br.) Sweet a Sphenotoma (R. Br.) Sweet
Sphyrospermum Poepp. & Endl. a Sphyrospermum Poepp. & Endl.
Sprengelia Sm. a Sprengelia Sm.
Stokoeanthus E. G. H. Oliv. Erica L. Stokoeanthus E. G. H. Oliv. Erica L.
Styphelia Sol. ex Sm. a Styphelia Sol. ex Sm.
Symphysia C. Presl a Symphysia C. Presl
Sympieza Licht. ex Roem. & Schult. Erica L. Sympieza Licht. ex Roem. & Schult. Erica L.
Syndesmanthus Klotzsch Erica L. Syndesmanthus Klotzsch Erica L.
Tepuia Camp a Tepuia Camp
Thamnus Klotzsch Erica L. Thamnus Klotzsch Erica L.
Themistoclesia Klotzsch a Themistoclesia Klotzsch
Therorhodion (Maxim.) Small a Therorhodion (Maxim.) Small
Thibaudia Ruiz & Pav. ex J. St.-Hil. a Thibaudia Ruiz & Pav. ex J. St.-Hil.
Thoracosperma Klotzsch Erica L. Thoracosperma Klotzsch Erica L.
Tripetaleia Siebold & Zucc. Elliottia Muhl. ex Elliott Tripetaleia Siebold & Zucc. Elliottia Muhl. ex Elliott
Tritomodon Turcz. Enkianthus Lour. Tritomodon Turcz. Enkianthus Lour.
Trochocarpa R. Br. a Trochocarpa R. Br.
Tsusiophyllum Maxim. Rhododendron L. Tsusiophyllum Maxim. Rhododendron L.
Utleya Wilbur & Luteyn a Utleya Wilbur & Luteyn
Vacciniopsis Rusby Disterigma (Klotzsch) Nied. Vacciniopsis Rusby Disterigma (Klotzsch) Nied.
Vaccinium L. a Vaccinium L.
Vaccinium L. sect. Aethopus a i Vaccinium L. sect. Aethopus
Vaccinium L. sect. Baccula-Nigra a i Vaccinium L. sect. Baccula-Nigra
Vaccinium L. sect. Barandanum a i Vaccinium L. sect. Barandanum
Vaccinium L. sect. Batodendron a i Vaccinium L. sect. Batodendron
Vaccinium L. sect. Brachyceratium a i Vaccinium L. sect. Brachyceratium
Vaccinium L. sect. Bracteata a i Vaccinium L. sect. Bracteata
Vaccinium L. sect. Calcicolus Vaccinium L. sect. Pseudocephalanthos i Vaccinium L. sect. Calcicolus Vaccinium L. sect. Pseudocephalanthos
Vaccinium L. sect. Ciliata a i Vaccinium L. sect. Ciliata
Vaccinium L. sect. Cinctosandra a i Vaccinium L. sect. Cinctosandra
Vaccinium L. sect. Conchophyllum a i Vaccinium L. sect. Conchophyllum
Vaccinium L. sect. Cyanococcus a i Vaccinium L. sect. Cyanococcus
Vaccinium L. sect. Cyanophtalmos a i Vaccinium L. sect. Cyanophtalmos
Vaccinium L. sect. Disterigmopsis Disterigma (Klotzsch) Nied. i Vaccinium L. sect. Disterigmopsis Disterigma (Klotzsch) Nied.
Vaccinium L. sect. Eococcus a i Vaccinium L. sect. Eococcus
Vaccinium L. sect. Epigynium a i Vaccinium L. sect. Epigynium
Vaccinium L. sect. Euepigynium a i Vaccinium L. sect. Euepigynium
Vaccinium L. sect. Galeopetalum a i Vaccinium L. sect. Galeopetalum
Vaccinium L. sect. Hemimyrtillus a i Vaccinium L. sect. Hemimyrtillus
Vaccinium L. sect. Herpothamnus a i Vaccinium L. sect. Herpothamnus
Vaccinium L. sect. Macropelma Vaccinium L. sect. Myrtillus i Vaccinium L. sect. Macropelma Vaccinium L. sect. Myrtillus
Vaccinium L. sect. Monanthos Vaccinium L. sect. Aethopus i Vaccinium L. sect. Monanthos Vaccinium L. sect. Aethopus
Vaccinium L. sect. Myrtillus a i Vaccinium L. sect. Myrtillus
Vaccinium L. sect. Nemochaeton Diogenesia Sleumer i Vaccinium L. sect. Nemochaeton Diogenesia Sleumer
Vaccinium L. sect. Neojunghuhnia a i Vaccinium L. sect. Neojunghuhnia
Vaccinium L. sect. Nesococcus a i Vaccinium L. sect. Nesococcus
Vaccinium L. sect. Neurodesia a i Vaccinium L. sect. Neurodesia
Vaccinium L. sect. Oarianthe a i Vaccinium L. sect. Oarianthe
Vaccinium L. sect. Oreades Symphysia C. Presl i Vaccinium L. sect. Oreades Symphysia C. Presl
Vaccinium L. sect. Oxycoccoides a i Vaccinium L. sect. Oxycoccoides
Vaccinium L. sect. Oxycoccus a i Vaccinium L. sect. Oxycoccus
Vaccinium L. sect. Pachyanthum Dimorphanthera (F. Muell. ex Drude) F. Muell. i Vaccinium L. sect. Pachyanthum Dimorphanthera (F. Muell. ex Drude) F. Muell.
Vaccinium L. sect. Polycodium a i Vaccinium L. sect. Polycodium
Vaccinium L. sect. Praestantia a i Vaccinium L. sect. Praestantia
Vaccinium L. sect. Pseudocephalanthos a i Vaccinium L. sect. Pseudocephalanthos
Vaccinium L. sect. Pseudodisterigma Disterigma (Klotzsch) Nied. i Vaccinium L. sect. Pseudodisterigma Disterigma (Klotzsch) Nied.
Vaccinium L. sect. Pyxothamnus a i Vaccinium L. sect. Pyxothamnus
Vaccinium L. sect. Rigiolepis a i Vaccinium L. sect. Rigiolepis
Vaccinium L. sect. Vaccinium a i Vaccinium L. sect. Vaccinium
Vaccinium L. sect. Vitis-Idaea a i Vaccinium L. sect. Vitis-Idaea
Vireya Blume Rhododendron L. Vireya Blume Rhododendron L.
Woollsia F. Muell. a Woollsia F. Muell.
Xolisma Raf. Lyonia Nutt. Xolisma Raf. Lyonia Nutt.
Xylococcus Nutt. a Xylococcus Nutt.
Zenobia D. Don a Zenobia D. Don

ILRI Germplasm Policy (excerpts)

The International Livestock research Institute (ILRI) maintains a collection of forage germplasm as a global public good. The material was acquired prior to the entry into force of the Convention on Biological Diversity; or if it was acquired after the entering into force of the Convention on Biological Diversity, it was obtained with the understanding that it was held in trust and could be made available for any agricultural research, breeding and training purposes under the terms and conditions set out in the agreement between the ILRI and FAO dated 26 October 1994. On 16 October 2006, ILRI signed an agreement with the Governing Body of the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (the Treaty) placing these in trust collections of Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (PGRFA) within the purview of the Treaty.

In accordance with this Agreement, all shipments of PGRFA of crops listed in Annex 1 to the Treaty (shipments of PGRFA under the Multilateral System) will be subject to the terms and conditions of the Standard Material Transfer Agreement (SMTA). In the event that the SMTA (attached) is used for the transfer of Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture other than those listed in Annex 1 of the Treaty: i) The references in the SMTA to the "Multilateral System" shall not be interpreted as limiting the application of the SMTA to Annex 1 Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture, and in the case of Article 6.2 of the SMTA shall mean "under this Agreement". ii) The reference in Article 6.11 and Annex 3 of the SMTA to "Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture belonging to the same crop, as set out in Annex 1 to the Treaty" shall be taken to mean "Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture belonging to the same crop".

The material is held in trust and the recipient has no rights to obtain Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs) on the material or related information. The recipient may utilize and conserve the material for research, breeding and training and may distribute it to other parties provided such parties accept the terms and conditions of the SMTA .

ILRI will provide forage seeds in small experimental quantities of between 1 and 20 grams without charge from the germplasm collection under the SMTA as appropriate for the crop as part of its policy of maximizing the utilization of material for research, breeding and training. Larger quantities sufficient to sow up to one quarter of a hectare of a limited number of promising accessions will require that requesters cover the costs of production and shipping.

ILRI makes no warranties as to the safety or title of the material, nor as to the accuracy or correctness of any passport or other data provided with the material. Neither does it make any warranties as to the quality, viability, or purity (genetic or mechanical) of the material being furnished. The phytosanitary condition of the material is warranted only as described in the attached phytosanitary certificate. The recipient assumes full responsibility for complying with the recipient nation’s quarantine and biosafety regulations and rules as to import or release of genetic material.