
Genera and generic subdivisons of Loranthaceae Juss., nom. cons.
Accepted Names
Exclude infrageneric names

Aciella Tiegh. Amylotheca Tiegh. Aciella Tiegh. Amylotheca Tiegh.
Acranthemum Tiegh. Agelanthus Tiegh. Acranthemum Tiegh. Agelanthus Tiegh.
Acrostachys (Benth. & Hook. f.) Tiegh. Helixanthera Lour. Acrostachys (Benth. & Hook. f.) Tiegh. Helixanthera Lour.
Acrostephanus Tiegh. Tapinanthus (Blume) Rchb. Acrostephanus Tiegh. Tapinanthus (Blume) Rchb.
Actinanthella Balle a Actinanthella Balle
Aetanthus (Eichler) Engl. a Aetanthus (Eichler) Engl.
Agelanthus Tiegh. a Agelanthus Tiegh.
Alepis Tiegh. a Alepis Tiegh.
Allohemia Raf. Oryctanthus (Griseb.) Eichler Allohemia Raf. Oryctanthus (Griseb.) Eichler
Alveolina Tiegh. Psittacanthus Mart. Alveolina Tiegh. Psittacanthus Mart.
Amyema Tiegh. a Amyema Tiegh.
Amylotheca Tiegh. a Amylotheca Tiegh.
Antriba Raf. Scurrula L. Antriba Raf. Scurrula L.
Apodina Tiegh. Psittacanthus Mart. Apodina Tiegh. Psittacanthus Mart.
Arculus Tiegh. Amylotheca Tiegh. Arculus Tiegh. Amylotheca Tiegh.
Arthraxella Nakai Psittacanthus Mart. Arthraxella Nakai Psittacanthus Mart.
Arthraxon (Eichler) Tiegh. Psittacanthus Mart. Arthraxon (Eichler) Tiegh. Psittacanthus Mart.
Atkinsonia F. Muell. a Atkinsonia F. Muell.
Bakerella Tiegh. a Bakerella Tiegh.
Barathranthus (Korth.) Miq., orth. var. Baratranthus (Korth.) Miq. Barathranthus (Korth.) Miq., orth. var. Baratranthus (Korth.) Miq.
Baratranthus (Korth.) Miq. a Baratranthus (Korth.) Miq.
Beccarina Tiegh. Trithecanthera Tiegh. Beccarina Tiegh. Trithecanthera Tiegh.
Benthamina Tiegh. a Benthamina Tiegh.
Berhautia Balle a Berhautia Balle
Blumella Tiegh. Elytranthe (Blume) Blume Blumella Tiegh. Elytranthe (Blume) Blume
Botryoloranthus (Engl. & K. Krause) Balle Oncella Tiegh. Botryoloranthus (Engl. & K. Krause) Balle Oncella Tiegh.
Candollina Tiegh. Amyema Tiegh. Candollina Tiegh. Amyema Tiegh.
Cecarria Barlow a Cecarria Barlow
Chatinia Tiegh. Psittacanthus Mart. Chatinia Tiegh. Psittacanthus Mart.
Chiridium Tiegh. Helixanthera Lour. Chiridium Tiegh. Helixanthera Lour.
Chorilepidella Tiegh. Lepidaria Tiegh. Chorilepidella Tiegh. Lepidaria Tiegh.
Chorilepis Tiegh. Lepidaria Tiegh. Chorilepis Tiegh. Lepidaria Tiegh.
Choristega Tiegh. Lepeostegeres Blume Choristega Tiegh. Lepeostegeres Blume
Choristegeres Tiegh. Lepeostegeres Blume Choristegeres Tiegh. Lepeostegeres Blume
Cichlanthus (Endl.) Tiegh. Scurrula L. Cichlanthus (Endl.) Tiegh. Scurrula L.
Cladocolea Tiegh. a Cladocolea Tiegh.
Cleistoloranthus Merr. Amyema Tiegh. Cleistoloranthus Merr. Amyema Tiegh.
Coleobotrys Tiegh. Helixanthera Lour. Coleobotrys Tiegh. Helixanthera Lour.
Cyathiscus Tiegh. Baratranthus (Korth.) Miq. Cyathiscus Tiegh. Baratranthus (Korth.) Miq.
Cyne Danser a Cyne Danser
Dactyliophora Tiegh. a Dactyliophora Tiegh.
Danserella Balle, nom. inval. Oncocalyx Tiegh. Danserella Balle, nom. inval. Oncocalyx Tiegh.
Decaisnina Tiegh. a Decaisnina Tiegh.
Dendropemon (Blume) Rchb. a Dendropemon (Blume) Rchb.
Dendrophthoe Mart. a Dendrophthoe Mart.
Dentimetula Tiegh. Agelanthus Tiegh. Dentimetula Tiegh. Agelanthus Tiegh.
Desmaria Tiegh. a Desmaria Tiegh.
Desrousseauxia Tiegh. Aetanthus (Eichler) Engl. Desrousseauxia Tiegh. Aetanthus (Eichler) Engl.
Dicymanthes Danser Amyema Tiegh. Dicymanthes Danser Amyema Tiegh.
Diplatia Tiegh. a Diplatia Tiegh.
Dipodophyllum Tiegh. Psittacanthus Mart. Dipodophyllum Tiegh. Psittacanthus Mart.
Distrianthes Danser a Distrianthes Danser
Dithecina Tiegh. Helixanthera Lour. Dithecina Tiegh. Helixanthera Lour.
Eichlerina Tiegh. Struthanthus Mart. Eichlerina Tiegh. Struthanthus Mart.
Elytranthe (Blume) Blume a Elytranthe (Blume) Blume
Emelianthe Danser a Emelianthe Danser
Englerina Tiegh. a Englerina Tiegh.
Epicoila Raf. Tristerix Mart. Epicoila Raf. Tristerix Mart.
Erianthemum Tiegh. a Erianthemum Tiegh.
Etubila Raf. Dendrophthoe Mart. Etubila Raf. Dendrophthoe Mart.
Furarium Rizzini Phthirusa Mart. Furarium Rizzini Phthirusa Mart.
Furcilla Tiegh. Muellerina Tiegh. Furcilla Tiegh. Muellerina Tiegh.
Gaiadendron G. Don a Gaiadendron G. Don
Globimetula Tiegh. a Globimetula Tiegh.
Glossidea Tiegh. Psittacanthus Mart. Glossidea Tiegh. Psittacanthus Mart.
Glutago Comm. ex Poir. Oryctanthus (Griseb.) Eichler Glutago Comm. ex Poir. Oryctanthus (Griseb.) Eichler
Helicanthera Roem. & Schult., orth. var. Helixanthera Lour. Helicanthera Roem. & Schult., orth. var. Helixanthera Lour.
Helicanthes Danser a Helicanthes Danser
Helicia Pers. Helixanthera Lour. Helicia Pers. Helixanthera Lour.
Helixanthera Lour. a Helixanthera Lour.
Hemiarthron (Eichler) Tiegh. Psittacanthus Mart. Hemiarthron (Eichler) Tiegh. Psittacanthus Mart.
Hemitria Raf. Phthirusa Mart. Hemitria Raf. Phthirusa Mart.
Hookerella Tiegh. Muellerina Tiegh. Hookerella Tiegh. Muellerina Tiegh.
Ileostylus Tiegh. a Ileostylus Tiegh.
Ischnanthus (Engl.) Tiegh. Englerina Tiegh. Ischnanthus (Engl.) Tiegh. Englerina Tiegh.
Isocaulon Tiegh. Psittacanthus Mart. Isocaulon Tiegh. Psittacanthus Mart.
Iticania Raf. Elytranthe (Blume) Blume Iticania Raf. Elytranthe (Blume) Blume
Ixocactus Rizzini a Ixocactus Rizzini
Kingella Tiegh. Trithecanthera Tiegh. Kingella Tiegh. Trithecanthera Tiegh.
Lampas Danser a Lampas Danser
Lanthorus C. Presl Helixanthera Lour. Lanthorus C. Presl Helixanthera Lour.
Lepeostegeres Blume a Lepeostegeres Blume
Lepidaria Tiegh. a Lepidaria Tiegh.
Lepidella Tiegh. Lepidaria Tiegh. Lepidella Tiegh. Lepidaria Tiegh.
Leucobotrys Tiegh. Helixanthera Lour. Leucobotrys Tiegh. Helixanthera Lour.
Lichtensteinia J. C. Wendl., nom. inval. Tapinanthus (Blume) Rchb. Lichtensteinia J. C. Wendl., nom. inval. Tapinanthus (Blume) Rchb.
Ligaria Tiegh. a Ligaria Tiegh.
Locella Tiegh. Taxillus Tiegh. Locella Tiegh. Taxillus Tiegh.
Lonicera Gaertn. Dendrophthoe Mart. Lonicera Gaertn. Dendrophthoe Mart.
Loranthus Jacq. a Loranthus Jacq.
Loxania Tiegh. Cladocolea Tiegh. Loxania Tiegh. Cladocolea Tiegh.
Loxanthera (Blume) Blume a Loxanthera (Blume) Blume
Lysiana Tiegh. a Lysiana Tiegh.
Macrocalyx Tiegh. Aetanthus (Eichler) Engl. Macrocalyx Tiegh. Aetanthus (Eichler) Engl.
Macrosolen (Blume) Rchb. a Macrosolen (Blume) Rchb.
Maracanthus Kuijt Oryctina Tiegh. Maracanthus Kuijt Oryctina Tiegh.
Martiella Tiegh. Psittacanthus Mart. Martiella Tiegh. Psittacanthus Mart.
Meiena Raf. Dendrophthoe Mart. Meiena Raf. Dendrophthoe Mart.
Meranthera Tiegh. Psittacanthus Mart. Meranthera Tiegh. Psittacanthus Mart.
Merismia Tiegh. Psittacanthus Mart. Merismia Tiegh. Psittacanthus Mart.
Metastachys (Benth. & Hook. f.) Tiegh. Tristerix Mart. Metastachys (Benth. & Hook. f.) Tiegh. Tristerix Mart.
Metula Tiegh. Phragmanthera Tiegh. Metula Tiegh. Phragmanthera Tiegh.
Moquinia A. Spreng. Moquiniella Balle Moquinia A. Spreng. Moquiniella Balle
Moquiniella Balle a Moquiniella Balle
Muellerina Tiegh. a Muellerina Tiegh.
Neamyza Tiegh. Peraxilla Tiegh. Neamyza Tiegh. Peraxilla Tiegh.
Neophylum Tiegh. Amyema Tiegh. Neophylum Tiegh. Amyema Tiegh.
Notanthera (DC.) G. Don a Notanthera (DC.) G. Don
Nuytsia R. Br. ex G. Don a Nuytsia R. Br. ex G. Don
Odontella Tiegh. Oncocalyx Tiegh. Odontella Tiegh. Oncocalyx Tiegh.
Oedina Tiegh. a Oedina Tiegh.
Oliverella Tiegh. a Oliverella Tiegh.
Oncella Tiegh. a Oncella Tiegh.
Oncocalyx Tiegh. a Oncocalyx Tiegh.
Oryctanthus (Griseb.) Eichler a Oryctanthus (Griseb.) Eichler
Oryctina Tiegh. a Oryctina Tiegh.
Panamanthus Kuijt a Panamanthus Kuijt
Papuanthes Danser a Papuanthes Danser
Passovia H. Karst. Phthirusa Mart. Passovia H. Karst. Phthirusa Mart.
Passowia H. Karst., orth. var. Phthirusa Mart. Passowia H. Karst., orth. var. Phthirusa Mart.
Pedistylis Wiens a Pedistylis Wiens
Peraxilla Tiegh. a Peraxilla Tiegh.
Perella (Tiegh.) Tiegh. Peraxilla Tiegh. Perella (Tiegh.) Tiegh. Peraxilla Tiegh.
Peristethium Tiegh. Struthanthus Mart. Peristethium Tiegh. Struthanthus Mart.
Phoenicanthemum (Blume) Blume Helixanthera Lour. Phoenicanthemum (Blume) Blume Helixanthera Lour.
Phragmanthera Tiegh. a Phragmanthera Tiegh.
Phrygilanthus Eichler Notanthera (DC.) G. Don Phrygilanthus Eichler Notanthera (DC.) G. Don
Phthirusa Mart. a Phthirusa Mart.
Phyllodesmis Tiegh. Taxillus Tiegh. Phyllodesmis Tiegh. Taxillus Tiegh.
Phyllostephanus Tiegh. Aetanthus (Eichler) Engl. Phyllostephanus Tiegh. Aetanthus (Eichler) Engl.
Pilostigma Tiegh. Amyema Tiegh. Pilostigma Tiegh. Amyema Tiegh.
Plicosepalus Tiegh. a Plicosepalus Tiegh.
Psathyranthus Ule Psittacanthus Mart. Psathyranthus Ule Psittacanthus Mart.
Psittacanthus Mart. a Psittacanthus Mart.
Ptychostylus Tiegh. Struthanthus Mart. Ptychostylus Tiegh. Struthanthus Mart.
Rhizanthemum Tiegh. Amyema Tiegh. Rhizanthemum Tiegh. Amyema Tiegh.
Rhizomonanthes Danser Amyema Tiegh. Rhizomonanthes Danser Amyema Tiegh.
Schimperina Tiegh. Agelanthus Tiegh. Schimperina Tiegh. Agelanthus Tiegh.
Scurrula L. a Scurrula L.
Septimetula Tiegh. Phragmanthera Tiegh. Septimetula Tiegh. Phragmanthera Tiegh.
Septulina Tiegh. a Septulina Tiegh.
Socratina Balle a Socratina Balle
Sogerianthe Danser a Sogerianthe Danser
Solenocalyx Tiegh. Psittacanthus Mart. Solenocalyx Tiegh. Psittacanthus Mart.
Spirostylis C. Presl ex Schult. & Schult. f. Struthanthus Mart. Spirostylis C. Presl ex Schult. & Schult. f. Struthanthus Mart.
Spragueanella Balle a Spragueanella Balle
Stegastrum Tiegh. Lepeostegeres Blume Stegastrum Tiegh. Lepeostegeres Blume
Steirotis Raf. Struthanthus Mart. Steirotis Raf. Struthanthus Mart.
Stemmatophyllum Tiegh. Amyema Tiegh. Stemmatophyllum Tiegh. Amyema Tiegh.
Stephaniscus Tiegh. Englerina Tiegh. Stephaniscus Tiegh. Englerina Tiegh.
Strepsimela Raf. Helixanthera Lour. Strepsimela Raf. Helixanthera Lour.
Struthanthus Mart. a Struthanthus Mart.
Sycophila Welw. ex Tiegh. Helixanthera Lour. Sycophila Welw. ex Tiegh. Helixanthera Lour.
Taguaria Raf. Gaiadendron G. Don Taguaria Raf. Gaiadendron G. Don
Tapinanthus (Blume) Rchb. a Tapinanthus (Blume) Rchb.
Tapinostemma (Benth. & Hook. f.) Tiegh. Plicosepalus Tiegh. Tapinostemma (Benth. & Hook. f.) Tiegh. Plicosepalus Tiegh.
Taxillus Tiegh. a Taxillus Tiegh.
Tetradyas Danser Cyne Danser Tetradyas Danser Cyne Danser
Thaumasianthes Danser a Thaumasianthes Danser
Thelecarpus Tiegh. Phragmanthera Tiegh. Thelecarpus Tiegh. Phragmanthera Tiegh.
Tieghemia Balle Oncocalyx Tiegh. Tieghemia Balle Oncocalyx Tiegh.
Tolypanthus (Blume) Rchb. a Tolypanthus (Blume) Rchb.
Treubania Tiegh. Amylotheca Tiegh. Treubania Tiegh. Amylotheca Tiegh.
Treubella Tiegh. Amylotheca Tiegh. Treubella Tiegh. Amylotheca Tiegh.
Triarthron Baill. Phthirusa Mart. Triarthron Baill. Phthirusa Mart.
Trilepidea Tiegh. a Trilepidea Tiegh.
Tripodanthus (Eichler) Tiegh. a Tripodanthus (Eichler) Tiegh.
Tristerix Mart. a Tristerix Mart.
Trithecanthera Tiegh. a Trithecanthera Tiegh.
Tupeia Cham. & Schltdl. a Tupeia Cham. & Schltdl.
Ungula Barlow Amyema Tiegh. Ungula Barlow Amyema Tiegh.
Vanwykia Wiens a Vanwykia Wiens
Velvetia Tiegh. Psittacanthus Mart. Velvetia Tiegh. Psittacanthus Mart.
Xylochlamys Domin Amyema Tiegh. Xylochlamys Domin Amyema Tiegh.

ILRI Germplasm Policy (excerpts)

The International Livestock research Institute (ILRI) maintains a collection of forage germplasm as a global public good. The material was acquired prior to the entry into force of the Convention on Biological Diversity; or if it was acquired after the entering into force of the Convention on Biological Diversity, it was obtained with the understanding that it was held in trust and could be made available for any agricultural research, breeding and training purposes under the terms and conditions set out in the agreement between the ILRI and FAO dated 26 October 1994. On 16 October 2006, ILRI signed an agreement with the Governing Body of the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (the Treaty) placing these in trust collections of Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (PGRFA) within the purview of the Treaty.

In accordance with this Agreement, all shipments of PGRFA of crops listed in Annex 1 to the Treaty (shipments of PGRFA under the Multilateral System) will be subject to the terms and conditions of the Standard Material Transfer Agreement (SMTA). In the event that the SMTA (attached) is used for the transfer of Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture other than those listed in Annex 1 of the Treaty: i) The references in the SMTA to the "Multilateral System" shall not be interpreted as limiting the application of the SMTA to Annex 1 Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture, and in the case of Article 6.2 of the SMTA shall mean "under this Agreement". ii) The reference in Article 6.11 and Annex 3 of the SMTA to "Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture belonging to the same crop, as set out in Annex 1 to the Treaty" shall be taken to mean "Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture belonging to the same crop".

The material is held in trust and the recipient has no rights to obtain Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs) on the material or related information. The recipient may utilize and conserve the material for research, breeding and training and may distribute it to other parties provided such parties accept the terms and conditions of the SMTA .

ILRI will provide forage seeds in small experimental quantities of between 1 and 20 grams without charge from the germplasm collection under the SMTA as appropriate for the crop as part of its policy of maximizing the utilization of material for research, breeding and training. Larger quantities sufficient to sow up to one quarter of a hectare of a limited number of promising accessions will require that requesters cover the costs of production and shipping.

ILRI makes no warranties as to the safety or title of the material, nor as to the accuracy or correctness of any passport or other data provided with the material. Neither does it make any warranties as to the quality, viability, or purity (genetic or mechanical) of the material being furnished. The phytosanitary condition of the material is warranted only as described in the attached phytosanitary certificate. The recipient assumes full responsibility for complying with the recipient nation’s quarantine and biosafety regulations and rules as to import or release of genetic material.