
Genera and generic subdivisons of Meliaceae Juss., nom. cons.
Accepted Names
Exclude infrageneric names

Acanthotrichilia (Urb.) O. F. Cook & G. N. Collins Trichilia P. Browne Acanthotrichilia (Urb.) O. F. Cook & G. N. Collins Trichilia P. Browne
Acrilia Griseb. Trichilia P. Browne Acrilia Griseb. Trichilia P. Browne
Aglaia Lour. a Aglaia Lour.
Ailantopsis Gagnep. Trichilia P. Browne Ailantopsis Gagnep. Trichilia P. Browne
Aitonia Thunb. Nymania Lindb. Aitonia Thunb. Nymania Lindb.
Alliaria Kuntze Dysoxylum Blume Alliaria Kuntze Dysoxylum Blume
Amoora Roxb. Aglaia Lour. Amoora Roxb. Aglaia Lour.
Andersonia Roxb. Aglaia Lour. Andersonia Roxb. Aglaia Lour.
Antelaea Gaertn. Melia L. Antelaea Gaertn. Melia L.
Anthocarapa Pierre a Anthocarapa Pierre
Aphanamixis Blume a Aphanamixis Blume
Argophilum Blanco Aglaia Lour. Argophilum Blanco Aglaia Lour.
Astrotrichilia (Harms) T. D. Penn. & Styles a Astrotrichilia (Harms) T. D. Penn. & Styles
Aytonia L. f., orth. var. Nymania Lindb. Aytonia L. f., orth. var. Nymania Lindb.
Azadirachta A. Juss. a Azadirachta A. Juss.
Azedarach Mill. Melia L. Azedarach Mill. Melia L.
Barbilus P. Browne Trichilia P. Browne Barbilus P. Browne Trichilia P. Browne
Barola Adans. Trichilia P. Browne Barola Adans. Trichilia P. Browne
Beddomea Hook. f. Aglaia Lour. Beddomea Hook. f. Aglaia Lour.
Bingeria A. Chev. Turraeanthus Baill. Bingeria A. Chev. Turraeanthus Baill.
Burseranthe Rizzini Trichilia P. Browne Burseranthe Rizzini Trichilia P. Browne
Cabralea A. Juss. a Cabralea A. Juss.
Calodecaryia J.-F. Leroy a Calodecaryia J.-F. Leroy
Calodryum Desv. Turraea L. Calodryum Desv. Turraea L.
Cambania Comm. ex M. Roem. Dysoxylum Blume Cambania Comm. ex M. Roem. Dysoxylum Blume
Camunium Roxb. Aglaia Lour. Camunium Roxb. Aglaia Lour.
Capuronianthus J.-F. Leroy a Capuronianthus J.-F. Leroy
Carapa Aubl. a Carapa Aubl.
Cedrela P. Browne a Cedrela P. Browne
Cedrus Mill. Cedrela P. Browne Cedrus Mill. Cedrela P. Browne
Charia C. E. C. Fisch. Ekebergia Sparrm. Charia C. E. C. Fisch. Ekebergia Sparrm.
Chickrassia Wight & Arn., orth. var. Chukrasia A. Juss. Chickrassia Wight & Arn., orth. var. Chukrasia A. Juss.
Chisocheton Blume a Chisocheton Blume
Chukrasia A. Juss. a Chukrasia A. Juss.
Chuniodendron Hu Aphanamixis Blume Chuniodendron Hu Aphanamixis Blume
Cipadessa Blume a Cipadessa Blume
Clemensia Merr. Chisocheton Blume Clemensia Merr. Chisocheton Blume
Dasycoleum Turcz. Chisocheton Blume Dasycoleum Turcz. Chisocheton Blume
Didymocheton Blume Dysoxylum Blume Didymocheton Blume Dysoxylum Blume
Dysoxylum Blume a Dysoxylum Blume
Ekebergia Sparrm. a Ekebergia Sparrm.
Elcaja Forssk. Trichilia P. Browne Elcaja Forssk. Trichilia P. Browne
Elutheria M. Roem. Swietenia Jacq. Elutheria M. Roem. Swietenia Jacq.
Elutheria P. Browne Guarea F. Allam. Elutheria P. Browne Guarea F. Allam.
Entandrophragma C. DC. a Entandrophragma C. DC.
Epicharis Blume Dysoxylum Blume Epicharis Blume Dysoxylum Blume
Euphora Griff. Aglaia Lour. Euphora Griff. Aglaia Lour.
Garretia Welw. Khaya A. Juss. Garretia Welw. Khaya A. Juss.
Gilibertia J. F. Gmel. Turraea L. Gilibertia J. F. Gmel. Turraea L.
Ginnania M. Roem. Turraea L. Ginnania M. Roem. Turraea L.
Grevellina Baill. Turraea L. Grevellina Baill. Turraea L.
Guarea F. Allam. a Guarea F. Allam.
Hartighsea A. Juss. Dysoxylum Blume Hartighsea A. Juss. Dysoxylum Blume
Hearnia F. Muell. Aglaia Lour. Hearnia F. Muell. Aglaia Lour.
Heckeldora Pierre a Heckeldora Pierre
Heimodendron Sillans Entandrophragma C. DC. Heimodendron Sillans Entandrophragma C. DC.
Heynea Roxb. ex Sims a Heynea Roxb. ex Sims
Humbertioturraea J.-F. Leroy a Humbertioturraea J.-F. Leroy
Johnsonia Adans. Cedrela P. Browne Johnsonia Adans. Cedrela P. Browne
Khaya A. Juss. a Khaya A. Juss.
Lamiofrutex Lauterb. Vavaea Benth. Lamiofrutex Lauterb. Vavaea Benth.
Lansium Corrêa a Lansium Corrêa
Leioptyx Pierre ex De Wild. Entandrophragma C. DC. Leioptyx Pierre ex De Wild. Entandrophragma C. DC.
Lepiaglaia Pierre Aglaia Lour. Lepiaglaia Pierre Aglaia Lour.
Lepidotrichilia (Harms) J.-F. Leroy a Lepidotrichilia (Harms) J.-F. Leroy
Leplaea Vermoesen Guarea F. Allam. Leplaea Vermoesen Guarea F. Allam.
Litosiphon Pierre ex Harms Lovoa Harms Litosiphon Pierre ex Harms Lovoa Harms
Lovoa Harms a Lovoa Harms
Macrochiton M. Roem. Dysoxylum Blume Macrochiton M. Roem. Dysoxylum Blume
Mafureira Bertol. Trichilia P. Browne Mafureira Bertol. Trichilia P. Browne
Mahagoni Adans. Swietenia Jacq. Mahagoni Adans. Swietenia Jacq.
Mallea A. Juss. Cipadessa Blume Mallea A. Juss. Cipadessa Blume
Malleastrum (Baill.) J.-F. Leroy a Malleastrum (Baill.) J.-F. Leroy
Megaphyllaea Hemsl. Chisocheton Blume Megaphyllaea Hemsl. Chisocheton Blume
Melia L. a Melia L.
Melio-schinzia K. Schum. Chisocheton Blume Melio-schinzia K. Schum. Chisocheton Blume
Merostela Pierre Aglaia Lour. Merostela Pierre Aglaia Lour.
Milnea Roxb. Aglaia Lour. Milnea Roxb. Aglaia Lour.
Monosoma Griff. Xylocarpus J. Koenig Monosoma Griff. Xylocarpus J. Koenig
Moschoxylum A. Juss. Trichilia P. Browne Moschoxylum A. Juss. Trichilia P. Browne
Munronia Wight a Munronia Wight
Napeodendron Ridl. Walsura Roxb. Napeodendron Ridl. Walsura Roxb.
Naregamia Wight & Arn. Turraea L. Naregamia Wight & Arn. Turraea L.
Nelanaregam Adans. Turraea L. Nelanaregam Adans. Turraea L.
Nemedra A. Juss. Aglaia Lour. Nemedra A. Juss. Aglaia Lour.
Neobeguea J.-F. Leroy a Neobeguea J.-F. Leroy
Nimmonia Wight Aglaia Lour. Nimmonia Wight Aglaia Lour.
Nurmonia Harms Turraea L. Nurmonia Harms Turraea L.
Nymania Lindb. a Nymania Lindb.
Odontandra Willd. ex Roem. & Schult. Trichilia P. Browne Odontandra Willd. ex Roem. & Schult. Trichilia P. Browne
Odontosiphon M. Roem. Trichilia P. Browne Odontosiphon M. Roem. Trichilia P. Browne
Oraoma Turcz. Aglaia Lour. Oraoma Turcz. Aglaia Lour.
Owenia F. Muell. a Owenia F. Muell.
Payeria Baill. Turraea L. Payeria Baill. Turraea L.
Persoonia Willd. Carapa Aubl. Persoonia Willd. Carapa Aubl.
Philastrea Pierre Munronia Wight Philastrea Pierre Munronia Wight
Pholacilia Griseb. Trichilia P. Browne Pholacilia Griseb. Trichilia P. Browne
Picroderma Thorel ex Gagnep. Trichilia P. Browne Picroderma Thorel ex Gagnep. Trichilia P. Browne
Plagiotaxis Wall. ex Kuntze Chukrasia A. Juss. Plagiotaxis Wall. ex Kuntze Chukrasia A. Juss.
Plumea Lunan Guarea F. Allam. Plumea Lunan Guarea F. Allam.
Portesia Cav. Trichilia P. Browne Portesia Cav. Trichilia P. Browne
Prasoxylon M. Roem. Dysoxylum Blume Prasoxylon M. Roem. Dysoxylum Blume
Pseudobersama Verdc. a Pseudobersama Verdc.
Pseudocarapa Hemsl. Dysoxylum Blume Pseudocarapa Hemsl. Dysoxylum Blume
Pseudocedrela Harms a Pseudocedrela Harms
Pterorhachis Harms a Pterorhachis Harms
Pterosiphon Turcz. Cedrela P. Browne Pterosiphon Turcz. Cedrela P. Browne
Quivisia Cav. Turraea L. Quivisia Cav. Turraea L.
Quivisianthe Baill. Turraea L. Quivisianthe Baill. Turraea L.
Racapa M. Roem. Carapa Aubl. Racapa M. Roem. Carapa Aubl.
Reinwardtiodendron Koord. a Reinwardtiodendron Koord.
Rhetinosperma Radlk. Chisocheton Blume Rhetinosperma Radlk. Chisocheton Blume
Ricinocarpodendron Boehm. Aphanamixis Blume Ricinocarpodendron Boehm. Aphanamixis Blume
Rochetia Delile Trichilia P. Browne Rochetia Delile Trichilia P. Browne
Roia Scop. Swietenia Jacq. Roia Scop. Swietenia Jacq.
Ruagea H. Karst. a Ruagea H. Karst.
Rutaea M. Roem. Turraea L. Rutaea M. Roem. Turraea L.
Samyda L. Guarea F. Allam. Samyda L. Guarea F. Allam.
Sandoricum Cav. a Sandoricum Cav.
Schizochiton Spreng. Chisocheton Blume Schizochiton Spreng. Chisocheton Blume
Schmardaea H. Karst. a Schmardaea H. Karst.
Scyphostigma M. Roem. Turraea L. Scyphostigma M. Roem. Turraea L.
Selbya M. Roem. Aglaia Lour. Selbya M. Roem. Aglaia Lour.
Soymida A. Juss. a Soymida A. Juss.
Sphaerosacme Wall. ex M. Roem. a Sphaerosacme Wall. ex M. Roem.
Suitenia Stokes, orth. var. Swietenia Jacq. Suitenia Stokes, orth. var. Swietenia Jacq.
Surenus Kuntze Toona (Endl.) M. Roem. Surenus Kuntze Toona (Endl.) M. Roem.
Surwala M. Roem. Walsura Roxb. Surwala M. Roem. Walsura Roxb.
Swietenia Jacq. a Swietenia Jacq.
Sycocarpus Britton Guarea F. Allam. Sycocarpus Britton Guarea F. Allam.
Symphytosiphon Harms Trichilia P. Browne Symphytosiphon Harms Trichilia P. Browne
Synoum A. Juss. a Synoum A. Juss.
Toona (Endl.) M. Roem. a Toona (Endl.) M. Roem.
Torpesia (Endl.) M. Roem. Trichilia P. Browne Torpesia (Endl.) M. Roem. Trichilia P. Browne
Touloucouna M. Roem. Carapa Aubl. Touloucouna M. Roem. Carapa Aubl.
Trichilia P. Browne a Trichilia P. Browne
Turraea L. a Turraea L.
Turraeanthus Baill. a Turraeanthus Baill.
Urbanoguarea Harms Guarea F. Allam. Urbanoguarea Harms Guarea F. Allam.
Vavaea Benth. a Vavaea Benth.
Walsura Roxb. a Walsura Roxb.
Wulfhorstia C. E. C. Fisch. Entandrophragma C. DC. Wulfhorstia C. E. C. Fisch. Entandrophragma C. DC.
Xylocarpus J. Koenig a Xylocarpus J. Koenig
Zederachia Heist. ex Fabr. Melia L. Zederachia Heist. ex Fabr. Melia L.
Zurloa Ten. Carapa Aubl. Zurloa Ten. Carapa Aubl.

ILRI Germplasm Policy (excerpts)

The International Livestock research Institute (ILRI) maintains a collection of forage germplasm as a global public good. The material was acquired prior to the entry into force of the Convention on Biological Diversity; or if it was acquired after the entering into force of the Convention on Biological Diversity, it was obtained with the understanding that it was held in trust and could be made available for any agricultural research, breeding and training purposes under the terms and conditions set out in the agreement between the ILRI and FAO dated 26 October 1994. On 16 October 2006, ILRI signed an agreement with the Governing Body of the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (the Treaty) placing these in trust collections of Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (PGRFA) within the purview of the Treaty.

In accordance with this Agreement, all shipments of PGRFA of crops listed in Annex 1 to the Treaty (shipments of PGRFA under the Multilateral System) will be subject to the terms and conditions of the Standard Material Transfer Agreement (SMTA). In the event that the SMTA (attached) is used for the transfer of Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture other than those listed in Annex 1 of the Treaty: i) The references in the SMTA to the "Multilateral System" shall not be interpreted as limiting the application of the SMTA to Annex 1 Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture, and in the case of Article 6.2 of the SMTA shall mean "under this Agreement". ii) The reference in Article 6.11 and Annex 3 of the SMTA to "Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture belonging to the same crop, as set out in Annex 1 to the Treaty" shall be taken to mean "Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture belonging to the same crop".

The material is held in trust and the recipient has no rights to obtain Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs) on the material or related information. The recipient may utilize and conserve the material for research, breeding and training and may distribute it to other parties provided such parties accept the terms and conditions of the SMTA .

ILRI will provide forage seeds in small experimental quantities of between 1 and 20 grams without charge from the germplasm collection under the SMTA as appropriate for the crop as part of its policy of maximizing the utilization of material for research, breeding and training. Larger quantities sufficient to sow up to one quarter of a hectare of a limited number of promising accessions will require that requesters cover the costs of production and shipping.

ILRI makes no warranties as to the safety or title of the material, nor as to the accuracy or correctness of any passport or other data provided with the material. Neither does it make any warranties as to the quality, viability, or purity (genetic or mechanical) of the material being furnished. The phytosanitary condition of the material is warranted only as described in the attached phytosanitary certificate. The recipient assumes full responsibility for complying with the recipient nation’s quarantine and biosafety regulations and rules as to import or release of genetic material.