
Genera and generic subdivisons of Sapotaceae Juss., nom. cons.
Accepted Names
Exclude infrageneric names

Abebaia Baehni Mimusops L. Abebaia Baehni Mimusops L.
Achradelpha O. F. Cook Pouteria Aubl. Achradelpha O. F. Cook Pouteria Aubl.
Achradotypus Baill. Pycnandra Benth. Achradotypus Baill. Pycnandra Benth.
Achras L. Manilkara Adans. Achras L. Manilkara Adans.
Achrouteria Eyma Chrysophyllum L. Achrouteria Eyma Chrysophyllum L.
Aesandra Pierre Diploknema Pierre Aesandra Pierre Diploknema Pierre
Afrosersalisia A. Chev. Synsepalum (A. DC.) Daniell Afrosersalisia A. Chev. Synsepalum (A. DC.) Daniell
Albertisiella Pierre ex Aubrév. Planchonella Pierre Albertisiella Pierre ex Aubrév. Planchonella Pierre
Amorphospermum F. Muell. Niemeyera F. Muell. Amorphospermum F. Muell. Niemeyera F. Muell.
Aningeria Aubrév. & Pellegr. Pouteria Aubl. Aningeria Aubrév. & Pellegr. Pouteria Aubl.
Apoia Merr. Sarcosperma Hook. f. Apoia Merr. Sarcosperma Hook. f.
Apterygia Baehni Sideroxylon L. Apterygia Baehni Sideroxylon L.
Argania Roem. & Schult. a Argania Roem. & Schult.
Arnanthus Baehni Pichonia Pierre Arnanthus Baehni Pichonia Pierre
Aubregrinia Heine a Aubregrinia Heine
Aulandra H. J. Lam a Aulandra H. J. Lam
Austrogambeya Aubrév. & Pellegr. Chrysophyllum L. Austrogambeya Aubrév. & Pellegr. Chrysophyllum L.
Austromimusops A. Meeuse Vitellariopsis Baill. ex Dubard Austromimusops A. Meeuse Vitellariopsis Baill. ex Dubard
Autranella A. Chev. a Autranella A. Chev.
Auzuba Juss. Sideroxylon L. Auzuba Juss. Sideroxylon L.
Azaola Blanco Madhuca Ham. ex J. F. Gmel. Azaola Blanco Madhuca Ham. ex J. F. Gmel.
Baillonella Pierre a Baillonella Pierre
Bakeriella Pierre ex Dubard Synsepalum (A. DC.) Daniell Bakeriella Pierre ex Dubard Synsepalum (A. DC.) Daniell
Bakerisideroxylon Engl. Synsepalum (A. DC.) Daniell Bakerisideroxylon Engl. Synsepalum (A. DC.) Daniell
Barylucuma Ducke Pouteria Aubl. Barylucuma Ducke Pouteria Aubl.
Bassia J. Koenig Madhuca Ham. ex J. F. Gmel. Bassia J. Koenig Madhuca Ham. ex J. F. Gmel.
Beauvisagea Pierre Pouteria Aubl. Beauvisagea Pierre Pouteria Aubl.
Beccariella Pierre a Beccariella Pierre
Beccarimnia Pierre ex Post & Kuntze, nom. inval. Pouteria Aubl. Beccarimnia Pierre ex Post & Kuntze, nom. inval. Pouteria Aubl.
Bequaertiodendron De Wild. Englerophytum K. Krause Bequaertiodendron De Wild. Englerophytum K. Krause
Binectaria Forssk. Mimusops L. Binectaria Forssk. Mimusops L.
Blabeia Baehni Pouteria Aubl. Blabeia Baehni Pouteria Aubl.
Boerlagella Pierre ex Cogn. Pouteria Aubl. Boerlagella Pierre ex Cogn. Pouteria Aubl.
Boivinella (Pierre ex Baill.) Aubrév. & Pellegr. Englerophytum K. Krause Boivinella (Pierre ex Baill.) Aubrév. & Pellegr. Englerophytum K. Krause
Bracea King Sarcosperma Hook. f. Bracea King Sarcosperma Hook. f.
Breviea Aubrév. & Pellegr. a Breviea Aubrév. & Pellegr.
Bumelia Sw. Sideroxylon L. Bumelia Sw. Sideroxylon L.
Burckella Pierre a Burckella Pierre
Bureavella Pierre Planchonella Pierre Bureavella Pierre Planchonella Pierre
Butyrospermum Kotschy Vitellaria C. F. Gaertn. Butyrospermum Kotschy Vitellaria C. F. Gaertn.
Cacosmanthus de Vriese, orth. var. Madhuca Ham. ex J. F. Gmel. Cacosmanthus de Vriese, orth. var. Madhuca Ham. ex J. F. Gmel.
Cainito Adans. Chrysophyllum L. Cainito Adans. Chrysophyllum L.
Calocarpum Pierre Pouteria Aubl. Calocarpum Pierre Pouteria Aubl.
Calospermum Pierre Pouteria Aubl. Calospermum Pierre Pouteria Aubl.
Calvaria Comm. ex C. F. Gaertn. Sideroxylon L. Calvaria Comm. ex C. F. Gaertn. Sideroxylon L.
Capurodendron Aubrév. a Capurodendron Aubrév.
Caramuri Aubrév. & Pellegr. Pouteria Aubl. Caramuri Aubrév. & Pellegr. Pouteria Aubl.
Cassidispermum Hemsl. Burckella Pierre Cassidispermum Hemsl. Burckella Pierre
Ceratephorus de Vriese, orth. var. Payena A. DC. Ceratephorus de Vriese, orth. var. Payena A. DC.
Chaetocarpus Schreb. Pouteria Aubl. Chaetocarpus Schreb. Pouteria Aubl.
Chelonespermum Hemsl. Burckella Pierre Chelonespermum Hemsl. Burckella Pierre
Chiclea Lundell Manilkara Adans. Chiclea Lundell Manilkara Adans.
Chloroluma Baill. Chrysophyllum L. Chloroluma Baill. Chrysophyllum L.
Chorioluma Baill. Pycnandra Benth. Chorioluma Baill. Pycnandra Benth.
Chromolucuma Ducke a Chromolucuma Ducke
Chrysophyllum L. a Chrysophyllum L.
Corbassona Aubrév. Niemeyera F. Muell. Corbassona Aubrév. Niemeyera F. Muell.
Cornuella Pierre Chrysophyllum L. Cornuella Pierre Chrysophyllum L.
Crepinodendron Pierre Micropholis (Griseb.) Pierre Crepinodendron Pierre Micropholis (Griseb.) Pierre
Croixia Pierre Palaquium Blanco Croixia Pierre Palaquium Blanco
Cryptogyne Hook. f. Sideroxylon L. Cryptogyne Hook. f. Sideroxylon L.
Cynodendron Baehni Chrysophyllum L. Cynodendron Baehni Chrysophyllum L.
Dactimala Raf. Chrysophyllum L. Dactimala Raf. Chrysophyllum L.
Daphniluma Baill. Pouteria Aubl. Daphniluma Baill. Pouteria Aubl.
Dasillipe Dubard Madhuca Ham. ex J. F. Gmel. Dasillipe Dubard Madhuca Ham. ex J. F. Gmel.
Dasyaulus Thwaites Madhuca Ham. ex J. F. Gmel. Dasyaulus Thwaites Madhuca Ham. ex J. F. Gmel.
Decateles Raf. Sideroxylon L. Decateles Raf. Sideroxylon L.
Delastrea A. DC., nom. inval. Labramia A. DC. Delastrea A. DC., nom. inval. Labramia A. DC.
Delpydora Pierre a Delpydora Pierre
Dichopsis Thwaites Palaquium Blanco Dichopsis Thwaites Palaquium Blanco
Dipholis A. DC. Sideroxylon L. Dipholis A. DC. Sideroxylon L.
Diploknema Pierre a Diploknema Pierre
Diploon Cronquist a Diploon Cronquist
Discoluma Baill. Pouteria Aubl. Discoluma Baill. Pouteria Aubl.
Dithecoluma Baill. Pouteria Aubl. Dithecoluma Baill. Pouteria Aubl.
Donella Pierre ex Baill. a Donella Pierre ex Baill.
Dumoria A. Chev. Tieghemella Pierre Dumoria A. Chev. Tieghemella Pierre
Eberhardtia Lecomte a Eberhardtia Lecomte
Ecclinusa Mart. a Ecclinusa Mart.
Edgeworthia Falc. Sideroxylon L. Edgeworthia Falc. Sideroxylon L.
Eglerodendron Aubrév. & Pellegr. Pouteria Aubl. Eglerodendron Aubrév. & Pellegr. Pouteria Aubl.
Eichleria Hartog Manilkara Adans. Eichleria Hartog Manilkara Adans.
Elaeoluma Baill. a Elaeoluma Baill.
Elengi Adans. Mimusops L. Elengi Adans. Mimusops L.
Endotricha Aubrév. & Pellegr. Aubregrinia Heine Endotricha Aubrév. & Pellegr. Aubregrinia Heine
Englerella Pierre Pouteria Aubl. Englerella Pierre Pouteria Aubl.
Englerophytum K. Krause a Englerophytum K. Krause
Epiluma Baill. Pichonia Pierre Epiluma Baill. Pichonia Pierre
Eremoluma Baill. Pouteria Aubl. Eremoluma Baill. Pouteria Aubl.
Faucherea Lecomte a Faucherea Lecomte
Fibrocentrum Pierre ex Glaz., nom. inval. Chrysophyllum L. Fibrocentrum Pierre ex Glaz., nom. inval. Chrysophyllum L.
Fontbrunea Pierre Pouteria Aubl. Fontbrunea Pierre Pouteria Aubl.
Franchetella Pierre Pouteria Aubl. Franchetella Pierre Pouteria Aubl.
Galactoxylon Pierre Palaquium Blanco Galactoxylon Pierre Palaquium Blanco
Gambeya Pierre a Gambeya Pierre
Gambeyobotrys Aubrév. Chrysophyllum L. Gambeyobotrys Aubrév. Chrysophyllum L.
Ganua Pierre ex Dubard Madhuca Ham. ex J. F. Gmel. Ganua Pierre ex Dubard Madhuca Ham. ex J. F. Gmel.
Gayella Pierre Pouteria Aubl. Gayella Pierre Pouteria Aubl.
Gluema Aubrév. & Pellegr. a Gluema Aubrév. & Pellegr.
Glycoxylon Ducke Pradosia Liais Glycoxylon Ducke Pradosia Liais
Gomphiluma Baill. Pouteria Aubl. Gomphiluma Baill. Pouteria Aubl.
Guapeba Gomes Pouteria Aubl. Guapeba Gomes Pouteria Aubl.
Guersentia Raf. Chrysophyllum L. Guersentia Raf. Chrysophyllum L.
Gymnoluma Baill. Elaeoluma Baill. Gymnoluma Baill. Elaeoluma Baill.
Hapaloceras Hassk. Payena A. DC. Hapaloceras Hassk. Payena A. DC.
Heteromera Montrouz. ex Beauvis., nom. inval. Leptostylis Benth. Heteromera Montrouz. ex Beauvis., nom. inval. Leptostylis Benth.
Hormogyne A. DC. Pouteria Aubl. Hormogyne A. DC. Pouteria Aubl.
Ichthyophora Baehni Pouteria Aubl. Ichthyophora Baehni Pouteria Aubl.
Illipe J. Koenig ex Gras Madhuca Ham. ex J. F. Gmel. Illipe J. Koenig ex Gras Madhuca Ham. ex J. F. Gmel.
Imbricaria Comm. ex Juss. Mimusops L. Imbricaria Comm. ex Juss. Mimusops L.
Inhambanella (Engl.) Dubard a Inhambanella (Engl.) Dubard
Isonandra Wight a Isonandra Wight
Iteiluma Baill. Planchonella Pierre Iteiluma Baill. Planchonella Pierre
Ituridendron De Wild. Omphalocarpum P. Beauv. Ituridendron De Wild. Omphalocarpum P. Beauv.
Jollya Pierre Pycnandra Benth. Jollya Pierre Pycnandra Benth.
Kakosmanthus Hassk. Madhuca Ham. ex J. F. Gmel. Kakosmanthus Hassk. Madhuca Ham. ex J. F. Gmel.
Kantou Aubrév. & Pellegr. Inhambanella (Engl.) Dubard Kantou Aubrév. & Pellegr. Inhambanella (Engl.) Dubard
Kaukenia Kuntze Mimusops L. Kaukenia Kuntze Mimusops L.
Keratephorus Hassk. Payena A. DC. Keratephorus Hassk. Payena A. DC.
Krausella H. J. Lam Pouteria Aubl. Krausella H. J. Lam Pouteria Aubl.
Krugella Pierre Pouteria Aubl. Krugella Pierre Pouteria Aubl.
Labatia Sw. Pouteria Aubl. Labatia Sw. Pouteria Aubl.
Labourdonnaisia Bojer a Labourdonnaisia Bojer
Labramia A. DC. a Labramia A. DC.
Lecomtedoxa (Pierre ex Engl.) Dubard a Lecomtedoxa (Pierre ex Engl.) Dubard
Leioluma Baill. Pouteria Aubl. Leioluma Baill. Pouteria Aubl.
Le-Monniera Lecomte ex Baehni Neolemonniera Heine Le-Monniera Lecomte ex Baehni Neolemonniera Heine
Leptostylis Benth. a Leptostylis Benth.
Letestua Lecomte a Letestua Lecomte
Lucuma Molina Pouteria Aubl. Lucuma Molina Pouteria Aubl.
Lyciodes Kuntze Sideroxylon L. Lyciodes Kuntze Sideroxylon L.
Madhuca Ham. ex J. F. Gmel. a Madhuca Ham. ex J. F. Gmel.
Maesoluma Baill. Pouteria Aubl. Maesoluma Baill. Pouteria Aubl.
Magodendron Vink a Magodendron Vink
Mahea Pierre Manilkara Adans. Mahea Pierre Manilkara Adans.
Malacantha Pierre Pouteria Aubl. Malacantha Pierre Pouteria Aubl.
Manilkara Adans. a Manilkara Adans.
Manilkariopsis (Gilly) Lundell Manilkara Adans. Manilkariopsis (Gilly) Lundell Manilkara Adans.
Martiusella Pierre Chrysophyllum L. Martiusella Pierre Chrysophyllum L.
Mastichodendron (Engl.) H. J. Lam Sideroxylon L. Mastichodendron (Engl.) H. J. Lam Sideroxylon L.
Meioluma Baill. Micropholis (Griseb.) Pierre Meioluma Baill. Micropholis (Griseb.) Pierre
Microluma Baill. Pouteria Aubl. Microluma Baill. Pouteria Aubl.
Micropholis (Griseb.) Pierre a Micropholis (Griseb.) Pierre
Mimusops L. a Mimusops L.
Mixandra Pierre Diploknema Pierre Mixandra Pierre Diploknema Pierre
Monotheca A. DC. Sideroxylon L. Monotheca A. DC. Sideroxylon L.
Mopania Lundell Manilkara Adans. Mopania Lundell Manilkara Adans.
Murianthe (Baill.) Aubrév. Manilkara Adans. Murianthe (Baill.) Aubrév. Manilkara Adans.
Muriea Hartog Manilkara Adans. Muriea Hartog Manilkara Adans.
Murieanthe (Baill.) Aubrév. Manilkara Adans. Murieanthe (Baill.) Aubrév. Manilkara Adans.
Myrsiniluma Baill. Pouteria Aubl. Myrsiniluma Baill. Pouteria Aubl.
Myrtiluma Baill. Pouteria Aubl. Myrtiluma Baill. Pouteria Aubl.
Nemaluma Baill. Pouteria Aubl. Nemaluma Baill. Pouteria Aubl.
Neoboivinella Aubrév. & Pellegr. Englerophytum K. Krause Neoboivinella Aubrév. & Pellegr. Englerophytum K. Krause
Neohemsleya T. D. Penn. a Neohemsleya T. D. Penn.
Neolabatia Aubrév. Pouteria Aubl. Neolabatia Aubrév. Pouteria Aubl.
Neolemonniera Heine a Neolemonniera Heine
Neopometia Aubrév. Pradosia Liais Neopometia Aubrév. Pradosia Liais
Neoxythece Aubrév. & Pellegr. Pouteria Aubl. Neoxythece Aubrév. & Pellegr. Pouteria Aubl.
Nesoluma Baill. a Nesoluma Baill.
Niemeyera F. Muell. a Niemeyera F. Muell.
Nispero Aubrév. Manilkara Adans. Nispero Aubrév. Manilkara Adans.
Nogo Baehni Lecomtedoxa (Pierre ex Engl.) Dubard Nogo Baehni Lecomtedoxa (Pierre ex Engl.) Dubard
Northea Hook. f., orth. var. Northia Hook. f. Northea Hook. f., orth. var. Northia Hook. f.
Northia Hook. f. a Northia Hook. f.
Northiopsis Kaneh. Manilkara Adans. Northiopsis Kaneh. Manilkara Adans.
Nycterisition Ruiz & Pav. Chrysophyllum L. Nycterisition Ruiz & Pav. Chrysophyllum L.
Nzidora A. Chev., nom. inval. Tridesmostemon Engl. Nzidora A. Chev., nom. inval. Tridesmostemon Engl.
Ochroluma Baill. Pouteria Aubl. Ochroluma Baill. Pouteria Aubl.
Ochrothallus Pierre ex Baill. Niemeyera F. Muell. Ochrothallus Pierre ex Baill. Niemeyera F. Muell.
Omphalocarpum P. Beauv. a Omphalocarpum P. Beauv.
Oxythece Miq. Pouteria Aubl. Oxythece Miq. Pouteria Aubl.
Pachystela Pierre ex Radlk. Synsepalum (A. DC.) Daniell Pachystela Pierre ex Radlk. Synsepalum (A. DC.) Daniell
Palaquium Blanco a Palaquium Blanco
Paralabatia Pierre Pouteria Aubl. Paralabatia Pierre Pouteria Aubl.
Paramicropholis Aubrév. & Pellegr. Micropholis (Griseb.) Pierre Paramicropholis Aubrév. & Pellegr. Micropholis (Griseb.) Pierre
Passaveria Mart. & Eichler ex Miq. Ecclinusa Mart. Passaveria Mart. & Eichler ex Miq. Ecclinusa Mart.
Payena A. DC. a Payena A. DC.
Peteniodendron Lundell Pouteria Aubl. Peteniodendron Lundell Pouteria Aubl.
Peuceluma Baill. Planchonella Pierre Peuceluma Baill. Planchonella Pierre
Phlebolithis Gaertn. Mimusops L. Phlebolithis Gaertn. Mimusops L.
Pichonia Pierre a Pichonia Pierre
Pierreodendron A. Chev. Letestua Lecomte Pierreodendron A. Chev. Letestua Lecomte
Piresodendron Aubrév. ex Le Thomas Pouteria Aubl. Piresodendron Aubrév. ex Le Thomas Pouteria Aubl.
Planchonella Pierre a Planchonella Pierre
Platyluma Baill. Micropholis (Griseb.) Pierre Platyluma Baill. Micropholis (Griseb.) Pierre
Pleioluma Baill. Pouteria Aubl. Pleioluma Baill. Pouteria Aubl.
Podoluma Baill. Pouteria Aubl. Podoluma Baill. Pouteria Aubl.
Poissonella Pierre Pouteria Aubl. Poissonella Pierre Pouteria Aubl.
Pometia Vell. Pradosia Liais Pometia Vell. Pradosia Liais
Pouteria Aubl. a Pouteria Aubl.
Pradosia Liais a Pradosia Liais
Prieurella Pierre Chrysophyllum L. Prieurella Pierre Chrysophyllum L.
Prozetia Neck., nom. inval. Pouteria Aubl. Prozetia Neck., nom. inval. Pouteria Aubl.
Pseudoboivinella Aubrév. & Pellegr. Englerophytum K. Krause Pseudoboivinella Aubrév. & Pellegr. Englerophytum K. Krause
Pseudocladia Pierre Pouteria Aubl. Pseudocladia Pierre Pouteria Aubl.
Pseudolabatia Aubrév. & Pellegr. Pouteria Aubl. Pseudolabatia Aubrév. & Pellegr. Pouteria Aubl.
Pseudopachystela Aubrév. & Pellegr. Synsepalum (A. DC.) Daniell Pseudopachystela Aubrév. & Pellegr. Synsepalum (A. DC.) Daniell
Pseudoxythece Aubrév. Pouteria Aubl. Pseudoxythece Aubrév. Pouteria Aubl.
Pycnandra Benth. a Pycnandra Benth.
Pyriluma (Baill.) Aubrév. Planchonella Pierre Pyriluma (Baill.) Aubrév. Planchonella Pierre
Radia Noronha, nom. inval. Mimusops L. Radia Noronha, nom. inval. Mimusops L.
Radlkoferella Pierre Pouteria Aubl. Radlkoferella Pierre Pouteria Aubl.
Ragala Pierre Chrysophyllum L. Ragala Pierre Chrysophyllum L.
Reptonia A. DC. Sideroxylon L. Reptonia A. DC. Sideroxylon L.
Rhamnoluma Baill. Pichonia Pierre Rhamnoluma Baill. Pichonia Pierre
Richardella Pierre Pouteria Aubl. Richardella Pierre Pouteria Aubl.
Robertia Scop. Sideroxylon L. Robertia Scop. Sideroxylon L.
Roemeria Thunb. Sideroxylon L. Roemeria Thunb. Sideroxylon L.
Rogeonella A. Chev. Synsepalum (A. DC.) Daniell Rogeonella A. Chev. Synsepalum (A. DC.) Daniell
Rostellaria C. F. Gaertn. Rostellaria C. F. Gaertn.
Sandwithiodoxa Aubrév. & Pellegr. Pouteria Aubl. Sandwithiodoxa Aubrév. & Pellegr. Pouteria Aubl.
Sapota Mill. Manilkara Adans. Sapota Mill. Manilkara Adans.
Sarcaulus Radlk. a Sarcaulus Radlk.
Sarcorhyna C. Presl Sarcorhyna C. Presl
Sarcosperma Hook. f. a Sarcosperma Hook. f.
Schefferella Pierre Burckella Pierre Schefferella Pierre Burckella Pierre
Sclerocladus Raf. Sideroxylon L. Sclerocladus Raf. Sideroxylon L.
Sclerozus Raf. Sideroxylon L. Sclerozus Raf. Sideroxylon L.
Sebertia Pierre ex Engl. Niemeyera F. Muell. Sebertia Pierre ex Engl. Niemeyera F. Muell.
Semicipium Pierre Mimusops L. Semicipium Pierre Mimusops L.
Sersalisia R. Br. a Sersalisia R. Br.
Shaferodendron Gilly Manilkara Adans. Shaferodendron Gilly Manilkara Adans.
Siderocarpus Pierre Pouteria Aubl. Siderocarpus Pierre Pouteria Aubl.
Sideroxylon L. a Sideroxylon L.
Sinosideroxylon (Engl.) Aubrév. Sideroxylon L. Sinosideroxylon (Engl.) Aubrév. Sideroxylon L.
Spiniluma (Baill.) Aubrév. Sideroxylon L. Spiniluma (Baill.) Aubrév. Sideroxylon L.
Spondogona Raf. Sideroxylon L. Spondogona Raf. Sideroxylon L.
Sprucella Pierre Micropholis (Griseb.) Pierre Sprucella Pierre Micropholis (Griseb.) Pierre
Stephanoluma Baill. Micropholis (Griseb.) Pierre Stephanoluma Baill. Micropholis (Griseb.) Pierre
Stironeurum Radlk. Synsepalum (A. DC.) Daniell Stironeurum Radlk. Synsepalum (A. DC.) Daniell
Stisseria Scop. Manilkara Adans. Stisseria Scop. Manilkara Adans.
Synarrhena Fisch. & C. A. Mey. Manilkara Adans. Synarrhena Fisch. & C. A. Mey. Manilkara Adans.
Synsepalum (A. DC.) Daniell a Synsepalum (A. DC.) Daniell
Syzygiopsis Ducke Pouteria Aubl. Syzygiopsis Ducke Pouteria Aubl.
Tatina Raf. Sideroxylon L. Tatina Raf. Sideroxylon L.
Tieghemella Pierre a Tieghemella Pierre
Tisserantiodoxa Aubrév. & Pellegr. Englerophytum K. Krause Tisserantiodoxa Aubrév. & Pellegr. Englerophytum K. Krause
Treubella Pierre Palaquium Blanco Treubella Pierre Palaquium Blanco
Tridesmostemon Engl. a Tridesmostemon Engl.
Tropalanthe S. Moore Pycnandra Benth. Tropalanthe S. Moore Pycnandra Benth.
Trouettia Pierre ex Baill. Niemeyera F. Muell. Trouettia Pierre ex Baill. Niemeyera F. Muell.
Tsebona Capuron a Tsebona Capuron
Tulestea Aubrév. & Pellegr. Synsepalum (A. DC.) Daniell Tulestea Aubrév. & Pellegr. Synsepalum (A. DC.) Daniell
Urbanella Pierre Pouteria Aubl. Urbanella Pierre Pouteria Aubl.
Vanderystia De Wild. Omphalocarpum P. Beauv. Vanderystia De Wild. Omphalocarpum P. Beauv.
Van-royena Aubrév. a Van-royena Aubrév.
Verlangia Neck. ex Raf. Argania Roem. & Schult. Verlangia Neck. ex Raf. Argania Roem. & Schult.
Vidoricum Kuntze Madhuca Ham. ex J. F. Gmel. Vidoricum Kuntze Madhuca Ham. ex J. F. Gmel.
Villocuspis (A. DC.) Aubrév. & Pellegr. Chrysophyllum L. Villocuspis (A. DC.) Aubrév. & Pellegr. Chrysophyllum L.
Vincentella Pierre Synsepalum (A. DC.) Daniell Vincentella Pierre Synsepalum (A. DC.) Daniell
Vitellaria C. F. Gaertn. a Vitellaria C. F. Gaertn.
Vitellariopsis Baill. ex Dubard a Vitellariopsis Baill. ex Dubard
Walkeria A. Chev. Lecomtedoxa (Pierre ex Engl.) Dubard Walkeria A. Chev. Lecomtedoxa (Pierre ex Engl.) Dubard
Wildemaniodoxa Aubrév. & Pellegr. Englerophytum K. Krause Wildemaniodoxa Aubrév. & Pellegr. Englerophytum K. Krause
Woikoia Baehni Pouteria Aubl. Woikoia Baehni Pouteria Aubl.
Wokoia Baehni Pouteria Aubl. Wokoia Baehni Pouteria Aubl.
Xantolis Raf. a Xantolis Raf.
Zeyherella (Pierre ex Engl.) Aubrév. Englerophytum K. Krause Zeyherella (Pierre ex Engl.) Aubrév. Englerophytum K. Krause

ILRI Germplasm Policy (excerpts)

The International Livestock research Institute (ILRI) maintains a collection of forage germplasm as a global public good. The material was acquired prior to the entry into force of the Convention on Biological Diversity; or if it was acquired after the entering into force of the Convention on Biological Diversity, it was obtained with the understanding that it was held in trust and could be made available for any agricultural research, breeding and training purposes under the terms and conditions set out in the agreement between the ILRI and FAO dated 26 October 1994. On 16 October 2006, ILRI signed an agreement with the Governing Body of the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (the Treaty) placing these in trust collections of Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (PGRFA) within the purview of the Treaty.

In accordance with this Agreement, all shipments of PGRFA of crops listed in Annex 1 to the Treaty (shipments of PGRFA under the Multilateral System) will be subject to the terms and conditions of the Standard Material Transfer Agreement (SMTA). In the event that the SMTA (attached) is used for the transfer of Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture other than those listed in Annex 1 of the Treaty: i) The references in the SMTA to the "Multilateral System" shall not be interpreted as limiting the application of the SMTA to Annex 1 Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture, and in the case of Article 6.2 of the SMTA shall mean "under this Agreement". ii) The reference in Article 6.11 and Annex 3 of the SMTA to "Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture belonging to the same crop, as set out in Annex 1 to the Treaty" shall be taken to mean "Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture belonging to the same crop".

The material is held in trust and the recipient has no rights to obtain Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs) on the material or related information. The recipient may utilize and conserve the material for research, breeding and training and may distribute it to other parties provided such parties accept the terms and conditions of the SMTA .

ILRI will provide forage seeds in small experimental quantities of between 1 and 20 grams without charge from the germplasm collection under the SMTA as appropriate for the crop as part of its policy of maximizing the utilization of material for research, breeding and training. Larger quantities sufficient to sow up to one quarter of a hectare of a limited number of promising accessions will require that requesters cover the costs of production and shipping.

ILRI makes no warranties as to the safety or title of the material, nor as to the accuracy or correctness of any passport or other data provided with the material. Neither does it make any warranties as to the quality, viability, or purity (genetic or mechanical) of the material being furnished. The phytosanitary condition of the material is warranted only as described in the attached phytosanitary certificate. The recipient assumes full responsibility for complying with the recipient nation’s quarantine and biosafety regulations and rules as to import or release of genetic material.