
Genera and generic subdivisons of Asparagaceae Juss., nom. cons.
Accepted Names
Exclude infrageneric names

Acanthocarpus Lehm. a Acanthocarpus Lehm.
Agave L. a Agave L.
Albuca L. a Albuca L.
Albuca L. subg. Albuca a i Albuca L. subg. Albuca
Albuca L. subg. Albuca sect. Albuca a i Albuca L. subg. Albuca sect. Albuca
Albuca L. subg. Albuca sect. Branciona a i Albuca L. subg. Albuca sect. Branciona
Albuca L. subg. Albuca sect. Falconera a i Albuca L. subg. Albuca sect. Falconera
Albuca L. subg. Albuca sect. Pallastema a i Albuca L. subg. Albuca sect. Pallastema
Albuca L. subg. Monarchos a i Albuca L. subg. Monarchos
Albuca L. subg. Namibiogalum a i Albuca L. subg. Namibiogalum
Albuca L. subg. Osmyne a i Albuca L. subg. Osmyne
Albuca L. subg. Osmyne sect. Monosmyne a i Albuca L. subg. Osmyne sect. Monosmyne
Albuca L. subg. Osmyne sect. Osmyne a i Albuca L. subg. Osmyne sect. Osmyne
Albuca L. subg. Urophyllon a i Albuca L. subg. Urophyllon
Alectorurus Makino Comospermum Rauschert Alectorurus Makino Comospermum Rauschert
Alrawia (Wendelbo) K. M. Perss. & Wendelbo a Alrawia (Wendelbo) K. M. Perss. & Wendelbo
Amphisiphon W. F. Barker Daubenya Lindl. Amphisiphon W. F. Barker Daubenya Lindl.
Androsiphon Schltr. Daubenya Lindl. Androsiphon Schltr. Daubenya Lindl.
Androstephium Torr. a Androstephium Torr.
Anemarrhena Bunge a Anemarrhena Bunge
Anthericum L. a Anthericum L.
Antherolophus Gagnep. Aspidistra Ker Gawl. Antherolophus Gagnep. Aspidistra Ker Gawl.
Aphyllanthes L. a Aphyllanthes L.
Arthropodium R. Br. a Arthropodium R. Br.
Asparagopsis Kunth Asparagus L. Asparagopsis Kunth Asparagus L.
Asparagus L. a Asparagus L.
Aspidistra Ker Gawl. a Aspidistra Ker Gawl.
Aulisconema Hua Disporopsis Hance Aulisconema Hua Disporopsis Hance
Autonoe (Webb & Berthel.) Speta a Autonoe (Webb & Berthel.) Speta
Avonsera Speta Ornithogalum L. Avonsera Speta Ornithogalum L.
Barnardia Lindl. a Barnardia Lindl.
Battandiera Maire Ornithogalum L. Battandiera Maire Ornithogalum L.
Beaucarnea Lem. a Beaucarnea Lem.
Behnia Didr. a Behnia Didr.
Behria Greene a Behria Greene
Bellevalia Lapeyr. a Bellevalia Lapeyr.
Beschorneria Kunth a Beschorneria Kunth
Bessera Schult. f. a Bessera Schult. f.
Bloomeria Kellogg a Bloomeria Kellogg
Boosia Speta Drimia Jacq. ex Willd. Boosia Speta Drimia Jacq. ex Willd.
Botryanthus Kunth Muscari Mill. Botryanthus Kunth Muscari Mill.
Bottionea Colla Trichopetalum Lindl. Bottionea Colla Trichopetalum Lindl.
Bowiea Harv. ex Hook. f. a Bowiea Harv. ex Hook. f.
Brachyscypha Baker Lachenalia J. Jacq. ex Murray Brachyscypha Baker Lachenalia J. Jacq. ex Murray
Bravoa Lex. Polianthes L. Bravoa Lex. Polianthes L.
Brevoortia Alph. Wood Dichelostemma Kunth Brevoortia Alph. Wood Dichelostemma Kunth
Brimeura Salisb. a Brimeura Salisb.
Brodiaea Sm. a Brodiaea Sm.
Bryocles Salisb., nom. inval. Hosta Tratt. Bryocles Salisb., nom. inval. Hosta Tratt.
Calibanus Rose a Calibanus Rose
Calliprora Lindl. Triteleia Douglas ex Lindl. Calliprora Lindl. Triteleia Douglas ex Lindl.
Camassia Lindl. a Camassia Lindl.
Campylandra Baker a Campylandra Baker
Cathissa Salisb. Ornithogalum L. Cathissa Salisb. Ornithogalum L.
Chamaexeros Benth. a Chamaexeros Benth.
Charlwoodia Sweet Cordyline Comm. ex R. Br. Charlwoodia Sweet Cordyline Comm. ex R. Br.
Charybdis Speta Drimia Jacq. ex Willd. Charybdis Speta Drimia Jacq. ex Willd.
Chionodoxa Boiss. a Chionodoxa Boiss.
Chloopsis Blume Ophiopogon Ker Gawl. Chloopsis Blume Ophiopogon Ker Gawl.
Chlorogalum Kunth a Chlorogalum Kunth
Chlorophytum Ker Gawl. a Chlorophytum Ker Gawl.
Chouardia Speta a Chouardia Speta
Chrysodracon P. L. Lu & Morden a Chrysodracon P. L. Lu & Morden
Clara Kunth Herreria Ruiz & Pav. Clara Kunth Herreria Ruiz & Pav.
Clistoyucca (Engelm.) Trel. Yucca L. Clistoyucca (Engelm.) Trel. Yucca L.
Cohnia Kunth Cordyline Comm. ex R. Br. Cohnia Kunth Cordyline Comm. ex R. Br.
Coilonox Raf. Ornithogalum L. Coilonox Raf. Ornithogalum L.
Colania Gagnep. Aspidistra Ker Gawl. Colania Gagnep. Aspidistra Ker Gawl.
Comospermum Rauschert a Comospermum Rauschert
Convallaria L. a Convallaria L.
Cordyline Comm. ex R. Br. a Cordyline Comm. ex R. Br.
Cyanotris Raf. Camassia Lindl. Cyanotris Raf. Camassia Lindl.
Danae Medik. a Danae Medik.
Dandya H. E. Moore a Dandya H. E. Moore
Dasylirion Zucc. a Dasylirion Zucc.
Dasystachys Baker Chlorophytum Ker Gawl. Dasystachys Baker Chlorophytum Ker Gawl.
Daubenya Lindl. a Daubenya Lindl.
Debesia Kuntze Anthericum L. Debesia Kuntze Anthericum L.
Diamena Ravenna a Diamena Ravenna
Dichelostemma Kunth a Dichelostemma Kunth
Dichopogon Kunth Arthropodium R. Br. Dichopogon Kunth Arthropodium R. Br.
Diora Ravenna a Diora Ravenna
Dipcadi Medik. a Dipcadi Medik.
Diphalangium S. Schauer a Diphalangium S. Schauer
Dipterostemon Rydb. a Dipterostemon Rydb.
Disporopsis Hance a Disporopsis Hance
Diuranthera Hemsl. Chlorophytum Ker Gawl. Diuranthera Hemsl. Chlorophytum Ker Gawl.
Dracaena Vand. a Dracaena Vand.
Drimia Jacq. ex Willd. a Drimia Jacq. ex Willd.
Drimiopsis Lindl. & Paxton Ledebouria Roth Drimiopsis Lindl. & Paxton Ledebouria Roth
Duthiea Speta Drimia Jacq. ex Willd. Duthiea Speta Drimia Jacq. ex Willd.
Ebertia Speta Drimia Jacq. ex Willd. Ebertia Speta Drimia Jacq. ex Willd.
Echeandia Ortega a Echeandia Ortega
Elachanthera F. Muell. Asparagus L. Elachanthera F. Muell. Asparagus L.
Eliokarmos Raf. Ornithogalum L. Eliokarmos Raf. Ornithogalum L.
Elsiea F. M. Leight. Ornithogalum L. Elsiea F. M. Leight. Ornithogalum L.
Endymion Dumort. Hyacinthoides Heist. ex Fabr. Endymion Dumort. Hyacinthoides Heist. ex Fabr.
Eremocrinum M. E. Jones a Eremocrinum M. E. Jones
Eriospermum Jacq. ex Willd. a Eriospermum Jacq. ex Willd.
Eucomis LʼHér. a Eucomis LʼHér.
Eustrephus R. Br. a Eustrephus R. Br.
Evrardiella Gagnep. Aspidistra Ker Gawl. Evrardiella Gagnep. Aspidistra Ker Gawl.
Fessia Speta a Fessia Speta
Flueggea Rich. Ophiopogon Ker Gawl. Flueggea Rich. Ophiopogon Ker Gawl.
Fortunatia J. F. Macbr. Oziroe Raf. Fortunatia J. F. Macbr. Oziroe Raf.
Funkia Spreng. Hosta Tratt. Funkia Spreng. Hosta Tratt.
Furcraea Vent. a Furcraea Vent.
Fusifilum Raf. Drimia Jacq. ex Willd. Fusifilum Raf. Drimia Jacq. ex Willd.
Galtonia Decne. Ornithogalum L. Galtonia Decne. Ornithogalum L.
Geschollia Speta Drimia Jacq. ex Willd. Geschollia Speta Drimia Jacq. ex Willd.
Gonioscypha Baker a Gonioscypha Baker
Hagenbachia Nees & Mart. a Hagenbachia Nees & Mart.
Hastingsia S. Watson a Hastingsia S. Watson
Hemiphylacus S. Watson a Hemiphylacus S. Watson
Herreria Ruiz & Pav. a Herreria Ruiz & Pav.
Herreriopsis H. Perrier a Herreriopsis H. Perrier
Hesperaloe Engelm. a Hesperaloe Engelm.
Hesperanthes (Baker) S. Watson Echeandia Ortega Hesperanthes (Baker) S. Watson Echeandia Ortega
Hesperocallis A. Gray a Hesperocallis A. Gray
Hesperoscordum Lindl. Triteleia Douglas ex Lindl. Hesperoscordum Lindl. Triteleia Douglas ex Lindl.
Hesperoyucca (Engelm.) Trel. a Hesperoyucca (Engelm.) Trel.
Heteropolygonatum M. N. Tamura & Ogisu a Heteropolygonatum M. N. Tamura & Ogisu
Honorius Gray Ornithogalum L. Honorius Gray Ornithogalum L.
Hookera Salisb. Brodiaea Sm. Hookera Salisb. Brodiaea Sm.
Hosta Tratt. a Hosta Tratt.
Hyacinthella Schur a Hyacinthella Schur
Hyacinthoides Heist. ex Fabr. a Hyacinthoides Heist. ex Fabr.
Hyacinthus L. a Hyacinthus L.
Igidia Speta Albuca L. Igidia Speta Albuca L.
Indurgia Speta Drimia Jacq. ex Willd. Indurgia Speta Drimia Jacq. ex Willd.
Jaimehintonia B. L. Turner a Jaimehintonia B. L. Turner
Lachenalia J. Jacq. ex Murray a Lachenalia J. Jacq. ex Murray
Laxmannia R. Br. a Laxmannia R. Br.
Ledebouria Roth a Ledebouria Roth
Ledurgia Speta Drimia Jacq. ex Willd. Ledurgia Speta Drimia Jacq. ex Willd.
Leopoldia Parl. Muscari Mill. Leopoldia Parl. Muscari Mill.
Leucocrinum Nutt. ex A. Gray a Leucocrinum Nutt. ex A. Gray
Lindneria T. Durand & Lubbers Pseudogaltonia (Kuntze) Engl. Lindneria T. Durand & Lubbers Pseudogaltonia (Kuntze) Engl.
Liriope Lour. a Liriope Lour.
Litanthus Harv. Drimia Jacq. ex Willd. Litanthus Harv. Drimia Jacq. ex Willd.
Littaea Tagl. Agave L. Littaea Tagl. Agave L.
Lomandra Labill. a Lomandra Labill.
Loncomelos Raf. Ornithogalum L. Loncomelos Raf. Ornithogalum L.
Macroscapa Kellogg Dichelostemma Kunth Macroscapa Kellogg Dichelostemma Kunth
Maianthemum F. H. Wigg. a Maianthemum F. H. Wigg.
Manfreda Salisb. a Manfreda Salisb.
×Mangave D. Klein a Mangave D. Klein
Massonia Thunb. ex Houtt. a Massonia Thunb. ex Houtt.
Melomphis Raf. Ornithogalum L. Melomphis Raf. Ornithogalum L.
Merwilla Speta a Merwilla Speta
Milla Cav. a Milla Cav.
Muilla S. Watson ex Benth. & Hook. f. a Muilla S. Watson ex Benth. & Hook. f.
Murchisonia Brittan a Murchisonia Brittan
Muscari Mill. a Muscari Mill.
Muscarimia Kostel. ex Losinsk. Muscari Mill. Muscarimia Kostel. ex Losinsk. Muscari Mill.
Myrsiphyllum Willd. Asparagus L. Myrsiphyllum Willd. Asparagus L.
Nectaroscilla Parl. a Nectaroscilla Parl.
Neobakeria Schltr. Daubenya Lindl. Neobakeria Schltr. Daubenya Lindl.
Neopatersonia Schönland Ornithogalum L. Neopatersonia Schönland Ornithogalum L.
Nolina Michx. a Nolina Michx.
Oligobotrya Baker Maianthemum F. H. Wigg. Oligobotrya Baker Maianthemum F. H. Wigg.
Oncostema Raf. a Oncostema Raf.
Ophiobostryx Skeels Bowiea Harv. ex Hook. f. Ophiobostryx Skeels Bowiea Harv. ex Hook. f.
Ophiopogon Ker Gawl. a Ophiopogon Ker Gawl.
Ornithogalum L. a Ornithogalum L.
Ornithogalum L. subg. Aspasia a i Ornithogalum L. subg. Aspasia
Ornithogalum L. subg. Aspasia sect. Aspasia a i Ornithogalum L. subg. Aspasia sect. Aspasia
Ornithogalum L. subg. Aspasia sect. Hispidaspasia a i Ornithogalum L. subg. Aspasia sect. Hispidaspasia
Ornithogalum L. subg. Avonsera a i Ornithogalum L. subg. Avonsera
Ornithogalum L. subg. Galtonia a i Ornithogalum L. subg. Galtonia
Ornithogalum L. subg. Galtonia sect. Galtonia a i Ornithogalum L. subg. Galtonia sect. Galtonia
Ornithogalum L. subg. Galtonia sect. Xanthochlora a i Ornithogalum L. subg. Galtonia sect. Xanthochlora
Ornithogalum L. subg. Ornithogalum a i Ornithogalum L. subg. Ornithogalum
Ornithogalum L. subg. Ornithogalum sect. Cathissa a i Ornithogalum L. subg. Ornithogalum sect. Cathissa
Ornithogalum L. subg. Ornithogalum sect. Elsiea a i Ornithogalum L. subg. Ornithogalum sect. Elsiea
Ornithogalum L. subg. Ornithogalum sect. Linaspasia a i Ornithogalum L. subg. Ornithogalum sect. Linaspasia
Ornithogalum L. subg. Ornithogalum sect. Melomphis a i Ornithogalum L. subg. Ornithogalum sect. Melomphis
Ornithogalum L. subg. Ornithogalum sect. Myogalum a i Ornithogalum L. subg. Ornithogalum sect. Myogalum
Ornithogalum L. subg. Ornithogalum sect. Neopatersonia a i Ornithogalum L. subg. Ornithogalum sect. Neopatersonia
Ornithogalum L. subg. Ornithogalum sect. Ornithogalum a i Ornithogalum L. subg. Ornithogalum sect. Ornithogalum
Othocallis Salisb. a Othocallis Salisb.
Oziroe Raf. a Oziroe Raf.
Paradisea Mazzuc. a Paradisea Mazzuc.
Peliosanthes Andrews a Peliosanthes Andrews
Periballanthus Franch. & Sav. Polygonatum Mill. Periballanthus Franch. & Sav. Polygonatum Mill.
Periboea Kunth Lachenalia J. Jacq. ex Murray Periboea Kunth Lachenalia J. Jacq. ex Murray
Petronymphe H. E. Moore a Petronymphe H. E. Moore
Pfosseria Speta a Pfosseria Speta
Phalangium Mill. Anthericum L. Phalangium Mill. Anthericum L.
Platymetra Noronha ex Salisb. Tupistra Ker Gawl. Platymetra Noronha ex Salisb. Tupistra Ker Gawl.
Pleomele Salisb. Dracaena Vand. Pleomele Salisb. Dracaena Vand.
Polianthes L. a Polianthes L.
Polygonatum Mill. a Polygonatum Mill.
Polyxena Kunth Lachenalia J. Jacq. ex Murray Polyxena Kunth Lachenalia J. Jacq. ex Murray
Prochnyanthes S. Watson a Prochnyanthes S. Watson
Prospero Salisb. a Prospero Salisb.
Protasparagus Oberm. Asparagus L. Protasparagus Oberm. Asparagus L.
Pseudobravoa Rose Polianthes L. Pseudobravoa Rose Polianthes L.
Pseudogaltonia (Kuntze) Engl. a Pseudogaltonia (Kuntze) Engl.
Pseudomuscari Garbari & Greuter Muscari Mill. Pseudomuscari Garbari & Greuter Muscari Mill.
Pseudoprospero Speta a Pseudoprospero Speta
Puschkinia Adams a Puschkinia Adams
Quamasia Raf. Camassia Lindl. Quamasia Raf. Camassia Lindl.
Reineckea Kunth a Reineckea Kunth
Resnova Van der Merwe Ledebouria Roth Resnova Van der Merwe Ledebouria Roth
Rhadamanthopsis (Oberm.) Speta Drimia Jacq. ex Willd. Rhadamanthopsis (Oberm.) Speta Drimia Jacq. ex Willd.
Rhadamanthus Salisb. Drimia Jacq. ex Willd. Rhadamanthus Salisb. Drimia Jacq. ex Willd.
Rhodocodon Baker Drimia Jacq. ex Willd. Rhodocodon Baker Drimia Jacq. ex Willd.
Rohdea Roth a Rohdea Roth
Romnalda P. F. Stevens a Romnalda P. F. Stevens
Runyonia Rose Manfreda Salisb. Runyonia Rose Manfreda Salisb.
Ruscus L. a Ruscus L.
Samuela Trel. Yucca L. Samuela Trel. Yucca L.
Sansevieria Thunb. a Sansevieria Thunb.
Sarcoyucca (Engelm.) Linding. Yucca L. Sarcoyucca (Engelm.) Linding. Yucca L.
Schizobasis Baker Drimia Jacq. ex Willd. Schizobasis Baker Drimia Jacq. ex Willd.
Schizocarphus Van der Merwe a Schizocarphus Van der Merwe
Schnarfia Speta a Schnarfia Speta
Schoenolirion Torr. a Schoenolirion Torr.
Scilla L. a Scilla L.
Sekanama Speta Drimia Jacq. ex Willd. Sekanama Speta Drimia Jacq. ex Willd.
Semele Kunth a Semele Kunth
Slateria Desv. Ophiopogon Ker Gawl. Slateria Desv. Ophiopogon Ker Gawl.
Smilacina Desf. Maianthemum F. H. Wigg. Smilacina Desf. Maianthemum F. H. Wigg.
Sowerbaea Sm. a Sowerbaea Sm.
Speirantha Baker a Speirantha Baker
Spetaea Wetschnig & Pfosser a Spetaea Wetschnig & Pfosser
Stellarioides Medik. Albuca L. Stellarioides Medik. Albuca L.
Strangweja Bertol. Bellevalia Lapeyr. Strangweja Bertol. Bellevalia Lapeyr.
Stropholirion Torr. Dichelostemma Kunth Stropholirion Torr. Dichelostemma Kunth
Sypharissa Salisb. Drimia Jacq. ex Willd. Sypharissa Salisb. Drimia Jacq. ex Willd.
Taetsia Medik. Cordyline Comm. ex R. Br. Taetsia Medik. Cordyline Comm. ex R. Br.
Tenicroa Raf. Drimia Jacq. ex Willd. Tenicroa Raf. Drimia Jacq. ex Willd.
Terauchia Nakai Anemarrhena Bunge Terauchia Nakai Anemarrhena Bunge
Terminalis Medik. Dracaena Vand. Terminalis Medik. Dracaena Vand.
Themis Salisb. Triteleia Douglas ex Lindl. Themis Salisb. Triteleia Douglas ex Lindl.
Theropogon Maxim. a Theropogon Maxim.
Thuranthos C. H. Wright Drimia Jacq. ex Willd. Thuranthos C. H. Wright Drimia Jacq. ex Willd.
Thysanotus R. Br. a Thysanotus R. Br.
Tractema Raf. a Tractema Raf.
Tricalistra Ridl. a Tricalistra Ridl.
Trichopetalum Lindl. a Trichopetalum Lindl.
Triteleia Douglas ex Lindl. a Triteleia Douglas ex Lindl.
Triteleiopsis Hoover a Triteleiopsis Hoover
Tupistra Ker Gawl. a Tupistra Ker Gawl.
Urginavia Speta Drimia Jacq. ex Willd. Urginavia Speta Drimia Jacq. ex Willd.
Urginea Steinh. Drimia Jacq. ex Willd. Urginea Steinh. Drimia Jacq. ex Willd.
Urgineopsis Compton Drimia Jacq. ex Willd. Urgineopsis Compton Drimia Jacq. ex Willd.
Uropetalon Burch. Dipcadi Medik. Uropetalon Burch. Dipcadi Medik.
Vagnera Adans. Maianthemum F. H. Wigg. Vagnera Adans. Maianthemum F. H. Wigg.
Veltheimia Gled. a Veltheimia Gled.
Whiteheadia Harv. Massonia Thunb. ex Houtt. Whiteheadia Harv. Massonia Thunb. ex Houtt.
Xerolirion A. S. George a Xerolirion A. S. George
Xerotes R. Br. Lomandra Labill. Xerotes R. Br. Lomandra Labill.
Yucca L. a Yucca L.
Yucca L. sect. Chaenocarpa a i Yucca L. sect. Chaenocarpa
Yucca L. sect. Clistocarpa a i Yucca L. sect. Clistocarpa
Yucca L. sect. Hesperoyucca Hesperoyucca (Engelm.) Trel. i Yucca L. sect. Hesperoyucca Hesperoyucca (Engelm.) Trel.
Yucca L. sect. Yucca a i Yucca L. sect. Yucca
Zagrosia Speta a Zagrosia Speta
Zahariadia Speta, nom. inval. Ornithogalum L. Zahariadia Speta, nom. inval. Ornithogalum L.

ILRI Germplasm Policy (excerpts)

The International Livestock research Institute (ILRI) maintains a collection of forage germplasm as a global public good. The material was acquired prior to the entry into force of the Convention on Biological Diversity; or if it was acquired after the entering into force of the Convention on Biological Diversity, it was obtained with the understanding that it was held in trust and could be made available for any agricultural research, breeding and training purposes under the terms and conditions set out in the agreement between the ILRI and FAO dated 26 October 1994. On 16 October 2006, ILRI signed an agreement with the Governing Body of the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (the Treaty) placing these in trust collections of Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (PGRFA) within the purview of the Treaty.

In accordance with this Agreement, all shipments of PGRFA of crops listed in Annex 1 to the Treaty (shipments of PGRFA under the Multilateral System) will be subject to the terms and conditions of the Standard Material Transfer Agreement (SMTA). In the event that the SMTA (attached) is used for the transfer of Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture other than those listed in Annex 1 of the Treaty: i) The references in the SMTA to the "Multilateral System" shall not be interpreted as limiting the application of the SMTA to Annex 1 Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture, and in the case of Article 6.2 of the SMTA shall mean "under this Agreement". ii) The reference in Article 6.11 and Annex 3 of the SMTA to "Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture belonging to the same crop, as set out in Annex 1 to the Treaty" shall be taken to mean "Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture belonging to the same crop".

The material is held in trust and the recipient has no rights to obtain Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs) on the material or related information. The recipient may utilize and conserve the material for research, breeding and training and may distribute it to other parties provided such parties accept the terms and conditions of the SMTA .

ILRI will provide forage seeds in small experimental quantities of between 1 and 20 grams without charge from the germplasm collection under the SMTA as appropriate for the crop as part of its policy of maximizing the utilization of material for research, breeding and training. Larger quantities sufficient to sow up to one quarter of a hectare of a limited number of promising accessions will require that requesters cover the costs of production and shipping.

ILRI makes no warranties as to the safety or title of the material, nor as to the accuracy or correctness of any passport or other data provided with the material. Neither does it make any warranties as to the quality, viability, or purity (genetic or mechanical) of the material being furnished. The phytosanitary condition of the material is warranted only as described in the attached phytosanitary certificate. The recipient assumes full responsibility for complying with the recipient nation’s quarantine and biosafety regulations and rules as to import or release of genetic material.