
Genera and generic subdivisons of Euphorbiaceae Juss., nom. cons.: Acalyphoideae
Accepted Names
Exclude infrageneric names

Acalypha L. a Acalypha L.
Acalyphes Hassk. Acalypha L. Acalyphes Hassk. Acalypha L.
Acalyphopsis Pax & K. Hoffm. Acalypha L. Acalyphopsis Pax & K. Hoffm. Acalypha L.
Acanthocaulon Klotzsch ex Endl. Platygyna P. Mercier Acanthocaulon Klotzsch ex Endl. Platygyna P. Mercier
Acanthopyxis Miq. ex Lanj., nom. inval. Caperonia A. St.-Hil. Acanthopyxis Miq. ex Lanj., nom. inval. Caperonia A. St.-Hil.
Accia A. St.-Hil. Plukenetia L. Accia A. St.-Hil. Plukenetia L.
Acidoton Sw. a Acidoton Sw.
Aconceveibum Miq. Mallotus Lour. Aconceveibum Miq. Mallotus Lour.
Adelia L. a Adelia L.
Adenoceras Rchb. f. & Zoll. ex Baill. Macaranga Thouars Adenoceras Rchb. f. & Zoll. ex Baill. Macaranga Thouars
Adenochlaena Boivin ex Baill. a Adenochlaena Boivin ex Baill.
Adenogynum Rchb. & Zoll. Cladogynos Zipp. ex Span. Adenogynum Rchb. & Zoll. Cladogynos Zipp. ex Span.
Adenophaedra (Müll. Arg.) Müll. Arg. a Adenophaedra (Müll. Arg.) Müll. Arg.
Adisa Steud. Sumbaviopsis J. J. Sm. Adisa Steud. Sumbaviopsis J. J. Sm.
Adisca Blume Mallotus Lour. Adisca Blume Mallotus Lour.
Adriana Gaudich. a Adriana Gaudich.
Agirta Baill. Tragia L. Agirta Baill. Tragia L.
Agrostistachys Dalzell a Agrostistachys Dalzell
Alchornea Sw. a Alchornea Sw.
Alchorneopsis Müll. Arg. a Alchorneopsis Müll. Arg.
Alevia Baill. Bernardia Mill. Alevia Baill. Bernardia Mill.
Allosandra Raf. Tragia L. Allosandra Raf. Tragia L.
Amperea A. Juss. a Amperea A. Juss.
Amyrea Leandri a Amyrea Leandri
Anabaena A. Juss. Romanoa Trevis. Anabaena A. Juss. Romanoa Trevis.
Anabaenella Pax & K. Hoffm. Romanoa Trevis. Anabaenella Pax & K. Hoffm. Romanoa Trevis.
Androphoranthus H. Karst. Caperonia A. St.-Hil. Androphoranthus H. Karst. Caperonia A. St.-Hil.
Angostyles Benth., orth. var. Angostylis Benth. Angostyles Benth., orth. var. Angostylis Benth.
Angostylidium (Müll. Arg.) Pax & K. Hoffm. Plukenetia L. Angostylidium (Müll. Arg.) Pax & K. Hoffm. Plukenetia L.
Angostylis Benth. a Angostylis Benth.
Aonikena Speg. Chiropetalum A. Juss. Aonikena Speg. Chiropetalum A. Juss.
Aparisthmium Endl. a Aparisthmium Endl.
Aphora Nutt. Ditaxis Vahl ex A. Juss. Aphora Nutt. Ditaxis Vahl ex A. Juss.
Apodandra Pax & K. Hoffm. Plukenetia L. Apodandra Pax & K. Hoffm. Plukenetia L.
Argithamnia Sw., orth. var. Argythamnia P. Browne Argithamnia Sw., orth. var. Argythamnia P. Browne
Argomuellera Pax a Argomuellera Pax
Argothamnia Spreng., orth. var. Argythamnia P. Browne Argothamnia Spreng., orth. var. Argythamnia P. Browne
Argyrothamnia Müll. Arg., orth. var. Argythamnia P. Browne Argyrothamnia Müll. Arg., orth. var. Argythamnia P. Browne
Argytamnia Duchesne, orth. var. Argythamnia P. Browne Argytamnia Duchesne, orth. var. Argythamnia P. Browne
Argythamnia P. Browne a Argythamnia P. Browne
Astrococcus Benth. a Astrococcus Benth.
Athroandra (Hook. f.) Pax & K. Hoffm. Erythrococca Benth. Athroandra (Hook. f.) Pax & K. Hoffm. Erythrococca Benth.
Aubletiana J. Murillo a Aubletiana J. Murillo
Autrandra Pierre ex Prain Erythrococca Benth. Autrandra Pierre ex Prain Erythrococca Benth.
Avellanita Phil. a Avellanita Phil.
Axenfeldia Baill. Mallotus Lour. Axenfeldia Baill. Mallotus Lour.
Baprea Pierre ex Pax & K. Hoffm. Cladogynos Zipp. ex Span. Baprea Pierre ex Pax & K. Hoffm. Cladogynos Zipp. ex Span.
Beltrania Miranda Enriquebeltrania Rzed. Beltrania Miranda Enriquebeltrania Rzed.
Bernarda Adans., orth. var. Bernardia Mill. Bernarda Adans., orth. var. Bernardia Mill.
Bernardia Mill. a Bernardia Mill.
Bernhardia Post & Kuntze, orth. var. Bernardia Mill. Bernhardia Post & Kuntze, orth. var. Bernardia Mill.
Bia Klotzsch a Bia Klotzsch
Bivonia Spreng. Bernardia Mill. Bivonia Spreng. Bernardia Mill.
Bleekeria Miq. Alchornea Sw. Bleekeria Miq. Alchornea Sw.
Blumeodendron (Müll. Arg.) Kurz a Blumeodendron (Müll. Arg.) Kurz
Bocquillonia Baill. a Bocquillonia Baill.
Bossera Leandri a Bossera Leandri
Botryanthe Klotzsch Plukenetia L. Botryanthe Klotzsch Plukenetia L.
Botryophora Hook. f. a Botryophora Hook. f.
Botryospora B. D. Jacks., orth. var. Botryophora Hook. f. Botryospora B. D. Jacks., orth. var. Botryophora Hook. f.
Botryphora Post & Kuntze, orth. var. Botryophora Hook. f. Botryphora Post & Kuntze, orth. var. Botryophora Hook. f.
Boutonia Bojer ex Baill. Hancea Seem. Boutonia Bojer ex Baill. Hancea Seem.
Caelebogyne J. Sm. a Caelebogyne J. Sm.
Caelodepas Benth., orth. var. Koilodepas Hassk. Caelodepas Benth., orth. var. Koilodepas Hassk.
Calpigyne Blume Koilodepas Hassk. Calpigyne Blume Koilodepas Hassk.
Calyptrospatha Klotzsch ex Baill. Acalypha L. Calyptrospatha Klotzsch ex Baill. Acalypha L.
Canschi Adans. Mallotus Lour. Canschi Adans. Mallotus Lour.
Caperonia A. St.-Hil. a Caperonia A. St.-Hil.
Caryodendron H. Karst. a Caryodendron H. Karst.
Caturus L. Acalypha L. Caturus L. Acalypha L.
Cavanilla Vell. Caperonia A. St.-Hil. Cavanilla Vell. Caperonia A. St.-Hil.
Cenesmon Gagnep. Cnesmone Blume Cenesmon Gagnep. Cnesmone Blume
Centrodiscus Müll. Arg. Caryodendron H. Karst. Centrodiscus Müll. Arg. Caryodendron H. Karst.
Centrostylis Baill. Adenochlaena Boivin ex Baill. Centrostylis Baill. Adenochlaena Boivin ex Baill.
Cephalocroton Hochst. a Cephalocroton Hochst.
Cephalocrotonopsis Pax a Cephalocrotonopsis Pax
Cephalomappa Baill. a Cephalomappa Baill.
Ceratococcus Meisn. Plukenetia L. Ceratococcus Meisn. Plukenetia L.
Chiropetalum A. Juss. a Chiropetalum A. Juss.
Chloradenia Baill. Cladogynos Zipp. ex Span. Chloradenia Baill. Cladogynos Zipp. ex Span.
Chloropatane Engl. Erythrococca Benth. Chloropatane Engl. Erythrococca Benth.
Chondrostylis Boerl. a Chondrostylis Boerl.
Chrozophora A. Juss. a Chrozophora A. Juss.
Cladodes Lour. Alchornea Sw. Cladodes Lour. Alchornea Sw.
Cladogynos Zipp. ex Span. a Cladogynos Zipp. ex Span.
Claoxylon A. Juss. a Claoxylon A. Juss.
Claoxylopsis Leandri a Claoxylopsis Leandri
Clarorivinia Pax & K. Hoffm. Ptychopyxis Miq. Clarorivinia Pax & K. Hoffm. Ptychopyxis Miq.
Clavistylus J. J. Sm. Megistostigma Hook. f. Clavistylus J. J. Sm. Megistostigma Hook. f.
Cleidiocarpon Airy Shaw a Cleidiocarpon Airy Shaw
Cleidion Blume a Cleidion Blume
Clonostylis S. Moore a Clonostylis S. Moore
Cnesmone Blume a Cnesmone Blume
Cnesmosa Blume, orth. var. Cnesmone Blume Cnesmosa Blume, orth. var. Cnesmone Blume
Coccoceras Miq. Mallotus Lour. Coccoceras Miq. Mallotus Lour.
Coelebogyne J. Sm., orth. var. Caelebogyne J. Sm. Coelebogyne J. Sm., orth. var. Caelebogyne J. Sm.
Coelobogyne J. Sm., orth. var. Caelebogyne J. Sm. Coelobogyne J. Sm., orth. var. Caelebogyne J. Sm.
Coelodepas Hassk., orth. var. Koilodepas Hassk. Coelodepas Hassk., orth. var. Koilodepas Hassk.
Coelodiscus Baill. Mallotus Lour. Coelodiscus Baill. Mallotus Lour.
Comopycna Kuntze Pycnocoma Benth. Comopycna Kuntze Pycnocoma Benth.
Conceveiba Aubl. a Conceveiba Aubl.
Conceveibastrum (Müll. Arg.) Pax & K. Hoffm. Conceveiba Aubl. Conceveibastrum (Müll. Arg.) Pax & K. Hoffm. Conceveiba Aubl.
Conceveibum A. Rich. ex A. Juss. Conceveiba Aubl. Conceveibum A. Rich. ex A. Juss. Conceveiba Aubl.
Cordemoya Baill. Hancea Seem. Cordemoya Baill. Hancea Seem.
Corythea S. Watson Acalypha L. Corythea S. Watson Acalypha L.
Cremophyllum Scheidw. Dalechampia L. Cremophyllum Scheidw. Dalechampia L.
Crossophora Link Chrozophora A. Juss. Crossophora Link Chrozophora A. Juss.
Crotonogynopsis Pax a Crotonogynopsis Pax
Crozophora A. Juss., orth. var. Chrozophora A. Juss. Crozophora A. Juss., orth. var. Chrozophora A. Juss.
Ctenomeria Harv. Tragia L. Ctenomeria Harv. Tragia L.
Cupameni Adans. Acalypha L. Cupameni Adans. Acalypha L.
Cynocrambe Hill Mercurialis L. Cynocrambe Hill Mercurialis L.
Cyttaranthus J. Léonard a Cyttaranthus J. Léonard
Dalechampia L. a Dalechampia L.
Dalechampsia Post & Kuntze Dalechampia L. Dalechampsia Post & Kuntze Dalechampia L.
Deflersia Schweinf. ex Penz. Erythrococca Benth. Deflersia Schweinf. ex Penz. Erythrococca Benth.
Desfontaena Vell. Chiropetalum A. Juss. Desfontaena Vell. Chiropetalum A. Juss.
Desfontaina Steud., orth. var. Chiropetalum A. Juss. Desfontaina Steud., orth. var. Chiropetalum A. Juss.
Desfontainea Rchb., orth. var. Chiropetalum A. Juss. Desfontainea Rchb., orth. var. Chiropetalum A. Juss.
Deuteromallotus Pax & K. Hoffm. Hancea Seem. Deuteromallotus Pax & K. Hoffm. Hancea Seem.
Diderotia Baill. Orfilea Baill. Diderotia Baill. Orfilea Baill.
Diplochlamys Müll. Arg. Hancea Seem. Diplochlamys Müll. Arg. Hancea Seem.
Discoclaoxylon (Müll. Arg.) Pax & K. Hoffm. a Discoclaoxylon (Müll. Arg.) Pax & K. Hoffm.
Discocleidion (Müll. Arg.) Pax & K. Hoffm. a Discocleidion (Müll. Arg.) Pax & K. Hoffm.
Discoglypremna Prain a Discoglypremna Prain
Discoplis Raf. Mercurialis L. Discoplis Raf. Mercurialis L.
Ditaxis Vahl ex A. Juss. a Ditaxis Vahl ex A. Juss.
Doryxylon Zoll. a Doryxylon Zoll.
Droceloncia J. Léonard a Droceloncia J. Léonard
Durandeeldea Kuntze Acidoton Sw. Durandeeldea Kuntze Acidoton Sw.
Dysopsis Baill. a Dysopsis Baill.
Echinocroton F. Muell. Mallotus Lour. Echinocroton F. Muell. Mallotus Lour.
Echinus Lour. Mallotus Lour. Echinus Lour. Mallotus Lour.
Elaeophora Ducke Plukenetia L. Elaeophora Ducke Plukenetia L.
Eleutherostigma Pax & K. Hoffm. Plukenetia L. Eleutherostigma Pax & K. Hoffm. Plukenetia L.
Enriquebeltrania Rzed. a Enriquebeltrania Rzed.
Epiprinus Griff. a Epiprinus Griff.
Erismanthus Wall. ex Müll. Arg. a Erismanthus Wall. ex Müll. Arg.
Erythrochilus Reinw. ex Blume Claoxylon A. Juss. Erythrochilus Reinw. ex Blume Claoxylon A. Juss.
Erythrochylus Reinw. ex Blume Claoxylon A. Juss. Erythrochylus Reinw. ex Blume Claoxylon A. Juss.
Erythrococca Benth. a Erythrococca Benth.
Fragariopsis A. St.-Hil. Plukenetia L. Fragariopsis A. St.-Hil. Plukenetia L.
Galurus Spreng. Acalypha L. Galurus Spreng. Acalypha L.
Garciadelia Jestrow & Jiménez Rodr. a Garciadelia Jestrow & Jiménez Rodr.
Gavarretia Baill. a Gavarretia Baill.
Gitara Pax & K. Hoffm. Acidoton Sw. Gitara Pax & K. Hoffm. Acidoton Sw.
Gymnalypha Griseb. Acalypha L. Gymnalypha Griseb. Acalypha L.
Haematospermum Wall. Homonoia Lour. Haematospermum Wall. Homonoia Lour.
Haematostemon (Müll. Arg.) Pax & K. Hoffm. a Haematostemon (Müll. Arg.) Pax & K. Hoffm.
Hancea Seem. a Hancea Seem.
Hedraiostylus Hassk. Plukenetia L. Hedraiostylus Hassk. Plukenetia L.
Hermesia Humb. & Bonpl. ex Willd. Alchornea Sw. Hermesia Humb. & Bonpl. ex Willd. Alchornea Sw.
Heterocalyx Gagnep. Agrostistachys Dalzell Heterocalyx Gagnep. Agrostistachys Dalzell
Hippocrepandra Müll. Arg. Monotaxis Brongn. Hippocrepandra Müll. Arg. Monotaxis Brongn.
Homonoia Lour. a Homonoia Lour.
Koilodepas Hassk. a Koilodepas Hassk.
Kunstlerodendron Ridl. Chondrostylis Boerl. Kunstlerodendron Ridl. Chondrostylis Boerl.
Lasiococca Hook. f. a Lasiococca Hook. f.
Lasiocroton Griseb. a Lasiocroton Griseb.
Lasiostyles C. Presl Cleidion Blume Lasiostyles C. Presl Cleidion Blume
Lasipana Raf. Mallotus Lour. Lasipana Raf. Mallotus Lour.
Lassia Baill. Tragia L. Lassia Baill. Tragia L.
Laurembergia Baill. Orfilea Baill. Laurembergia Baill. Orfilea Baill.
Lautembergia Baill., orth. var. Orfilea Baill. Lautembergia Baill., orth. var. Orfilea Baill.
Leidesia Müll. Arg. a Leidesia Müll. Arg.
Lepidococca Turcz. Caperonia A. St.-Hil. Lepidococca Turcz. Caperonia A. St.-Hil.
Lepidoturus Baill. Alchornea Sw. Lepidoturus Baill. Alchornea Sw.
Leptobotrys Baill. Tragia L. Leptobotrys Baill. Tragia L.
Leptomeria Sieber Amperea A. Juss. Leptomeria Sieber Amperea A. Juss.
Leptorhachis Klotzsch Tragia L. Leptorhachis Klotzsch Tragia L.
Leucandra Klotzsch Tragia L. Leucandra Klotzsch Tragia L.
Leucocroton Griseb. a Leucocroton Griseb.
Linostachys Klotzsch ex Schltdl. Acalypha L. Linostachys Klotzsch ex Schltdl. Acalypha L.
Lobanilia Radcl.-Sm. a Lobanilia Radcl.-Sm.
Lumanaja Blanco Homonoia Lour. Lumanaja Blanco Homonoia Lour.
Macaranga Thouars a Macaranga Thouars
Mallotus Lour. a Mallotus Lour.
Mappa A. Juss. Macaranga Thouars Mappa A. Juss. Macaranga Thouars
Mareya Baill. a Mareya Baill.
Mareyopsis Pax & K. Hoffm. a Mareyopsis Pax & K. Hoffm.
Mecostylis Kurz ex Teijsm. & Binn. Macaranga Thouars Mecostylis Kurz ex Teijsm. & Binn. Macaranga Thouars
Megalostylis S. Moore Dalechampia L. Megalostylis S. Moore Dalechampia L.
Megistostigma Hook. f. a Megistostigma Hook. f.
Meialisa Raf. Adriana Gaudich. Meialisa Raf. Adriana Gaudich.
Melanolepis Rchb. ex Zoll. a Melanolepis Rchb. ex Zoll.
Mercadoa Náves Doryxylon Zoll. Mercadoa Náves Doryxylon Zoll.
Mercurialis L. a Mercurialis L.
Mercuriastrum Fabr. Acalypha L. Mercuriastrum Fabr. Acalypha L.
Meterana Raf. Caperonia A. St.-Hil. Meterana Raf. Caperonia A. St.-Hil.
Micrococca Benth. a Micrococca Benth.
Mirabellia Baill. Dysopsis Baill. Mirabellia Baill. Dysopsis Baill.
Molina Gay Dysopsis Baill. Molina Gay Dysopsis Baill.
Monotaxis Brongn. a Monotaxis Brongn.
Moultonianthus Merr. a Moultonianthus Merr.
Muricococcum Chun & F. C. How Cephalomappa Baill. Muricococcum Chun & F. C. How Cephalomappa Baill.
Necepsia Prain a Necepsia Prain
Neopalissya Pax Necepsia Prain Neopalissya Pax Necepsia Prain
Neopycnocoma Pax Argomuellera Pax Neopycnocoma Pax Argomuellera Pax
Neotrewia Pax & K. Hoffm. Mallotus Lour. Neotrewia Pax & K. Hoffm. Mallotus Lour.
Nephrostylus Gagnep. Koilodepas Hassk. Nephrostylus Gagnep. Koilodepas Hassk.
Niedenzua Pax Adenochlaena Boivin ex Baill. Niedenzua Pax Adenochlaena Boivin ex Baill.
Octospermum Airy Shaw Mallotus Lour. Octospermum Airy Shaw Mallotus Lour.
Odonteilema Turcz. Acalypha L. Odonteilema Turcz. Acalypha L.
Odotalon Raf. Argythamnia P. Browne Odotalon Raf. Argythamnia P. Browne
Orfilea Baill. a Orfilea Baill.
Pachystemon Blume Macaranga Thouars Pachystemon Blume Macaranga Thouars
Pachystylidium Pax & K. Hoffm. a Pachystylidium Pax & K. Hoffm.
Palissya Baill. Necepsia Prain Palissya Baill. Necepsia Prain
Panopia Noronha ex Thouars Macaranga Thouars Panopia Noronha ex Thouars Macaranga Thouars
Paracelsea Zoll. Acalypha L. Paracelsea Zoll. Acalypha L.
Paranecepsia Radcl.-Sm. a Paranecepsia Radcl.-Sm.
Passaea Baill. Bernardia Mill. Passaea Baill. Bernardia Mill.
Paxiuscula Herter Ditaxis Vahl ex A. Juss. Paxiuscula Herter Ditaxis Vahl ex A. Juss.
Phaedra Klotzsch ex Endl. Bernardia Mill. Phaedra Klotzsch ex Endl. Bernardia Mill.
Philyra Klotzsch a Philyra Klotzsch
Phocea Seem. Macaranga Thouars Phocea Seem. Macaranga Thouars
Phyllera Endl., orth. var. Philyra Klotzsch Phyllera Endl., orth. var. Philyra Klotzsch
Plagianthera Rchb. f. & Zoll. Mallotus Lour. Plagianthera Rchb. f. & Zoll. Mallotus Lour.
Platygyna P. Mercier a Platygyna P. Mercier
Plukenetia L. a Plukenetia L.
Podadenia Thwaites a Podadenia Thwaites
Poggeophyton Pax Erythrococca Benth. Poggeophyton Pax Erythrococca Benth.
Polyandra Leal a Polyandra Leal
Polyboea Klotzsch ex Endl. Bernardia Mill. Polyboea Klotzsch ex Endl. Bernardia Mill.
Polydragma Hook. f. Spathiostemon Blume Polydragma Hook. f. Spathiostemon Blume
Pseudagrostistachys Pax & K. Hoffm. a Pseudagrostistachys Pax & K. Hoffm.
Pseudotragia Pax Plukenetia L. Pseudotragia Pax Plukenetia L.
Pseudotrewia Miq. Wetria Baill. Pseudotrewia Miq. Wetria Baill.
Psilostachys Turcz. Cleidion Blume Psilostachys Turcz. Cleidion Blume
Pterococcus Hassk. Plukenetia L. Pterococcus Hassk. Plukenetia L.
Ptychopyxis Miq. a Ptychopyxis Miq.
Pycnocoma Benth. a Pycnocoma Benth.
Ramelia Baill. Bocquillonia Baill. Ramelia Baill. Bocquillonia Baill.
Redia Casar. Cleidion Blume Redia Casar. Cleidion Blume
Reissipa Steud. ex Klotzsch Monotaxis Brongn. Reissipa Steud. ex Klotzsch Monotaxis Brongn.
Rhopalostylis Klotzsch ex Baill. Dalechampia L. Rhopalostylis Klotzsch ex Baill. Dalechampia L.
Ricinella Müll. Arg. Adelia L. Ricinella Müll. Arg. Adelia L.
Ricinocarpus Kuntze Acalypha L. Ricinocarpus Kuntze Acalypha L.
Ricinoides Moench Chrozophora A. Juss. Ricinoides Moench Chrozophora A. Juss.
Ricinus L. a Ricinus L.
Rivinoides Afzel. ex Prain Erythrococca Benth. Rivinoides Afzel. ex Prain Erythrococca Benth.
Rockinghamia Airy Shaw a Rockinghamia Airy Shaw
Romanoa Trevis. a Romanoa Trevis.
Rottlera Roxb. Mallotus Lour. Rottlera Roxb. Mallotus Lour.
Sajorium Endl. Plukenetia L. Sajorium Endl. Plukenetia L.
Sampantaea Airy Shaw a Sampantaea Airy Shaw
Sarcoclinium Wight Agrostistachys Dalzell Sarcoclinium Wight Agrostistachys Dalzell
Schizogyne Ehrenb. ex Pax Acalypha L. Schizogyne Ehrenb. ex Pax Acalypha L.
Schorigeram Adans. Tragia L. Schorigeram Adans. Tragia L.
Schousboea Schumach. Alchornea Sw. Schousboea Schumach. Alchornea Sw.
Seidelia Baill. a Seidelia Baill.
Serophyton Benth. Argythamnia P. Browne Serophyton Benth. Argythamnia P. Browne
Sinopimelodendron Tsiang Cleidiocarpon Airy Shaw Sinopimelodendron Tsiang Cleidiocarpon Airy Shaw
Spathiostemon Blume a Spathiostemon Blume
Speranskia Baill. a Speranskia Baill.
Sphaerostylis Baill. a Sphaerostylis Baill.
Sphyranthera Hook. f. a Sphyranthera Hook. f.
Stenonia Didr. Ditaxis Vahl ex A. Juss. Stenonia Didr. Ditaxis Vahl ex A. Juss.
Stipellaria Benth. Alchornea Sw. Stipellaria Benth. Alchornea Sw.
Stylanthus Rchb. f. & Zoll. Mallotus Lour. Stylanthus Rchb. f. & Zoll. Mallotus Lour.
Sumbavia Baill. Doryxylon Zoll. Sumbavia Baill. Doryxylon Zoll.
Sumbaviopsis J. J. Sm. a Sumbaviopsis J. J. Sm.
Symphyllia Baill. a Symphyllia Baill.
Syndyophyllum Lauterb. & K. Schum. a Syndyophyllum Lauterb. & K. Schum.
Synema Dulac Mercurialis L. Synema Dulac Mercurialis L.
Tanarius Kuntze Macaranga Thouars Tanarius Kuntze Macaranga Thouars
Tetracarpidium Pax Plukenetia L. Tetracarpidium Pax Plukenetia L.
Tetraglossa Bedd. Cleidion Blume Tetraglossa Bedd. Cleidion Blume
Thyrsanthera Pierre ex Gagnep. a Thyrsanthera Pierre ex Gagnep.
Tournesol Adans. Chrozophora A. Juss. Tournesol Adans. Chrozophora A. Juss.
Tournesolia Scop. Chrozophora A. Juss. Tournesolia Scop. Chrozophora A. Juss.
Trachycaryon Klotzsch Adriana Gaudich. Trachycaryon Klotzsch Adriana Gaudich.
Traganthus Klotzsch Bernardia Mill. Traganthus Klotzsch Bernardia Mill.
Tragia L. a Tragia L.
Tragiella Pax & K. Hoffm. a Tragiella Pax & K. Hoffm.
Trevia L. Mallotus Lour. Trevia L. Mallotus Lour.
Trewia L., orth. var. Mallotus Lour. Trewia L., orth. var. Mallotus Lour.
Tyria Klotzsch ex Endl. Bernardia Mill. Tyria Klotzsch ex Endl. Bernardia Mill.
Usteria Dennst. Acalypha L. Usteria Dennst. Acalypha L.
Veconcibea (Müll. Arg.) Pax & K. Hoffm. Conceveiba Aubl. Veconcibea (Müll. Arg.) Pax & K. Hoffm. Conceveiba Aubl.
Vigia Vell. Plukenetia L. Vigia Vell. Plukenetia L.
Wetria Baill. a Wetria Baill.
Wetriaria Pax Argomuellera Pax Wetriaria Pax Argomuellera Pax
Zuckertia Baill. Bia Klotzsch Zuckertia Baill. Bia Klotzsch

ILRI Germplasm Policy (excerpts)

The International Livestock research Institute (ILRI) maintains a collection of forage germplasm as a global public good. The material was acquired prior to the entry into force of the Convention on Biological Diversity; or if it was acquired after the entering into force of the Convention on Biological Diversity, it was obtained with the understanding that it was held in trust and could be made available for any agricultural research, breeding and training purposes under the terms and conditions set out in the agreement between the ILRI and FAO dated 26 October 1994. On 16 October 2006, ILRI signed an agreement with the Governing Body of the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (the Treaty) placing these in trust collections of Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (PGRFA) within the purview of the Treaty.

In accordance with this Agreement, all shipments of PGRFA of crops listed in Annex 1 to the Treaty (shipments of PGRFA under the Multilateral System) will be subject to the terms and conditions of the Standard Material Transfer Agreement (SMTA). In the event that the SMTA (attached) is used for the transfer of Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture other than those listed in Annex 1 of the Treaty: i) The references in the SMTA to the "Multilateral System" shall not be interpreted as limiting the application of the SMTA to Annex 1 Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture, and in the case of Article 6.2 of the SMTA shall mean "under this Agreement". ii) The reference in Article 6.11 and Annex 3 of the SMTA to "Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture belonging to the same crop, as set out in Annex 1 to the Treaty" shall be taken to mean "Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture belonging to the same crop".

The material is held in trust and the recipient has no rights to obtain Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs) on the material or related information. The recipient may utilize and conserve the material for research, breeding and training and may distribute it to other parties provided such parties accept the terms and conditions of the SMTA .

ILRI will provide forage seeds in small experimental quantities of between 1 and 20 grams without charge from the germplasm collection under the SMTA as appropriate for the crop as part of its policy of maximizing the utilization of material for research, breeding and training. Larger quantities sufficient to sow up to one quarter of a hectare of a limited number of promising accessions will require that requesters cover the costs of production and shipping.

ILRI makes no warranties as to the safety or title of the material, nor as to the accuracy or correctness of any passport or other data provided with the material. Neither does it make any warranties as to the quality, viability, or purity (genetic or mechanical) of the material being furnished. The phytosanitary condition of the material is warranted only as described in the attached phytosanitary certificate. The recipient assumes full responsibility for complying with the recipient nation’s quarantine and biosafety regulations and rules as to import or release of genetic material.