
Genera and generic subdivisons of Cucurbitaceae Juss., nom. cons.
Accepted Names
Exclude infrageneric names

Abobra Naudin a Abobra Naudin
Acanthosicyos Welw. ex Benth. & Hook. f. a Acanthosicyos Welw. ex Benth. & Hook. f.
Acanthosicyus Post & Kuntze, orth. var. Acanthosicyos Welw. ex Benth. & Hook. f. Acanthosicyus Post & Kuntze, orth. var. Acanthosicyos Welw. ex Benth. & Hook. f.
Actinostemma Griff. a Actinostemma Griff.
Adenopus Benth. Lagenaria Ser. Adenopus Benth. Lagenaria Ser.
Aechmandra Arn. Kedrostis Medik. Aechmandra Arn. Kedrostis Medik.
Ahzolia Standl. & Steyerm. Sechium P. Browne Ahzolia Standl. & Steyerm. Sechium P. Browne
Allagosperma M. Roem. Melothria L. Allagosperma M. Roem. Melothria L.
Alsomitra (Blume) M. Roem. a Alsomitra (Blume) M. Roem.
Alternasemina Silva Manso Melothria L. Alternasemina Silva Manso Melothria L.
Ampelosicyos Thouars a Ampelosicyos Thouars
Ampelosycios Thouars, orth. var. Ampelosicyos Thouars Ampelosycios Thouars, orth. var. Ampelosicyos Thouars
Anacaona Alain Penelopeia Urb. Anacaona Alain Penelopeia Urb.
Anangia W. J. de Wilde & Duyfjes Zehneria Endl. Anangia W. J. de Wilde & Duyfjes Zehneria Endl.
Anguina Mill. Trichosanthes L. Anguina Mill. Trichosanthes L.
Anguria Mill. Citrullus Schrad. Anguria Mill. Citrullus Schrad.
Anguria Jacq. Psiguria Neck. ex Arn. Anguria Jacq. Psiguria Neck. ex Arn.
Anguriopsis J. R. Johnst. Doyerea Grosourdy Anguriopsis J. R. Johnst. Doyerea Grosourdy
Anisosperma Silva Manso a Anisosperma Silva Manso
Anomalosicyos Gentry Sicyos L. Anomalosicyos Gentry Sicyos L.
Antagonia Griseb. Cayaponia Silva Manso Antagonia Griseb. Cayaponia Silva Manso
Apatzingania Dieterle Echinopepon Naudin Apatzingania Dieterle Echinopepon Naudin
Apodanthera Arn. a Apodanthera Arn.
Arkezostis Raf. Cayaponia Silva Manso Arkezostis Raf. Cayaponia Silva Manso
Atheranthera Mast. Gerrardanthus Harv. ex Benth. & Hook. f. Atheranthera Mast. Gerrardanthus Harv. ex Benth. & Hook. f.
Austrobryonia H. Schaef. a Austrobryonia H. Schaef.
Baijiania A. M. Lu & J. Q. Li a Baijiania A. M. Lu & J. Q. Li
Bambekea Cogn. a Bambekea Cogn.
Bayabusua W. J. de Wilde a Bayabusua W. J. de Wilde
Benincasa Savi a Benincasa Savi
Bisedmondia Hutch. Calycophysum H. Karst. & Triana Bisedmondia Hutch. Calycophysum H. Karst. & Triana
Biswarea Cogn. Herpetospermum Wall. ex Benth. & Hook. f. Biswarea Cogn. Herpetospermum Wall. ex Benth. & Hook. f.
Blastania Kotschy & Peyr. a Blastania Kotschy & Peyr.
Bolbostemma Franquet Actinostemma Griff. Bolbostemma Franquet Actinostemma Griff.
Borneosicyos W. J. de Wilde a Borneosicyos W. J. de Wilde
Brandegea Cogn. Echinopepon Naudin Brandegea Cogn. Echinopepon Naudin
Bryonia L. a Bryonia L.
Bryonopsis Arn. Kedrostis Medik. Bryonopsis Arn. Kedrostis Medik.
Calpidosicyos Harms Momordica L. Calpidosicyos Harms Momordica L.
Calycophysum H. Karst. & Triana a Calycophysum H. Karst. & Triana
Calyptrosicyos Keraudren Corallocarpus Welw. ex Benth. & Hook. f. Calyptrosicyos Keraudren Corallocarpus Welw. ex Benth. & Hook. f.
Camolenga Post & Kuntze Benincasa Savi Camolenga Post & Kuntze Benincasa Savi
Cayaponia Silva Manso a Cayaponia Silva Manso
Cedrostis Post & Kuntze, orth. var. Kedrostis Medik. Cedrostis Post & Kuntze, orth. var. Kedrostis Medik.
Cephalandra Schrad. Coccinia Wight & Arn. Cephalandra Schrad. Coccinia Wight & Arn.
Cephalopentandra Chiov. a Cephalopentandra Chiov.
Cerasiocarpum Hook. f. Kedrostis Medik. Cerasiocarpum Hook. f. Kedrostis Medik.
Ceratosanthes Burm. ex Adans. a Ceratosanthes Burm. ex Adans.
Chalema Dieterle Sicydium Schltdl. Chalema Dieterle Sicydium Schltdl.
Chayota Jacq. Sechium P. Browne Chayota Jacq. Sechium P. Browne
Chocho Adans. Sechium P. Browne Chocho Adans. Sechium P. Browne
Cionandra Griseb. Cayaponia Silva Manso Cionandra Griseb. Cayaponia Silva Manso
Cionosicyos Griseb., orth. var. Cionosicys Griseb. Cionosicyos Griseb., orth. var. Cionosicys Griseb.
Cionosicys Griseb. a Cionosicys Griseb.
Citrullus Schrad. a Citrullus Schrad.
Cladocarpa (H. St. John) H. St. John Sicyos L. Cladocarpa (H. St. John) H. St. John Sicyos L.
Cladosicyos Hook. f. Melothria L. Cladosicyos Hook. f. Melothria L.
Coccinia Wight & Arn. a Coccinia Wight & Arn.
Cogniauxella Baill. Cogniauxia Baill. Cogniauxella Baill. Cogniauxia Baill.
Cogniauxia Baill. a Cogniauxia Baill.
Colocynthis Mill. Citrullus Schrad. Colocynthis Mill. Citrullus Schrad.
Coniandra Schrad. Kedrostis Medik. Coniandra Schrad. Kedrostis Medik.
Corallocarpus Welw. ex Benth. & Hook. f. a Corallocarpus Welw. ex Benth. & Hook. f.
Corynosicyos F. Muell., nom. inval. Melothria L. Corynosicyos F. Muell., nom. inval. Melothria L.
Costarica L. D. Gómez Sicyos L. Costarica L. D. Gómez Sicyos L.
Cremastopus Paul G. Wilson Cyclanthera Schrad. Cremastopus Paul G. Wilson Cyclanthera Schrad.
Ctenolepis Hook. f. Blastania Kotschy & Peyr. Ctenolepis Hook. f. Blastania Kotschy & Peyr.
Ctenopsis Naudin Blastania Kotschy & Peyr. Ctenopsis Naudin Blastania Kotschy & Peyr.
Cucumella Chiov. Cucumis L. Cucumella Chiov. Cucumis L.
Cucumeroides Gaertn. Trichosanthes L. Cucumeroides Gaertn. Trichosanthes L.
Cucumeropsis Naudin Melothria L. Cucumeropsis Naudin Melothria L.
Cucumis L. a Cucumis L.
Cucumis L. subg. Cucumis a i Cucumis L. subg. Cucumis
Cucumis L. subg. Cucumis sect. Aculeatosi a i Cucumis L. subg. Cucumis sect. Aculeatosi
Cucumis L. subg. Cucumis sect. Cucumella a i Cucumis L. subg. Cucumis sect. Cucumella
Cucumis L. subg. Cucumis sect. Cucumis a i Cucumis L. subg. Cucumis sect. Cucumis
Cucumis L. subg. Cucumis sect. Metuliferi a i Cucumis L. subg. Cucumis sect. Metuliferi
Cucumis L. subg. Cucumis sect. Sagittati a i Cucumis L. subg. Cucumis sect. Sagittati
Cucumis L. subg. Humifructus a i Cucumis L. subg. Humifructus
Cucurbita L. a Cucurbita L.
Cucurbitella Walp. a Cucurbitella Walp.
Cucurbitula (M. Roem.) Post & Kuntze Zehneria Endl. Cucurbitula (M. Roem.) Post & Kuntze Zehneria Endl.
Cyclanthera Schrad. a Cyclanthera Schrad.
Cyclantheropsis Harms a Cyclantheropsis Harms
Cyrtonema Schrad. Kedrostis Medik. Cyrtonema Schrad. Kedrostis Medik.
Dactyliandra (Hook. f.) Hook. f. a Dactyliandra (Hook. f.) Hook. f.
Delognaea Cogn. Ampelosicyos Thouars Delognaea Cogn. Ampelosicyos Thouars
Dendrosicyos Balf. f. a Dendrosicyos Balf. f.
Dermophylla Silva Manso Cayaponia Silva Manso Dermophylla Silva Manso Cayaponia Silva Manso
Dicaelosperma E. G. O. Müll. & Pax, orth. var. Cucumis L. Dicaelosperma E. G. O. Müll. & Pax, orth. var. Cucumis L.
Dicaelospermum C. B. Clarke, orth. var. Cucumis L. Dicaelospermum C. B. Clarke, orth. var. Cucumis L.
Diclidostigma Kunze Melothria L. Diclidostigma Kunze Melothria L.
Dicoelospermum C. B. Clarke Cucumis L. Dicoelospermum C. B. Clarke Cucumis L.
Dieterlea E. J. Lott Ibervillea Greene Dieterlea E. J. Lott Ibervillea Greene
Dieudonnaea Cogn. Gurania (Schltdl.) Cogn. Dieudonnaea Cogn. Gurania (Schltdl.) Cogn.
Dimorphochlamys Hook. f. Momordica L. Dimorphochlamys Hook. f. Momordica L.
Diplocyclos (Endl.) Post & Kuntze a Diplocyclos (Endl.) Post & Kuntze
Diplocyclus Post & Kuntze, orth. var. Diplocyclos (Endl.) Post & Kuntze Diplocyclus Post & Kuntze, orth. var. Diplocyclos (Endl.) Post & Kuntze
Discanthera Torr. & A. Gray Cyclanthera Schrad. Discanthera Torr. & A. Gray Cyclanthera Schrad.
Doyerea Grosourdy a Doyerea Grosourdy
Druparia Silva Manso Cayaponia Silva Manso Druparia Silva Manso Cayaponia Silva Manso
Dryparia Post & Kuntze, orth. var. Cayaponia Silva Manso Dryparia Post & Kuntze, orth. var. Cayaponia Silva Manso
Ecballium A. Rich. a Ecballium A. Rich.
Echinocystis Torr. & A. Gray a Echinocystis Torr. & A. Gray
Echinopepon Naudin a Echinopepon Naudin
Edgaria C. B. Clarke Herpetospermum Wall. ex Benth. & Hook. f. Edgaria C. B. Clarke Herpetospermum Wall. ex Benth. & Hook. f.
Edmondia Cogn. Calycophysum H. Karst. & Triana Edmondia Cogn. Calycophysum H. Karst. & Triana
Elateriopsis Ernst Hanburia Seem. Elateriopsis Ernst Hanburia Seem.
Elaterium Jacq. Cyclanthera Schrad. Elaterium Jacq. Cyclanthera Schrad.
Elaterium Mill. Ecballium A. Rich. Elaterium Mill. Ecballium A. Rich.
Enkylia Griff. Gynostemma Blume Enkylia Griff. Gynostemma Blume
Eopepon Naudin Trichosanthes L. Eopepon Naudin Trichosanthes L.
Eulenburgia Pax Momordica L. Eulenburgia Pax Momordica L.
Eureiandra Hook. f. a Eureiandra Hook. f.
Euryandra Hook. f., orth. var. Eureiandra Hook. f. Euryandra Hook. f., orth. var. Eureiandra Hook. f.
Feuillaea Gled., orth. var. Fevillea L. Feuillaea Gled., orth. var. Fevillea L.
Feuillea Kuntze, orth. var. Fevillea L. Feuillea Kuntze, orth. var. Fevillea L.
Fevillea L. a Fevillea L.
Frantzia Pittier a Frantzia Pittier
Gerrardanthus Harv. ex Benth. & Hook. f. a Gerrardanthus Harv. ex Benth. & Hook. f.
Gijefa (M. Roem.) Post & Kuntze Kedrostis Medik. Gijefa (M. Roem.) Post & Kuntze Kedrostis Medik.
Gomphogyne Griff. a Gomphogyne Griff.
Gurania (Schltdl.) Cogn. a Gurania (Schltdl.) Cogn.
Guraniopsis Cogn. Apodanthera Arn. Guraniopsis Cogn. Apodanthera Arn.
Gymnopetalum Arn. Trichosanthes L. Gymnopetalum Arn. Trichosanthes L.
Gynostemma Blume a Gynostemma Blume
Halosicyos Mart. Crov. a Halosicyos Mart. Crov.
Hanburia Seem. a Hanburia Seem.
Harlandia Hance Solena Lour. Harlandia Hance Solena Lour.
Helmontia Cogn. a Helmontia Cogn.
Hemsleya Cogn. ex F. B. Forbes & Hemsl. a Hemsleya Cogn. ex F. B. Forbes & Hemsl.
Herpetospermum Wall. ex Benth. & Hook. f. a Herpetospermum Wall. ex Benth. & Hook. f.
Heterosicyos Welw. ex Benth. & Hook. f. Trochomeria Hook. f. Heterosicyos Welw. ex Benth. & Hook. f. Trochomeria Hook. f.
Heterosicyos (S. Watson) Cockerell Cyclanthera Schrad. Heterosicyos (S. Watson) Cockerell Cyclanthera Schrad.
Heterosicyus Post & Kuntze, orth. var. Trochomeria Hook. f. Heterosicyus Post & Kuntze, orth. var. Trochomeria Hook. f.
Hexameria Torr. & A. Gray Echinocystis Torr. & A. Gray Hexameria Torr. & A. Gray Echinocystis Torr. & A. Gray
Hodgsonia Hook. f. & Thomson a Hodgsonia Hook. f. & Thomson
Hymenosicyos Chiov. Cucumis L. Hymenosicyos Chiov. Cucumis L.
Hypanthera Silva Manso Fevillea L. Hypanthera Silva Manso Fevillea L.
Ibervillea Greene a Ibervillea Greene
Ilocania Merr. Diplocyclos (Endl.) Post & Kuntze Ilocania Merr. Diplocyclos (Endl.) Post & Kuntze
Indofevillea Chatterjee a Indofevillea Chatterjee
Indomelothria W. J. de Wilde & Duyfjes a Indomelothria W. J. de Wilde & Duyfjes
Involucraria Ser. Trichosanthes L. Involucraria Ser. Trichosanthes L.
Joliffia Bojer ex Delile Telfairia Hook. Joliffia Bojer ex Delile Telfairia Hook.
Juchia M. Roem. Solena Lour. Juchia M. Roem. Solena Lour.
Juppia Merr. Zanonia L. Juppia Merr. Zanonia L.
Karivia Arn. Solena Lour. Karivia Arn. Solena Lour.
Kedrostis Medik. a Kedrostis Medik.
Khmeriosicyos W. J. de Wilde & Duyfjes a Khmeriosicyos W. J. de Wilde & Duyfjes
Lagenaria Ser. a Lagenaria Ser.
Landersia Macfad. Melothria L. Landersia Macfad. Melothria L.
Lemurosicyos Keraudren a Lemurosicyos Keraudren
Linnaeosicyos H. Schaef. a Linnaeosicyos H. Schaef.
Luffa Mill. a Luffa Mill.
Macrozanonia (Cogn.) Cogn. Alsomitra (Blume) M. Roem. Macrozanonia (Cogn.) Cogn. Alsomitra (Blume) M. Roem.
Marah Kellogg a Marah Kellogg
Maximowiczia Cogn. Ibervillea Greene Maximowiczia Cogn. Ibervillea Greene
Megarrhiza Torr. & A. Gray Marah Kellogg Megarrhiza Torr. & A. Gray Marah Kellogg
Melancium Naudin Melothria L. Melancium Naudin Melothria L.
Mellonia Gasp. Cucurbita L. Mellonia Gasp. Cucurbita L.
Melo Mill. Cucumis L. Melo Mill. Cucumis L.
Melopepo Mill. Cucurbita L. Melopepo Mill. Cucurbita L.
Melothria L. a Melothria L.
Melothrianthus Mart. Crov. a Melothrianthus Mart. Crov.
Micrampelis Raf. Echinocystis Torr. & A. Gray Micrampelis Raf. Echinocystis Torr. & A. Gray
Microlagenaria (C. Jeffrey) A. M. Lu & J. Q. Li Siraitia Merr. Microlagenaria (C. Jeffrey) A. M. Lu & J. Q. Li Siraitia Merr.
Microsechium Naudin a Microsechium Naudin
Mitrosicyos Maxim. Actinostemma Griff. Mitrosicyos Maxim. Actinostemma Griff.
Momordica L. a Momordica L.
Muellerargia Cogn. a Muellerargia Cogn.
Mukia Arn. Cucumis L. Mukia Arn. Cucumis L.
Muricia Lour. Momordica L. Muricia Lour. Momordica L.
Myrmecosicyos C. Jeffrey Cucumis L. Myrmecosicyos C. Jeffrey Cucumis L.
Nandiroba Adans., orth. var. Fevillea L. Nandiroba Adans., orth. var. Fevillea L.
Neoachmandra W. J. de Wilde & Duyfjes Zehneria Endl. Neoachmandra W. J. de Wilde & Duyfjes Zehneria Endl.
Neoalsomitra Hutch. a Neoalsomitra Hutch.
Neoluffa Chakrav. Siraitia Merr. Neoluffa Chakrav. Siraitia Merr.
Neurosperma Raf. Momordica L. Neurosperma Raf. Momordica L.
Neurospermum Bartl., orth. var. Momordica L. Neurospermum Bartl., orth. var. Momordica L.
Nevrosperma Raf., orth. var. Momordica L. Nevrosperma Raf., orth. var. Momordica L.
Nhandiroba Adans. Fevillea L. Nhandiroba Adans. Fevillea L.
Nietoa Seem. ex W. Schaffn. Hanburia Seem. Nietoa Seem. ex W. Schaffn. Hanburia Seem.
Nothoalsomitra I. Telford a Nothoalsomitra I. Telford
Odosicyos Keraudren Ampelosicyos Thouars Odosicyos Keraudren Ampelosicyos Thouars
Oreosyce Hook. f. Cucumis L. Oreosyce Hook. f. Cucumis L.
Ozodycus Raf. Cucurbita L. Ozodycus Raf. Cucurbita L.
Papuasicyos Duyfjes a Papuasicyos Duyfjes
Parasicyos Dieterle a Parasicyos Dieterle
Penar-Valli Adans. Zanonia L. Penar-Valli Adans. Zanonia L.
Penarvallia Post & Kuntze, orth. var. Zanonia L. Penarvallia Post & Kuntze, orth. var. Zanonia L.
Penelopeia Urb. a Penelopeia Urb.
Pentaclathra Endl. Polyclathra Bertol. Pentaclathra Endl. Polyclathra Bertol.
Pepo Mill. Cucurbita L. Pepo Mill. Cucurbita L.
Peponia Naudin Peponium Engl. Peponia Naudin Peponium Engl.
Peponiella Kuntze Peponium Engl. Peponiella Kuntze Peponium Engl.
Peponium Engl. a Peponium Engl.
Peponopsis Naudin a Peponopsis Naudin
Perianthopodus Silva Manso Cayaponia Silva Manso Perianthopodus Silva Manso Cayaponia Silva Manso
Pestalozzia Zoll. & Moritzi Gynostemma Blume Pestalozzia Zoll. & Moritzi Gynostemma Blume
Physedra Hook. f. Coccinia Wight & Arn. Physedra Hook. f. Coccinia Wight & Arn.
Pileocalyx Gasp. Cucurbita L. Pileocalyx Gasp. Cucurbita L.
Pilogyne Eckl. ex Schrad. Zehneria Endl. Pilogyne Eckl. ex Schrad. Zehneria Endl.
Pisosperma Sond. Kedrostis Medik. Pisosperma Sond. Kedrostis Medik.
Pittiera Cogn. Polyclathra Bertol. Pittiera Cogn. Polyclathra Bertol.
Platygonia Naudin Trichosanthes L. Platygonia Naudin Trichosanthes L.
Polakowskia Pittier Sechium P. Browne Polakowskia Pittier Sechium P. Browne
Polyclathra Bertol. a Polyclathra Bertol.
Pomasterion Miq. Actinostemma Griff. Pomasterion Miq. Actinostemma Griff.
Poppya Neck. ex M. Roem. Luffa Mill. Poppya Neck. ex M. Roem. Luffa Mill.
Posadaea Cogn. Melothria L. Posadaea Cogn. Melothria L.
Praecitrullus Pangalo Benincasa Savi Praecitrullus Pangalo Benincasa Savi
Prasopepon Naudin Cucurbitella Walp. Prasopepon Naudin Cucurbitella Walp.
Pseudocucumis (A. Meeuse) C. Jeffrey Citrullus Schrad. Pseudocucumis (A. Meeuse) C. Jeffrey Citrullus Schrad.
Pseudocyclanthera Mart. Crov. Cyclanthera Schrad. Pseudocyclanthera Mart. Crov. Cyclanthera Schrad.
Pseudoechinopepon (Cogn.) Cockerell Vaseyanthus Cogn. Pseudoechinopepon (Cogn.) Cockerell Vaseyanthus Cogn.
Pseudosicydium Harms Pteropepon (Cogn.) Cogn. Pseudosicydium Harms Pteropepon (Cogn.) Cogn.
Psiguria Neck. ex Arn. a Psiguria Neck. ex Arn.
Pteropepon (Cogn.) Cogn. a Pteropepon (Cogn.) Cogn.
Pterosicyos Brandegee Sechiopsis Naudin Pterosicyos Brandegee Sechiopsis Naudin
Rampinia C. B. Clarke Herpetospermum Wall. ex Benth. & Hook. f. Rampinia C. B. Clarke Herpetospermum Wall. ex Benth. & Hook. f.
Ranugia (Schltdl.) Post & Kuntze Gurania (Schltdl.) Cogn. Ranugia (Schltdl.) Post & Kuntze Gurania (Schltdl.) Cogn.
Raphanistrocarpus (Baill.) Pax Momordica L. Raphanistrocarpus (Baill.) Pax Momordica L.
Raphanocarpus Hook. f. Momordica L. Raphanocarpus Hook. f. Momordica L.
Raphidiocystis Hook. f. a Raphidiocystis Hook. f.
Rhynchocarpa Schrad. ex Endl. Kedrostis Medik. Rhynchocarpa Schrad. ex Endl. Kedrostis Medik.
Rhytidostylis Rchb., orth. var. Cyclanthera Schrad. Rhytidostylis Rchb., orth. var. Cyclanthera Schrad.
Roseanthus Cogn. Polyclathra Bertol. Roseanthus Cogn. Polyclathra Bertol.
Ruthalicia C. Jeffrey a Ruthalicia C. Jeffrey
Rytidostylis Hook. & Arn. Cyclanthera Schrad. Rytidostylis Hook. & Arn. Cyclanthera Schrad.
Sarx H. St. John Sicyos L. Sarx H. St. John Sicyos L.
Schizocarpum Schrad. a Schizocarpum Schrad.
Schizopepon Maxim. a Schizopepon Maxim.
Schizostigma Arn. Cucurbitella Walp. Schizostigma Arn. Cucurbitella Walp.
Scopella W. J. de Wilde & Duyfjes Scopellaria W. J. de Wilde & Duyfjes Scopella W. J. de Wilde & Duyfjes Scopellaria W. J. de Wilde & Duyfjes
Scopellaria W. J. de Wilde & Duyfjes a Scopellaria W. J. de Wilde & Duyfjes
Scotanthus Naudin Trichosanthes L. Scotanthus Naudin Trichosanthes L.
Sechiopsis Naudin a Sechiopsis Naudin
Sechium P. Browne a Sechium P. Browne
Selysia Cogn. Cayaponia Silva Manso Selysia Cogn. Cayaponia Silva Manso
Seyrigia Keraudren a Seyrigia Keraudren
Sicana Naudin a Sicana Naudin
Sicydium Schltdl. a Sicydium Schltdl.
Sicyocarya (A. Gray) H. St. John Sicyos L. Sicyocarya (A. Gray) H. St. John Sicyos L.
Sicyocaulis Wiggins Sicyos L. Sicyocaulis Wiggins Sicyos L.
Sicyoides Mill. Sicyos L. Sicyoides Mill. Sicyos L.
Sicyos L. a Sicyos L.
Sicyosperma A. Gray a Sicyosperma A. Gray
Sicyus Clem., orth. var. Sicyos L. Sicyus Clem., orth. var. Sicyos L.
Sinobaijiania C. Jeffrey & W. J. de Wilde Baijiania A. M. Lu & J. Q. Li Sinobaijiania C. Jeffrey & W. J. de Wilde Baijiania A. M. Lu & J. Q. Li
Siolmatra Baill. a Siolmatra Baill.
Siraitia Merr. a Siraitia Merr.
Skottsbergiliana H. St. John Sicyos L. Skottsbergiliana H. St. John Sicyos L.
Solena Lour. a Solena Lour.
Sphaerosicyos Hook. f. Lagenaria Ser. Sphaerosicyos Hook. f. Lagenaria Ser.
Sphenantha Schrad. Cucurbita L. Sphenantha Schrad. Cucurbita L.
Staphylosyce Hook. f. Coccinia Wight & Arn. Staphylosyce Hook. f. Coccinia Wight & Arn.
Sycios Medik., orth. var. Sicyos L. Sycios Medik., orth. var. Sicyos L.
Tecunumania Standl. & Steyerm. a Tecunumania Standl. & Steyerm.
Telfairia Hook. a Telfairia Hook.
Thladiantha Bunge a Thladiantha Bunge
Toxanthera Hook. f. Kedrostis Medik. Toxanthera Hook. f. Kedrostis Medik.
Trevauxia Steud., orth. var. Luffa Mill. Trevauxia Steud., orth. var. Luffa Mill.
Trevouxia Scop. Luffa Mill. Trevouxia Scop. Luffa Mill.
Trianosperma (Torr. & A. Gray) Mart. Cayaponia Silva Manso Trianosperma (Torr. & A. Gray) Mart. Cayaponia Silva Manso
Triceratia A. Rich. Sicydium Schltdl. Triceratia A. Rich. Sicydium Schltdl.
Triceros Griff. Gomphogyne Griff. Triceros Griff. Gomphogyne Griff.
Trichosanthes L. a Trichosanthes L.
Tricyclandra Keraudren Ampelosicyos Thouars Tricyclandra Keraudren Ampelosicyos Thouars
Tripodanthera M. Roem. Trichosanthes L. Tripodanthera M. Roem. Trichosanthes L.
Trirostellum Z. P. Wang & Q. Z. Xie Gynostemma Blume Trirostellum Z. P. Wang & Q. Z. Xie Gynostemma Blume
Tristemon Scheele Cucurbita L. Tristemon Scheele Cucurbita L.
Trochomeria Hook. f. a Trochomeria Hook. f.
Trochomeriopsis Cogn. a Trochomeriopsis Cogn.
Tumamoca Rose a Tumamoca Rose
Turia Forssk. Luffa Mill. Turia Forssk. Luffa Mill.
Urceodiscus W. J. de Wilde & Duyfjes Papuasicyos Duyfjes Urceodiscus W. J. de Wilde & Duyfjes Papuasicyos Duyfjes
Vaseyanthus Cogn. Echinopepon Naudin Vaseyanthus Cogn. Echinopepon Naudin
Warea C. B. Clarke Herpetospermum Wall. ex Benth. & Hook. f. Warea C. B. Clarke Herpetospermum Wall. ex Benth. & Hook. f.
Wilbrandia Silva Manso a Wilbrandia Silva Manso
Xerosicyos Humbert a Xerosicyos Humbert
Zanonia L. a Zanonia L.
Zehneria Endl. a Zehneria Endl.
Zombitsia Keraudren Blastania Kotschy & Peyr. Zombitsia Keraudren Blastania Kotschy & Peyr.
Zucca Comm. ex Juss. Momordica L. Zucca Comm. ex Juss. Momordica L.
Zygosicyos Humbert Xerosicyos Humbert Zygosicyos Humbert Xerosicyos Humbert

ILRI Germplasm Policy (excerpts)

The International Livestock research Institute (ILRI) maintains a collection of forage germplasm as a global public good. The material was acquired prior to the entry into force of the Convention on Biological Diversity; or if it was acquired after the entering into force of the Convention on Biological Diversity, it was obtained with the understanding that it was held in trust and could be made available for any agricultural research, breeding and training purposes under the terms and conditions set out in the agreement between the ILRI and FAO dated 26 October 1994. On 16 October 2006, ILRI signed an agreement with the Governing Body of the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (the Treaty) placing these in trust collections of Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (PGRFA) within the purview of the Treaty.

In accordance with this Agreement, all shipments of PGRFA of crops listed in Annex 1 to the Treaty (shipments of PGRFA under the Multilateral System) will be subject to the terms and conditions of the Standard Material Transfer Agreement (SMTA). In the event that the SMTA (attached) is used for the transfer of Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture other than those listed in Annex 1 of the Treaty: i) The references in the SMTA to the "Multilateral System" shall not be interpreted as limiting the application of the SMTA to Annex 1 Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture, and in the case of Article 6.2 of the SMTA shall mean "under this Agreement". ii) The reference in Article 6.11 and Annex 3 of the SMTA to "Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture belonging to the same crop, as set out in Annex 1 to the Treaty" shall be taken to mean "Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture belonging to the same crop".

The material is held in trust and the recipient has no rights to obtain Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs) on the material or related information. The recipient may utilize and conserve the material for research, breeding and training and may distribute it to other parties provided such parties accept the terms and conditions of the SMTA .

ILRI will provide forage seeds in small experimental quantities of between 1 and 20 grams without charge from the germplasm collection under the SMTA as appropriate for the crop as part of its policy of maximizing the utilization of material for research, breeding and training. Larger quantities sufficient to sow up to one quarter of a hectare of a limited number of promising accessions will require that requesters cover the costs of production and shipping.

ILRI makes no warranties as to the safety or title of the material, nor as to the accuracy or correctness of any passport or other data provided with the material. Neither does it make any warranties as to the quality, viability, or purity (genetic or mechanical) of the material being furnished. The phytosanitary condition of the material is warranted only as described in the attached phytosanitary certificate. The recipient assumes full responsibility for complying with the recipient nation’s quarantine and biosafety regulations and rules as to import or release of genetic material.