
Genera and generic subdivisons of Sapindaceae Juss., nom. cons.
Accepted Names
Exclude infrageneric names

Acer L. a Acer L.
Acer L. sect. Acer a i Acer L. sect. Acer
Acer L. sect. Acer ser. Acer a i Acer L. sect. Acer ser. Acer
Acer L. sect. Acer ser. Monspessulana a i Acer L. sect. Acer ser. Monspessulana
Acer L. sect. Acer ser. Saccharodendron a i Acer L. sect. Acer ser. Saccharodendron
Acer L. sect. Ginnala a i Acer L. sect. Ginnala
Acer L. sect. Glabra a i Acer L. sect. Glabra
Acer L. sect. Glabra ser. Arguta a i Acer L. sect. Glabra ser. Arguta
Acer L. sect. Glabra ser. Glabra a i Acer L. sect. Glabra ser. Glabra
Acer L. sect. Hyptiocarpa a i Acer L. sect. Hyptiocarpa
Acer L. sect. Indivisa a i Acer L. sect. Indivisa
Acer L. sect. Lithocarpa a i Acer L. sect. Lithocarpa
Acer L. sect. Lithocarpa ser. Lithocarpa a i Acer L. sect. Lithocarpa ser. Lithocarpa
Acer L. sect. Lithocarpa ser. Macrophylla a i Acer L. sect. Lithocarpa ser. Macrophylla
Acer L. sect. Macrantha a i Acer L. sect. Macrantha
Acer L. sect. Negundo a i Acer L. sect. Negundo
Acer L. sect. Negundo ser. Cissifolia a i Acer L. sect. Negundo ser. Cissifolia
Acer L. sect. Negundo ser. Negundo a i Acer L. sect. Negundo ser. Negundo
Acer L. sect. Palmata a i Acer L. sect. Palmata
Acer L. sect. Palmata ser. Palmata a i Acer L. sect. Palmata ser. Palmata
Acer L. sect. Palmata ser. Penninervia a i Acer L. sect. Palmata ser. Penninervia
Acer L. sect. Palmata ser. Sinensia a i Acer L. sect. Palmata ser. Sinensia
Acer L. sect. Parviflora a i Acer L. sect. Parviflora
Acer L. sect. Parviflora ser. Caudata a i Acer L. sect. Parviflora ser. Caudata
Acer L. sect. Parviflora ser. Distyla a i Acer L. sect. Parviflora ser. Distyla
Acer L. sect. Parviflora ser. Parviflora a i Acer L. sect. Parviflora ser. Parviflora
Acer L. sect. Pentaphylla a i Acer L. sect. Pentaphylla
Acer L. sect. Pentaphylla ser. Pentaphylla a i Acer L. sect. Pentaphylla ser. Pentaphylla
Acer L. sect. Pentaphylla ser. Trifida a i Acer L. sect. Pentaphylla ser. Trifida
Acer L. sect. Platanoidea a i Acer L. sect. Platanoidea
Acer L. sect. Pubescentia a i Acer L. sect. Pubescentia
Acer L. sect. Rubra a i Acer L. sect. Rubra
Acer L. sect. Trifoliata a i Acer L. sect. Trifoliata
Acer L. sect. Trifoliata ser. Grisea a i Acer L. sect. Trifoliata ser. Grisea
Acer L. sect. Trifoliata ser. Mandshurica a i Acer L. sect. Trifoliata ser. Mandshurica
Acer L. sect. Wardiana a i Acer L. sect. Wardiana
Aesculus L. a Aesculus L.
Aesculus L. sect. Aesculus a i Aesculus L. sect. Aesculus
Aesculus L. sect. Calothyrsus a i Aesculus L. sect. Calothyrsus
Aesculus L. sect. Macrothyrsus a i Aesculus L. sect. Macrothyrsus
Aesculus L. sect. Parryana a i Aesculus L. sect. Parryana
Aesculus L. sect. Pavia a i Aesculus L. sect. Pavia
Alectryon Gaertn. a Alectryon Gaertn.
Allophylus L. a Allophylus L.
Allosanthus Radlk. a Allosanthus Radlk.
Amesiodendron Hu a Amesiodendron Hu
Anomosanthes Blume Lepisanthes Blume Anomosanthes Blume Lepisanthes Blume
Aphania Blume Lepisanthes Blume Aphania Blume Lepisanthes Blume
Aphanococcus Radlk. Lepisanthes Blume Aphanococcus Radlk. Lepisanthes Blume
Aporrhiza Radlk. a Aporrhiza Radlk.
Arfeuillea Pierre ex Radlk. a Arfeuillea Pierre ex Radlk.
Argentacer Small Acer L. Argentacer Small Acer L.
Arytera Blume a Arytera Blume
Atalaya Blume a Atalaya Blume
Athyana (Griseb.) Radlk. a Athyana (Griseb.) Radlk.
Averrhoidium Baill. a Averrhoidium Baill.
Beguea Capuron a Beguea Capuron
Belingia Pierre Zollingeria Kurz Belingia Pierre Zollingeria Kurz
Bemarivea Choux Tinopsis Radlk. Bemarivea Choux Tinopsis Radlk.
Billia Peyr. a Billia Peyr.
Bizonula Pellegr. a Bizonula Pellegr.
Blighia K. D. Koenig a Blighia K. D. Koenig
Blighiopsis Van der Veken a Blighiopsis Van der Veken
Blomia Miranda a Blomia Miranda
Boniodendron Gagnep. a Boniodendron Gagnep.
Bridgesia Bertero ex Cambess. a Bridgesia Bertero ex Cambess.
Calothyrsus Spach Aesculus L. Calothyrsus Spach Aesculus L.
Camptolepis Radlk. a Camptolepis Radlk.
Cardiophyllarium Choux Doratoxylon Thouars ex Benth. & Hook. f. Cardiophyllarium Choux Doratoxylon Thouars ex Benth. & Hook. f.
Cardiospermum L. a Cardiospermum L.
Castanospora F. Muell. a Castanospora F. Muell.
Chiarinia Chiov. Lecaniodiscus Planch. ex Benth. Chiarinia Chiov. Lecaniodiscus Planch. ex Benth.
Chimborazoa H. T. Beck a Chimborazoa H. T. Beck
Chonopetalum Radlk. a Chonopetalum Radlk.
Chouxia Capuron a Chouxia Capuron
Chytranthus Hook. f. a Chytranthus Hook. f.
Cnemidiscus Pierre Glenniea Hook. f. Cnemidiscus Pierre Glenniea Hook. f.
Cnesmocarpon Adema a Cnesmocarpon Adema
Conchopetalum Radlk. a Conchopetalum Radlk.
Cossignia Comm. ex Lam., orth. var. Cossinia Comm. ex Lam. Cossignia Comm. ex Lam., orth. var. Cossinia Comm. ex Lam.
Cossinia Comm. ex Lam. a Cossinia Comm. ex Lam.
Cotylodiscus Radlk. Plagioscyphus Radlk. Cotylodiscus Radlk. Plagioscyphus Radlk.
Crossonephelis Baill. Glenniea Hook. f. Crossonephelis Baill. Glenniea Hook. f.
Cubilia Blume a Cubilia Blume
Cupania L. a Cupania L.
Cupaniopsis Radlk. a Cupaniopsis Radlk.
Davilia Mutis Llagunoa Ruiz & Pav. Davilia Mutis Llagunoa Ruiz & Pav.
Deinbollia Schumach. a Deinbollia Schumach.
Delavaya Franch. a Delavaya Franch.
Delpya Pierre ex Radlk. Sisyrolepis Radlk. Delpya Pierre ex Radlk. Sisyrolepis Radlk.
Diacarpa Sim Atalaya Blume Diacarpa Sim Atalaya Blume
Dialiopsis Radlk. Zanha Hiern Dialiopsis Radlk. Zanha Hiern
Diatenopteryx Radlk. a Diatenopteryx Radlk.
Dictyoneura Blume a Dictyoneura Blume
Dilodendron Radlk. a Dilodendron Radlk.
Dimocarpus Lour. a Dimocarpus Lour.
Diploglottis Hook. f. a Diploglottis Hook. f.
Diplokeleba N. E. Br. a Diplokeleba N. E. Br.
Diplopeltis Endl. a Diplopeltis Endl.
Dipterodendron Radlk. Dilodendron Radlk. Dipterodendron Radlk. Dilodendron Radlk.
Dipteronia Oliv. a Dipteronia Oliv.
Distichostemon F. Muell. a Distichostemon F. Muell.
Dittelasma Hook. f. Sapindus L. Dittelasma Hook. f. Sapindus L.
Dodonaea Mill. a Dodonaea Mill.
Doratoxylon Thouars ex Benth. & Hook. f. a Doratoxylon Thouars ex Benth. & Hook. f.
Elattostachys (Blume) Radlk. a Elattostachys (Blume) Radlk.
Eriandrostachys Baill. Macphersonia Blume Eriandrostachys Baill. Macphersonia Blume
Eriocoelum Hook. f. a Eriocoelum Hook. f.
Erioglossum Blume Lepisanthes Blume Erioglossum Blume Lepisanthes Blume
Erythrophysa E. Mey. ex Arn. a Erythrophysa E. Mey. ex Arn.
Erythrophysopsis Verdc. Erythrophysa E. Mey. ex Arn. Erythrophysopsis Verdc. Erythrophysa E. Mey. ex Arn.
Euchorium Ekman & Radlk. a Euchorium Ekman & Radlk.
Euphoria Comm. ex Juss. Litchi Sonn. Euphoria Comm. ex Juss. Litchi Sonn.
Euphorianthus Radlk. a Euphorianthus Radlk.
Eurycorymbus Hand.-Mazz. a Eurycorymbus Hand.-Mazz.
Exothea Macfad. a Exothea Macfad.
Filicium Thwaites ex Benth. & Hook. f. a Filicium Thwaites ex Benth. & Hook. f.
Ganophyllum Blume a Ganophyllum Blume
Glenniea Hook. f. a Glenniea Hook. f.
Gloeocarpus Radlk. a Gloeocarpus Radlk.
Glossolepis Gilg Chytranthus Hook. f. Glossolepis Gilg Chytranthus Hook. f.
Gongrodiscus Radlk. a Gongrodiscus Radlk.
Gongrospermum Radlk. a Gongrospermum Radlk.
Guindilia Gillies ex Hook. & Arn. a Guindilia Gillies ex Hook. & Arn.
Guioa Cav. a Guioa Cav.
Handeliodendron Rehder a Handeliodendron Rehder
Haplocoelopsis F. G. Davies a Haplocoelopsis F. G. Davies
Haplocoelum Radlk. a Haplocoelum Radlk.
Harpullia Roxb. a Harpullia Roxb.
Hebecoccus Radlk. Lepisanthes Blume Hebecoccus Radlk. Lepisanthes Blume
Hedyachras Radlk. Glenniea Hook. f. Hedyachras Radlk. Glenniea Hook. f.
Hemigyrosa Blume Guioa Cav. Hemigyrosa Blume Guioa Cav.
Heterodendrum Desf. Alectryon Gaertn. Heterodendrum Desf. Alectryon Gaertn.
Hippobromus Eckl. & Zeyh. a Hippobromus Eckl. & Zeyh.
Hippocastanum Mill. Aesculus L. Hippocastanum Mill. Aesculus L.
Hornea Baker a Hornea Baker
Houssayanthus Hunz. a Houssayanthus Hunz.
Howethoa Rauschert Lepisanthes Blume Howethoa Rauschert Lepisanthes Blume
Hypelate P. Browne a Hypelate P. Browne
Hypseloderma Radlk. a Hypseloderma Radlk.
Jagera Blume a Jagera Blume
Koelreuteria Laxm. a Koelreuteria Laxm.
Koon Gaertn. Schleichera Willd. Koon Gaertn. Schleichera Willd.
Laccodiscus Radlk. a Laccodiscus Radlk.
Lecaniodiscus Planch. ex Benth. a Lecaniodiscus Planch. ex Benth.
Lepiderema Radlk. a Lepiderema Radlk.
Lepidopetalum Blume a Lepidopetalum Blume
Lepisanthes Blume a Lepisanthes Blume
Litchi Sonn. a Litchi Sonn.
Llagunoa Ruiz & Pav. a Llagunoa Ruiz & Pav.
Lophostigma Radlk. a Lophostigma Radlk.
Loxodiscus Hook. f. a Loxodiscus Hook. f.
Lychnodiscus Radlk. a Lychnodiscus Radlk.
Macphersonia Blume a Macphersonia Blume
Magonia A. St.-Hil. a Magonia A. St.-Hil.
Majidea J. Kirk ex Oliv. a Majidea J. Kirk ex Oliv.
Manongarivea Choux Lepisanthes Blume Manongarivea Choux Lepisanthes Blume
Matayba Aubl. a Matayba Aubl.
Melanodiscus Radlk. Glenniea Hook. f. Melanodiscus Radlk. Glenniea Hook. f.
Melicocca L. Melicoccus P. Browne Melicocca L. Melicoccus P. Browne
Melicoccus P. Browne a Melicoccus P. Browne
Mischarytera H. Turner a Mischarytera H. Turner
Mischocarpus Blume a Mischocarpus Blume
Mischocodon Radlk. Mischocarpus Blume Mischocodon Radlk. Mischocarpus Blume
Molinaea Comm. ex Juss. a Molinaea Comm. ex Juss.
Negundo Boehm. ex Ludw. Acer L. Negundo Boehm. ex Ludw. Acer L.
Neotina Capuron a Neotina Capuron
Nephelium L. a Nephelium L.
Omalocarpus Choux Deinbollia Schumach. Omalocarpus Choux Deinbollia Schumach.
Otonephelium Radlk. a Otonephelium Radlk.
Otophora Blume Lepisanthes Blume Otophora Blume Lepisanthes Blume
Palaoea Kaneh. Tristiropsis Radlk. Palaoea Kaneh. Tristiropsis Radlk.
Pancovia Willd. a Pancovia Willd.
Pappea Eckl. & Zeyh. a Pappea Eckl. & Zeyh.
Paranephelium Miq. a Paranephelium Miq.
Paullinia L. a Paullinia L.
Pavia Mill. Aesculus L. Pavia Mill. Aesculus L.
Pavieasia Pierre a Pavieasia Pierre
Pentascyphus Radlk. a Pentascyphus Radlk.
Phialodiscus Radlk. Blighia K. D. Koenig Phialodiscus Radlk. Blighia K. D. Koenig
Phyllotrichum Thorel ex Lecomte a Phyllotrichum Thorel ex Lecomte
Placodiscus Radlk. a Placodiscus Radlk.
Plagioscyphus Radlk. a Plagioscyphus Radlk.
Poculodiscus Danguy & Choux Plagioscyphus Radlk. Poculodiscus Danguy & Choux Plagioscyphus Radlk.
Podonephelium Baill. a Podonephelium Baill.
Pometia J. R. Forst. & G. Forst. a Pometia J. R. Forst. & G. Forst.
Porocystis Radlk. a Porocystis Radlk.
Pseudima Radlk. a Pseudima Radlk.
Pseudolitchi Danguy & Choux Stadmania Lam. Pseudolitchi Danguy & Choux Stadmania Lam.
Pseudonephelium Radlk. Dimocarpus Lour. Pseudonephelium Radlk. Dimocarpus Lour.
Pseudopancovia Pellegr. a Pseudopancovia Pellegr.
Pseudoprotorhus H. Perrier Filicium Thwaites ex Benth. & Hook. f. Pseudoprotorhus H. Perrier Filicium Thwaites ex Benth. & Hook. f.
Pseudopteris Baill. a Pseudopteris Baill.
Radlkofera Gilg a Radlkofera Gilg
Ratonia DC. Matayba Aubl. Ratonia DC. Matayba Aubl.
Rhysotoechia Radlk. a Rhysotoechia Radlk.
Rufacer Small Acer L. Rufacer Small Acer L.
Rulac Adans. Acer L. Rulac Adans. Acer L.
Saccharodendron (Raf.) Nieuwl. Acer L. Saccharodendron (Raf.) Nieuwl. Acer L.
Sapindopsis F. C. How & C. N. Ho Lepisanthes Blume Sapindopsis F. C. How & C. N. Ho Lepisanthes Blume
Sapindus L. a Sapindus L.
Sarcopteryx Radlk. a Sarcopteryx Radlk.
Sarcotoechia Radlk. a Sarcotoechia Radlk.
Schleichera Willd. a Schleichera Willd.
Schmidelia L. Allophylus L. Schmidelia L. Allophylus L.
Scyphonychium Radlk. a Scyphonychium Radlk.
Scyphopetalum Hiern Paranephelium Miq. Scyphopetalum Hiern Paranephelium Miq.
Semarillaria Ruiz & Pav. Paullinia L. Semarillaria Ruiz & Pav. Paullinia L.
Serjania Mill. a Serjania Mill.
Sinoradlkofera F. G. Mey. Boniodendron Gagnep. Sinoradlkofera F. G. Mey. Boniodendron Gagnep.
Sisyrolepis Radlk. a Sisyrolepis Radlk.
Smelophyllum Radlk. a Smelophyllum Radlk.
Stadmania Lam. a Stadmania Lam.
Stadmannia Lam., orth. var. Stadmania Lam. Stadmannia Lam., orth. var. Stadmania Lam.
Stocksia Benth. a Stocksia Benth.
Storthocalyx Radlk. a Storthocalyx Radlk.
Strophiodiscus Choux Plagioscyphus Radlk. Strophiodiscus Choux Plagioscyphus Radlk.
Synima Radlk. a Synima Radlk.
Talisia Aubl. a Talisia Aubl.
Talisiopsis Radlk. Zanha Hiern Talisiopsis Radlk. Zanha Hiern
Thinouia Triana & Planch. a Thinouia Triana & Planch.
Thouinia Poit. a Thouinia Poit.
Thouinidium Radlk. a Thouinidium Radlk.
Thraulococcus Radlk. Lepisanthes Blume Thraulococcus Radlk. Lepisanthes Blume
Tikalia Lundell Blomia Miranda Tikalia Lundell Blomia Miranda
Tina Schult. a Tina Schult.
Tinopsis Radlk. a Tinopsis Radlk.
Toechima Radlk. a Toechima Radlk.
Toulicia Aubl. a Toulicia Aubl.
Trigonachras Radlk. a Trigonachras Radlk.
Tripterodendron Radlk. a Tripterodendron Radlk.
Tristira Radlk. a Tristira Radlk.
Tristiropsis Radlk. a Tristiropsis Radlk.
Tsingya Capuron a Tsingya Capuron
Ungnadia Endl. a Ungnadia Endl.
Urvillea Kunth a Urvillea Kunth
Valenzuelia Bertero ex Cambess. Guindilia Gillies ex Hook. & Arn. Valenzuelia Bertero ex Cambess. Guindilia Gillies ex Hook. & Arn.
Vouarana Aubl. a Vouarana Aubl.
Xanthoceras Bunge a Xanthoceras Bunge
Xerospermum Blume a Xerospermum Blume
Zanha Hiern a Zanha Hiern
Zollingeria Kurz a Zollingeria Kurz

ILRI Germplasm Policy (excerpts)

The International Livestock research Institute (ILRI) maintains a collection of forage germplasm as a global public good. The material was acquired prior to the entry into force of the Convention on Biological Diversity; or if it was acquired after the entering into force of the Convention on Biological Diversity, it was obtained with the understanding that it was held in trust and could be made available for any agricultural research, breeding and training purposes under the terms and conditions set out in the agreement between the ILRI and FAO dated 26 October 1994. On 16 October 2006, ILRI signed an agreement with the Governing Body of the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (the Treaty) placing these in trust collections of Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (PGRFA) within the purview of the Treaty.

In accordance with this Agreement, all shipments of PGRFA of crops listed in Annex 1 to the Treaty (shipments of PGRFA under the Multilateral System) will be subject to the terms and conditions of the Standard Material Transfer Agreement (SMTA). In the event that the SMTA (attached) is used for the transfer of Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture other than those listed in Annex 1 of the Treaty: i) The references in the SMTA to the "Multilateral System" shall not be interpreted as limiting the application of the SMTA to Annex 1 Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture, and in the case of Article 6.2 of the SMTA shall mean "under this Agreement". ii) The reference in Article 6.11 and Annex 3 of the SMTA to "Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture belonging to the same crop, as set out in Annex 1 to the Treaty" shall be taken to mean "Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture belonging to the same crop".

The material is held in trust and the recipient has no rights to obtain Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs) on the material or related information. The recipient may utilize and conserve the material for research, breeding and training and may distribute it to other parties provided such parties accept the terms and conditions of the SMTA .

ILRI will provide forage seeds in small experimental quantities of between 1 and 20 grams without charge from the germplasm collection under the SMTA as appropriate for the crop as part of its policy of maximizing the utilization of material for research, breeding and training. Larger quantities sufficient to sow up to one quarter of a hectare of a limited number of promising accessions will require that requesters cover the costs of production and shipping.

ILRI makes no warranties as to the safety or title of the material, nor as to the accuracy or correctness of any passport or other data provided with the material. Neither does it make any warranties as to the quality, viability, or purity (genetic or mechanical) of the material being furnished. The phytosanitary condition of the material is warranted only as described in the attached phytosanitary certificate. The recipient assumes full responsibility for complying with the recipient nation’s quarantine and biosafety regulations and rules as to import or release of genetic material.